
wài bǎn
  • Outer plate;shell plating;planking
外板[wài bǎn]
  1. 交船前怎样对船体外板进行油漆?

    Before delivering the ship to the owner , how do you paint the shell plating ?

  2. 船体外板重量重心计算程序

    A program to calculate the total weight and the center of gravity of ship hull shell plating

  3. 应用非均匀B样条曲线拟合船体型线,为此迅速得到货舱区分段船体外板的近似实长。

    Approximately real length of block shell plate can be rapidly resolved out by application of NUBLine to fit ship lines .

  4. 基于ANSYS软件的船体外板有限元建模方法研究

    Study on ANSYS FE Modelling Method of Ship-Hull Surface

  5. 本文主要应用非均匀B样条知识将水火加工船体外板三维表达,对其中涉及到的主要算法,如正算、反算、德布尔算法、边界条件等进行了研究。

    The article expressions hull plate bending by line heating by Non-Uniform B-spline , studying the algorithms , including interpolation , boundary condition , etc.

  6. 水火加工船体外板表达与展开软件系统,以Windows作为软件的开发平台,由于其特有的面向对象的程序设计方法及消息驱动等许多优点,使程序结构清晰、易于维护和扩充;

    The software system of expression and development of hull plate bending by line heating is based on windows platform .

  7. GAUSS曲率数值计算及其在船体外板展开中的应用

    Gauss curvature numerical method for ship 's shell-plating expansion

  8. 模具CAE技术在轿车发动机罩外板模具调试中的应用

    The Application of Die CAE Technology to Die Tryout for Car Engine Hood Panel

  9. 利用VBA技术实现外板展开线的自动绘制

    Drawing shell expansion line by VBA program

  10. 外板展开图程序1000kt/a粒状DAP联产200kt/a粉状MAP扩能方案剖析

    Capacity Expansion Plan Analysis of 1000 kt / a Granular DAP with Joint Production of 200 kt / a Powder MAP

  11. 最后,论文通过对汽车B柱和汽车侧围外板件的成形模拟结果和实验结果的对比,验证了系统的准确性和有效性。

    At last , the accuracy and effectiveness of the system was demonstrated by the comparsion of the simulation results and experimental results of the auto B pillar and auto body side outer panels .

  12. 枕骨蛛网膜颗粒压迹在CT上表现为半圆形、半卵圆形或浅弧形,少数可呈穿凿样骨质缺损,深达板障或外板。

    Characteristic findings of occipital arachnoid granulations on CT were semiorbicular or semilunar depression of occipital inner table , or a punched-out like bone defect from the inner table into the outer table .

  13. X⑨.经S1椎弓根轴线髂骨翼外板至S1椎体中点的长度;

    The length from the external fringe of the iliac wing to the middle of the S1 vertebral body through the axis of the S_1 pediculus arcus vertebrae , X ⑩ .

  14. Al-Mg-Si基合金车门外板冲压成形过程的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Al-Mg-Si Based Alloy Auto Outer Door Panel Forming Processes

  15. 本文以轿车引擎盖外板为例,完成了其拉深模型面的CAD设计和成形性的CAE分析的工作,并进行了试验。

    In this paper , Example of hood outer panel , Finished the design of CAD for hood outer panel drawing die face and the work of analysis for panels formability .

  16. 对影响装配质量的关键部件车门的加上质量进行了详细的统计分析,分析了安装密封条前后车门外板在X向和Y向的变形情况。

    Detail statistical analyses of manufacturing quality of doors have been done , which has crucial effect on as-sembling quality . Deformations in X and Y direction of outer panels of doors after sealing strips fitted are analyzed .

  17. 通过对客车前侧围外板实物反求过程中的数据采集和数据处理以及曲面构造等关键过程的研究和阐述,实现了反求技术在汽车覆盖件CAD设计中的应用。

    Through the research and expatiation of data collection , processing and com-plex surface construction during the reverse process of the car frontal out-cover , the ap-plication of reverse technology in the car cover parts CAD design was realized .

  18. 将VC的可视化界面与MATLAB强大的数值计算和图形显示能力相结合,建立了复杂船体外板曲面拟合成型的计算机软件。

    Combining the visual interface of VC with the powerful numerical computation and graphics display of MATLAB , the computer software for ship hull ′ s complicated curve surface forming with fitting method has been developed .

  19. 使用UG三维CAD软件对汽车侧围外板零件进行三维建模,并转换到Dynaform中建立了侧围外板零件的有限元模型;

    We build the three-dimension numerical model for the automobile 's side frame outer panel by the CAD software , UG and translate it into the DYNAFORM for building its FEM model ;

  20. 本文主要介绍如何用Auto-lisp语言编程,将肋骨线型图中的构件线展开到外板图,以及将外板图中的板缝线返回到肋骨线型图。

    The paper deals with how to use the AUTO LISP program to turn the component lines on the line drawing to the shell expansion and feed the plate seam lines back to the lines .

  21. 同时采用试验FLD作为破裂判据对车门外板冲压过程进行了模拟,探讨Al-Mg-Si基合金车身板对于冲压成形的适应性。

    Forming processes of door panel was also simulated using FLD as fracture criterion , through which the adaptability for forming of Al-Mg-Si based alloy sheet was studied .

  22. 用CV-DORS提取外板信息

    To Retrieve the Information of Plate with CV-DORS

  23. 在轴位CT图像上测量髂骨后缘到骶翼、S1椎弓根、S1椎弓根纵轴的距离、髂骨外板与骶椎前缘皮质的距离。

    The distance from the posterior limit of the ilium to the sacral ala , pedicle of S 1 and its axis , and the distance between the outer table of the ilium and anterior cortex of the sacrum were measured on axial computed tomography scans .

  24. 松果体中心距颅左、右壁外板的距离70.7±6.8mm、71.4±7.2mm。

    The distance of pineal center to right and left skull wall : 71 4 ± 7.2mm / 70.7 ± 6.8mm .

  25. 多款高性能汽车,如宝马M6和雪佛兰科尔维特(ChevroletCorvette),车体外板均采用碳纤维材料。不仅如此,它还取代了车内装饰用的薄木板和铝制材料,成为新的装饰材料。

    A couple of high-end performance cars like the BMW M6 and Chevrolet Corvette have carbon fiber body panels , and the material is used for interior trim in the place of wood veneers or aluminum .

  26. 船体中0.5L区域内舭部不规则开口群破坏了外板的连续性,在急剧变化断面处产生应力集中。

    Group irregular openings made in the hull bilge of 0 . 5L midship break the continuity of hull structure and give rise to stress concentration at sections with rapid changes .

  27. 卡车纵梁外板纵向翘曲的仿真分析

    Simulation analysis of the lengthways warp of truck carling outside board

  28. 自体颅骨外板移植修复外伤性颅骨缺损

    Repair of Traumatic Skull Defect Treated with Self Skull External Lamina

  29. 船体外板火焰成型加工专家系统

    An Expert System of the Flame Bending for the Shell Plate

  30. 带颞浅动脉蒂颅骨外板移植修复面部凹陷畸形

    Vascularized outer-table calvarial bone flaps to repair depressed disfigurement of face