
duō nánɡ shèn
  • polycystic kidney
  1. 色盲是伴性隐性遗传疾病,男性发病率为女性的二十倍。高分辨超声在常染色体隐性遗传性多囊肾诊断中的价值

    Colour Blindness is a sex-linked recessive trait 20 times more common in men than in women . High-resolution Ultrasonography in the Assessment of Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease

  2. 成人型多囊肾的CT征象与临床价值探讨

    Clinical Evaluation of CT Findings with Adult Polycystic Kidney

  3. 遗传性多囊肾高密度肾囊肿的CT诊断(附2例报告)

    CT Diagnosis of High-Density Renal Cysts in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney ( 2 Cases Report )

  4. 多囊肾的CT诊断

    CT diagnosis of Polycystic kidney

  5. CT显示肝实质多个较大包囊,与显性遗传性多囊肾病人的肝脏病变相一致。

    This transverse CT scan of the liver demonstrates multiple large cysts in the parenchyma , consistent with polycystic change in the liver of a patient with dominant polycystic kidney disease .

  6. 新型PPARγ激动剂DH9抑制多囊肾囊肿衬里上皮细胞增殖的作用和机制研究

    Effects of a Novel PPAR γ Agonist on Cell Proliferation in ADPKD Cystic-lining Epithelial Cells

  7. 正常人,多囊肾以及慢性膀胱炎患者,尿沉渣中WT1基因表达均为阴性。

    WT1 expression in the urine of the healthy subjects or cystitis patients was negative .

  8. 方法445例510个肾囊肿于CT导引下经皮穿刺肾囊肿抽液后注射无水乙醇治疗,445例中385例为单发肾囊肿,53例多发肾囊肿,7例多囊肾。

    Methods Five hundred and ten renal cysts in 445 patients were undergone CT guided percutaneous renal cysts puncture and ethanol therapy . Among the 445 cases , 385 cases had solitary renal cyst , 53 multiple renal cysts , and 7 polycystic kidneys .

  9. 这个患者有显性多囊肾(DPKD)。

    This patient had dominant polycystic kidney disease ( DPKD ) .

  10. 开始下床活动时间1~2d,术后4~9d出院,所有病理结果提示符合多囊肾改变。

    Patients began out of bed activities in 1-2 days after operation and were discharged from hospital at 4 ~ 9 days . All the pathological findings were in accordance with changes of ploycystic kidney .

  11. 目的提高对婴儿型多囊肾(IPKD)的影像学认识。

    Objective to improve imaging recognition of infantile polycystic kidney disease ( IPKD ) .

  12. 术后因患者职业病所致骨髓抑制和多囊肾及肾功能减退影响了免疫抑制剂的应用,曾发生二次排斥反应,经MP冲击治疗很快控制。

    Because the patient had depressed marrow induced by occupational disease and polycystic kidney , So the postoperative immunosuppressive therapy was interfered , that the patient oc-cured two rejection , but they were controled rapidly by the treatment of large dosage methy prednisolone .

  13. 鞭毛结构和调控异常与多种疾病的发生密切相关,如多囊肾、Kartagener综合症等。

    The dysfunction of flagellum / cilium is associated with several human diseases , such as polycystic kidney disease , Kartagener syndrome and so on .

  14. 已有的研究表明鞭毛/纤毛的结构和调控异常与多种人类疾病的发生密切相关,如组织的左右不对称、Kartagener综合症、多囊肾、多指/多趾等。

    The dysfunction of flagellum / cilium is bound up with several human diseases , such as left-right asymmetry in the organization , Kartagener syndrome , polycystic kidney disease , Multi-fingered or polydactyly and so on .

  15. 内引流联合去顶减压治疗成人多囊肾

    Internal Drainage and Windowing Decompression for Multiple Renal Cyst in Adults

  16. 异质性成人型多囊肾基因定位研究

    Study on gene location in a family of heterogeneous adult polycystic

  17. 高分辨率声呐部面仪高分辨超声在常染色体隐性遗传性多囊肾诊断中的价值

    High-resolution Ultrasonography in the Assessment of Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease

  18. 中国汉族人群常染色体显性多囊肾的临床特征

    Characteristics of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in Chinese Han population

  19. 梗阻在成人多囊肾发病中作用的初步探讨

    Role of Nephron Obstruction in the Pathogenesis of Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease

  20. 后腹腔镜肾囊肿去顶减压术治疗成人多囊肾

    Retroperitoneal laparoscopic renal cyst decortication in treating adult polycystic kidney

  21. 常染色体显性多囊肾疾病行胚胎植入前遗传学诊断的实验研究

    Experimental research on preimplantation genetic diagnosis for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

  22. 去顶减压加带蒂大网膜包裹治疗成人多囊肾

    Depression and pedicled omental packing for the treatment of adult polycystic kidney

  23. 用B超检查并诊断86例胎儿畸形,表述了无脑儿、脊柱裂、脑积水、胎儿多囊肾、胎儿内脏外翻、胎儿臀部畸胎瘤、联体畸形等多种畸形的声像图表现。

    Eighty-six cases of fetal malformation were diagnosed by B -

  24. 5例成人型多囊肾家系调查

    Pedigree investigation on 5 cases of adult polycystic kidney disease

  25. 超声引导注射硬化剂治疗先天性多囊肾

    Ultrasonic Guide Injection of Sclerosing Agent in Treatment of Congenital Polycystic Kidney

  26. 小儿多囊肾19例临床分析

    Clinical study of 1 9 children with polycystic kidney

  27. 多囊肾;肾移植;存活率;急性排斥反应;

    Kidney , polycystic ; Kidney transplantation ; Survival rate ; Acute rejection ;

  28. 去顶减压加内引流治疗成人型多囊肾

    Treatments of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease with unroof decompression and intracystic drainage

  29. 多囊肾9例,占4.00%;

    Cases were polycystic kidney accounting for 4.00 % ;

  30. 多囊肾超声引导穿刺硬化治疗的远期疗效观察

    Observation on long term treatment of polycystic kidney by ultrasound guided percutaneous sclerotherapy