
  1. 而外面的世界,你所能看见的就只是透过房顶缝隙射进来的阳光。

    All you see of the outside world is the sunlight beaming through the cracks in the roof .

  2. 在我还很小的时候,我就很向往外面的世界。

    From a young age , I 've had a really deep connection with being outside .

  3. 然而,她对自己的生活感到非常的厌烦,所以她十分向往外面的世界。

    However , she gets so bored with her life that she is thirsty for the outside world .

  4. 别担心!如果这很重要,他们会到外面的世界去学习它。

    Don 't worry ! If it is important , they will go out into the world and learn it .

  5. “旅游痒”指的是喜爱旅游的人太长时间没有出去时心里的一种感觉。他们知道外面的世界还有很多值得看和值得做的事情,那是一种想要去探索的欲望。

    Travel itch is the feeling a traveller gets when they 've sat still for too long , when they know there 's so much more to be seen and done , it 's the desire to explore .

  6. 通过新建的WiFi热点,更多的古巴人开始上网,从外面的世界了解更多的信息。

    With new Wi-Fi hotspots , more Cubans are starting to go online and get information from the outside world .

  7. 外面的世界日新月异,诺基亚高管们却依然坚守着老化的塞班(Symbian)操作系统,结果浪费了太多的时间。

    And even as the world around them was changing , company execs clung to Symbian , Nokia 's aging operating system , for far too long .

  8. “最重要的是要使监狱看起来尽可能和外面的世界没什么两样,”该监狱的一位建筑师HansHenrikHoilund说。

    " The most important thing is that the prison looks as much like the outside world as possible ," says Hans Henrik Hoilund , one of the prison 's architects .

  9. 让我们面对现实吧:外面的世界很难闯。

    Lets face it : its a hard world out there .

  10. 我对外面的世界没有任何经济价值

    I was of no possible economic value to the outside world

  11. 外面的世界让人感到很累

    It 's exhausting being on the outside all the time .

  12. 电视让外面的世界更贴近人们的家庭。

    TV brings the outside world closer to people 's homes .

  13. 外面的世界没有一处容得下我这样的怪物

    The outside world has no place for a creature like me

  14. 你应该离开这里去征服外面的世界

    You should be out there claiming the world as your own

  15. 外面的世界对于穿高跟鞋的人有许多障碍。

    The outside world contains many hazards for the sophisticated heel wearer .

  16. 外面的世界已经改变太多了。

    So much restlessness and change in the outside world .

  17. 只听说外面的世界真是很精彩。

    Ever heard that the outside world is very colourful .

  18. 总想外边的世界,可是外面的世界是变化莫测的!

    Outsidealways thinks the world , but the outside world is unpredictable !

  19. 让人们明白外面的世界有多疯狂。

    It makes folks realize how crazy the world is out there .

  20. 你的秘密必须与外面的世界分享。

    This is a gift you must share with the outside world .

  21. 你再最后看一眼外面的世界。

    You take one last look at the outside world .

  22. 外面的世界真精彩啊。

    It 's the wild , wild west out there .

  23. 外面的世界里有非犹太人,阿拉伯人,诸如此类。

    Out there were the Gentiles , Saracens and such .

  24. 更多的知识将会把我们的视野开阔到外面的世界。

    More knowledge will open up our eyes to the outside world .

  25. 她只是想着去看外面的世界。

    I think she just wantedto see whawas out there .

  26. 我们童年的夏季里,外面的世界&是战争。

    Outside , in our childhood summers & the war .

  27. 这位老隐士与外面的世界隔绝了。

    The old recluse secluded himself from the outside world .

  28. 除此之外苹果外面的世界瞬息万变

    Especially as the world around Apple was changing fast .

  29. 我们没必要恐惧外面的世界,杰登

    We don 't have to fear the outside world , Jaden .

  30. 它会让人们看见外面的世界。

    It will make people see the outside world .