
  • 网络Yelang;jyak-lang;tangle
夜郎 [yè láng]
  • [Yelang] 中国古族名和古国名。战国至汉时主要分布在今贵州西部、北部及云南东北部、四川南部。经营农业。已进入奴隶制社会。汉武帝时,大臣唐蒙上书武帝修治夜郎道路,用夜郎精兵征服南越,元鼎6年(公元前111年),汉武帝破南越后置牂牁郡,封夜郎侯为王,授王印

  • 夜郎滇池。--南朝梁. 丘迟《与陈伯之书》

  1. 夜郎国的国王也这样问汉朝的使者:“汉朝和夜郎国,哪一个人?”

    The King of Yelang also asked the emissary in the same way : " The Han Dynasty and the State of Yelang , which is bigger ? "

  2. 一次,汉朝派遣使者出使滇国(今云南)和夜郎国(今贵州)。

    Once , the Han Dynasty dispatched1 an emissary to the State of Dian ( now Yunnan Province ) and the State of Yelang ( now Guizhou Province ) .

  3. 贵州岩画与夜郎文化关系试探

    Tentatively on the Relationship between Guizhou Rock Paintings and Yelang Culture

  4. 古夜郎国植根于喀斯特环境。

    The ancient Yelang Country is produced in the karst environment .

  5. 由于他老是装出一副自以为是的架势,所以同学们就叫他自大的夜郎。

    His classmates called him a show-off because of his bumptious airs .

  6. 夜郎研究述评及新主张&夜郎中心黔南说

    The Commentary on Yelang and New View Points Qiannan as Its Central Location

  7. 古代的巴、蜀、夜郎地区的主要民族所处区域虽先后有别,但秦之时其分布的大体格局就已经形成。

    But the pattern of their distribution has already come into being during Qin dynasty .

  8. 夜郎文化资源开发的实践与思考

    Practice of and Reflection on the Exploitation of the Cultural Resources of the Yelang kingdom

  9. 夜郎竹王传说与彝族竹灵崇拜

    Legend of the Bamboo King of Yelang and the Yis ' Worship of Bamboo Divinity

  10. 近年来,“夜郎自大”所体现的对于夜郎君主的误解开始引起学者们的广泛关注。

    The misapprehend about Ludicrous Conceit of the King of Yelang catch scholar 's attention recently .

  11. 古夜郎国的文化源头考析夫余的地理环境与疆域

    A Verification of the Birthplace of Ancient Yelang Nation On Ancient Geographical Environment and Territory of Fuyu Nation

  12. 夜郎绿歌

    Green song in Yelang

  13. 广西和里三王宫和夜郎文化关系探析从西方悲剧理论看《汉宫秋》的悲剧性

    Observing the Relationship between the palace of the Third Son of Yelang And the Culture of Yelang ; The Tragedy of the " Autumn in the Palace of Han "

  14. 单纯地为开发文化而开发文化难以真正体现其价值,夜郎文化资源的开发也必须与经济发展和旅游、文化等相结合,才能产生相应的经济和社会效益。

    So development of " Yelang " cultural resources should be combined with economy , tourism and culture , and by this way it can produce corresponding economic and social effects .

  15. 五是以“夜郎文化”、“水西文化”和该区独特的旅游资源“包装”产品,提高产品知名度。

    The fifth is " packing " the products with the " Night man culture "," water western culture " and the special tourism resources , lifting the popularity of the products .

  16. 假如夜郎国王明知道汉朝比自己大得不可相比,他还要如此相问,那他才当之无愧是一个失却了理智的妄自尊大之人呢!

    If nocturnal man king knows perfectly well him Hanchaobi to be gotten greatly , cannot compare , he asks so even , that he just be worthy of is a person that lost sensible bumbledom !

  17. 黔西北是一块历史悠久、本土文化丰富多彩的土地,这里有古老的夜郎文化、丰富的汉民族文化和多彩的少数民族文化,积淀了深厚的文化底蕴。

    The northwestern Guizhou province is a land of long history and rich native culture , there are old Yelang culture , rich Han nationality culture and the colorful minority nationality culture , accumulating the deep cultural foundation .

  18. 桐梓县作为“黔北门户”,是革命老区、夜郎故地、方竹笋之乡,资源丰富、气候凉爽,素有天然“氧吧”之称。

    As a " Gateway of North Guizhou ", Tongzi County is the old revolutionary base areas , Yelang old haunt , rich in resources , and climate is cool and it has long been known as natural " oxygen bar " .

  19. 其实,滇国和夜郎国的疆土,只有汉朝的一个州那么大,可是他们闭关自守,闭目塞听,不了解外界的情况。

    As a matter of fact , the territories of the State of Dian and the State of Yelang were only as big as a prefecture of the Han Dynasty , but they closed their states to the external contact , shut their eyes and stopped their ears , and didn 't understand the conditions of the outside world .