
  • 网络many-to-many;many to many;M-N;many;many-many
  1. 共享fixture并测试多对多关联

    Sharing fixtures and testing many-to-many associations

  2. 多对多的消息传递(Many-to-manymessaging),这也是一种发布-订阅模型,同时还扩展了一对多的消息传递模型。

    Many-to-many messaging , also a publish-subscribe model , extends one-to-many messaging .

  3. 基于SOAP的多对多通信模型研究

    The research of SOAP-based many-to-many communication model

  4. 当一个维度和一个事实之间有一个隐式的多对多关系时会出现PartialKeyJoins。

    Partial Key Joins occur when there is an implicit many to many relationship between a dimension and a fact .

  5. 标签中的cascade属性用来指明这种多对多关系的联机类型。

    The tag 's cascade attribute specifies the cascading style to be applied to this association .

  6. 一种多对多BOM结构的实现

    Realization of BOM structure Based on Many to Many

  7. 全文的研究内容主要包括以下几个部分:建立了基于网格思想的ASP多对多服务模型。

    The research works have been done as follows : The grid theory based ASP More-for-More service model is built up .

  8. 典型的数据库标准会建议需要先创建一张比萨表,然后再创建一张将比萨ID与浇头ID关联起来的多对多表。

    Classic database normalization would say to create a Pizza table , and then a many-to-many table relating pizza IDs to topping IDs .

  9. 具体来讲,将创建一个多对多关系,并通过Ajax使用户体验变得自然而有趣。

    Specifically , you 'll create a many-to-many relationship and use Ajax to make the user experience natural and enjoyable .

  10. 然而GWT不能进行多对多的映射,因为它仅在代码层级进行操作。

    And the many-to-many mapping cannot be achieved by GWT because it operates at the code level .

  11. 为了便于描述测评方法与密码算法之间多对多的对应关系,以及实现测评系统自动化工作模式,制定了相关的XML规范格式。

    In order to facilitate the description of the many-to-many relationship between evaluation methods and cryptographic algorithms , the automatic work pattern in evaluation is realized , and the XML files are formatted .

  12. 提出了多对多RPC模型,讨论了该模型各部分的结构以及服务请求对象的内容。

    The model of many-to-many RPC is presented in this paper . And then the structure of this model is discussed .

  13. 本文对RFID网络的特征、行为进行了研究,RFID网络是建立在IP网络基础上的,以代理为基础的多对多事件通信的重叠网;

    The properties and behaviors of RFID networks was studied in this paper , RFID network is an overlay networks based on event many-to-many communication , and built on IP networks .

  14. 在Tracer中间进程的设计中,本文提出了多对多的通信模型,以实现对多个后台账户的消息跟踪,提高了跟踪功能的实用性。

    For the tracer process , this paper proposes many to many communication model , which enable tracing multiple account concurrently , to higher the tracing effeciency .

  15. 之后的“使用Ajax实现多对多关系”教您使用GORM建模越来越复杂的类关系。

    Later , in " Many-to-many relationships with a dollop of Ajax ," you used GORM to model increasingly sophisticated class relationships .

  16. 针对网络中心发布/订阅系统异步、松散耦合和多对多通信等特点,采用了SOAP消息传递机制对信息进行了封装,从而屏蔽了信息的异构性。

    According to the characteristics of asynchronism , many-to-many and loose-coupled communication of Net Centric Publish / Subscribe System , this paper proposes an approach of encapsulating the messages with SOAP ( Simple Object Access Protocol ) to shield the heterogeneity .

  17. 本文介绍用最小二乘准则建立多对多线性回归模型(MLR),以及建立主成分回归(PCR),并通过例子比较之。

    In the paper , we discussed how to builds multiple linear regression ( MLR ) model with least-squares criterion , and builds principal component regression model , made a comparison between them by the example .

  18. Volta提供了语言(用于写代码)与运行时(用于执行代码)间的多对多映射。

    Volta provides a many-to-many mapping between the languages in which the code is written and the runtime where the code executes .

  19. 多对多消息传递的一个很好的例子就是e-maillistserve:多个发布者可以将多条消息投递到一个主题,而所有的订阅者将获取每一条消息。

    A good example of many-to-many messaging would be an e-mail listserve : multiple publishers can post messages on a topic , and all subscribers will receive each message .

  20. 这种网络成功实现了多对多联想记忆,但目前还没有看到任何从数学角度对MAM神经网络进行的理论研究。

    Although this type of network is a successful model which can realize a many-to-many association , there are few theoretical studies of the network as viewed from mathematics up to now .

  21. 针对分布式信息系统中本地或网络存储(如SAN、NAS)、信息远程传输等情况下所存在的多对多随机交叉加密的应用需求,提出了一种多线程密码芯片的体系结构及其服务方法。

    To satisfy the requirements of many-to-many randomly switching encryption in local and network storage ( such as SAN , NAS ) and remote transmission of information in distributed information systems , an architecture and service method of a multi-thread cipher chip are presented .

  22. 首先提出了网络化制造ASP平台的多对多服务模式,使得地理分布的多个ASP服务节点协同面对客户的制造应用服务,提高了制造平台的服务能力,并且缓解了网络带宽的压力。

    Firstly , the ASP More-for-More service model of networked manufacturing ASP platform is analyzed , which makes more than one distributing ASP service nodes deal with the manufacturing application service of client , and then the service ability is improved and the stress of bandwidth of network is eased .

  23. 这种模式的缺点是稍微增加了一点复杂性,事实表与UCAT表之间存在多对多的关系。

    The disadvantage of this schema is a slightly increased complexity with a many-to-many relationship between the fact table and the UCAT table .

  24. 为了实现XMSF网络服务需求,需采用叠加组播技术提供多对多的通信服务,同时须使用拥塞控制机制以保证网络服务质量(Qos)。

    In order to meet network service requirements , many-to-many multicast should be provided in a way of overlay multicast . And a congestion control mechanism ought to be used to ensure the Network Quality of Service ( Qos ) .

  25. 这里使用关联CheckOne是为了保证在关联执行时多对多关联不会被考虑进去。

    The CheckOne relation is applied here to make sure that many-to-many associations will not be taken into account in the execution of the relation .

  26. 多对多的组播拥塞控制研究

    Research on Congestion Control of Many - to - many Multicast

  27. 透明的,以多对多的工件关系支持跨领域可见性。

    Transparent , providing cross domain visibility via many-to-many artifact relationships .

  28. 请求和替代提供商之间可以是多对多的关系。

    It can be a many-to-many relationship between requesting and substitute providers .

  29. 多对多转移链关系信息模型的设计及其应用

    Design and Application for Relation Information Models with Multi to Multi Transfer

  30. 多对多雷达干扰效果模糊综合理论评估

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Theoretical Evaluation of Multi jammer to Multi radar Jamming Effect