
  • 网络Flute And Drum At Sunset;Xiao and Drum Played Under The Setting Sun;instrumental music at sunset
  1. 释析《夕阳箫鼓》的钢琴演奏

    An Analysis of the Piano Playing of Xi Yang Xiao Gu

  2. 长笛独奏曲《夕阳箫鼓》中的音乐内涵与特殊技巧运用

    Music Connotation and the Use of Special Techniques in the Flute Solo " Sunset Xiao Drum "

  3. 简析钢琴改编曲《夕阳箫鼓》的音乐创作

    An analysis of the music production of piano music Flute and Drum Melody of the Setting Sun

  4. 《夕阳箫鼓》是一部融合现代长笛特殊演奏技巧及特殊音乐手法的中国民族风格音乐作品。

    The structure and the specific use of a special musical skills make the music work have rich music connotation .

  5. 因此,由两种乐器分别演奏《夕阳箫鼓》,各具特色。

    Therefore , from the two musical instruments were to play the Xi Yang Xiao Gu , with their own characteristics .