
Gary Potter , co-head of Thames River Capital 's multi-manager calls it is a " straightforward fund " and adds that fund manager Robin Geffen understands the Russian market .
This year 's ambition is to build a global multi-manager platform and pu sh forward the property securities side of the business .
It was first to market its property unit trust aggressively to the pension fund market , first to launch a Jersey-based vehicle , and sowed the seeds of the multi-manager approach .
Simon Ellis , brought into Fidelity from Axa in May this year to head the multi-manager business , says the growth of open architecture and fund of funds has taken off rapidly in Europe , particularly in Germany and Spain .
Simon Fraser , president of institutional business at Fidelity International , says : Multi-manager assets are forecast to grow even faster over the next few years , averaging an annual rate of 18 per cent between now and 2009 – three times faster than mutual fund assets overall .
The multi-manager approach is the response to that problem .
Increasingly , however , multi-manageris becoming a global phenomenon .
Such an approach may answer some of the concerns about multi-manager products .
We think multi-manager is one of them .
MS Munro says many multi-managers focus on risk rather than trying to generate returns .
We are finding an interest in retail banks in particular in adopting a third party multi-manager .
MS Munro says many multi-managers make the mistake of having the same set of questions for all managers .
The US dominates the multi-manager market , with an estimated 50 per cent of the world 's assets .
The growth of multi-manager products has been driven by changes in the way funds are sold , says Mr poor .
This year 's ambition is to build a global multi-manager platform and push forward the property securities side of the business .
Fidelity , which has been running multi-manager fund of funds since 2003 for UK investors , sees it as a business opportunity not to be missed .
The initial route into overseas markets was via multi-manager and Property Securities , areas that do not need people on the ground , says Mr Hill .
Net new sales worldwide have grown by 17 per cent a year over the last five years for multi-manager portfolios , against 5 per cent for mutual funds .
The boutique multi-managers are more likely to be looking at high conviction managers , but do not necessarily have the systems and support in place that proper risk management demands .
So fidelity sees the way forward in the institutional space as a multi-manager , multi-asset , multi-specialist player for defined benefit schemes , and as a supplier of target funds for defined contribution schemes .