
  • 网络red gentleman
  1. 胖红先生欢迎回到我们的村子

    Mr. Red , welcome back to the village .

  2. 胖红先生现在我们该怎么办?

    Mr. Red . What do we do now ?

  3. 胖红先生你应当为自己感到羞愧你令整个族群蒙受耻辱

    Mr. Red , you 've shamed not only yourself , but our entire community !

  4. 当然,两个红先生选择的是同一个产品,只是描述方式稍有不同。

    The two Mr Reds , of course , chose exactly the same product described in a slightly different way .

  5. 例如,一种描述方式是:在红先生的有生之年,在社会保险之外,他每个月可以开销650美元。

    For instance , when told that Mr Red can spend $ 650 each month for as long as he lives in addition to social security .

  6. 胖红先生,鉴于你的罪行性质恶劣,我只能从重发落,对你判处法律规定范围内最严重的刑罚,接受愤怒管理课程。

    Mr. Red , given the severity of the crimes , I have no choice but to impose the maximum penalty allowed by the law . Anger management class .

  7. 胖红先生,我们是一个欢乐和谐的鸟类族群。在无敌神鹰的庇护下,我们劳动、玩耍、欢笑,我们热爱并享受这种与世无争的生活。

    Mr.Red , we are a happy , happy bird community.Under the protection of Mighty Eagle , we work , we play , we laugh , we love , and we live our lives free from conflict and strife , sir .

  8. 当受访者得知,红先生向一个账户投入了10万美元,从而在有生之年每月获得650美元;他只能提取账户收益,不能撤回本金。

    Few fancied Mr Red 's decision when told that he had invested $ 100,000 in an account which earns $ 650 each month for as long as he lives . He can only withdraw the earnings he receives , not the invested money .