- 网络Large deviation;large-deviation

Large Deviations of ( r , p ) - capacities for Diffusion Processes
Large Deviations for Solutions to Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Semimartingale with Non-Lipschitz Coefficients
Using large deviation theory the rate of convergence for Annealing algorithm was estimated .
Large Deviations for the Moving Average Processes of NA and B-Valued Random Variables
A lower bound of I function of large deviation for Markov chains and convergence of annealing algorithm
When the system error is large , the switch control ( Bang-Bang control ) is used to increase rapidity ;
This paper introduces a compound Fuzzy-PID control algorithm which uses fuzzy control in big error and PID control in small error .
A Large Deviation for the Least Squares Estimators in Nonlinear Regression With m_0 Dependent Errors
A CAC Algorithm of Self-Similar Flows Based on Big Deviation Technology
Giving a probabilistic proof for Stirling formula by the technique of large deviation .
On Large Deviations for Φ - mixing Stationary Random Sequences in Hausdorff Locally Convex Topological Vector Spaces
The large deviation of MLE in multiparameter case
This paper suggests a decoupling in great deviation by ANN control , while PID control can be used to achieve the fast stabilization in small deviation and clean the static deviation .
Chapter 2 applies the theory of large deviations to analyze the intermediate or medium run behavior of the perturbed Markov chains , as the perturbation tends to zero .
This strategy adopts the fuzzy control within the scope of big error which speed dynamic process of response and adopts the PID control within small which removes the steady error and carry out accurate control .
Large Deviations for Parameter Estimates in Fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Model
The simulation indicated that the fuzzy control was taken in the case of large deviations and the self-adaptive fuzzy-PID control in the case of small , and that a high precise position tracking and synchronous control wad achieved .
Using the number of large deviation samples as statistics , a new sequential decision method for fast image matching is proposed . Under the condition that registration probability PD and false registration probability PF are given , the threshold sequence expression is derived .
This paper proposes the hybrid fuzzy and PID algorithm applying improved PID algorithm at small error and fuzzy control algorithm at large error , which is based on the analysis of the mathematic model of spherical digester cooking process .
A lower bound of I function of large deviation for Markov chains was presented and applied to obtain the conclusion that the rate of convergence in propability for Annealing algorithm has a order of fractional power of number of states .
In this paper , based on large deviation formulas established in stronger topology generated by H lder norm , we obtain the functional limit theorems for C-R increments of k-dimensional Brownian motion in H lder norm .
In this article , we build up two large deviations principles under some general conditions : large deviations principle for moving average processes of NA random variables with stationary distribution ; large deviations principle for moving average processes of i.i. d.
On the basis of the study , we consider precise large deviations for sums of negatively associated nonnegative random variables with certain negatively dependent occurrences . The obtained results extend and improve corresponding results of Ng et al .
As to Fuzzy-PID threshold controller , a fixed temperature was chosen as the threshold value , the Fuzzy control was adopted when the error was above the threshold value and the PID control was adopted when the error was below the threshold value .
The functional Erds-R é nyi 's law of large numbers for processes with stationary independent increments is obtained by using the estimate of large deviation .
The large deviations and Edgeworth expansions for the confidence levels are derived by integrating the approximations for boundary crossing probabilities , Some expressions for numerical calculation are obtained .
For two special estimators for the shift parameter in the two-sample problem , we have derived their large deviation results and their Chernoff ARE on a level set .
The authors obtain quasi sure local Strassen 's laws of the iterated logarithm for diffusion processes and the iterated stochastic integrals by larg deviation techniques .
In this paper , the large deviation theory has been used to analyze the performance of asymptotic self-similar traffic . And a call admission control algorithm of heavy tail distribution interval ON-OFF flow is proposed . The algorithm has been tested in simulating experiment .
Based on the Shannon entropy and Jaynes maximum entropy and large deviation entropy , the signification of information theory of large deviation rate function is explained . Thus , the rate function can be obtained easily by the entropy optimization principle .