
  • 网络Complex Option
  1. 随着计算机、先进通讯技术的应用,复杂期权定价公式的运用成为可能。

    The application of computers and advanced communication technology makes it possible to use complicated option pricing formulas .

  2. 亚式期权是路径依赖的复杂期权,它的价值依赖于标的资产在一定时期内的平均值。

    Asian Options are path-dependent exotic Options , their values depend on the average value of the original assets in the periods .

  3. 另一个方向是如何确定日趋复杂的期权的价值。

    The other is how to price the more and more complicated options .

  4. 其研究的重点在于两个方面:一个是如何构造出新的期权,以满足不断变化的市场投资需要;另一个是如何确定这些日趋复杂的期权的价值,即给期权定价的问题。

    Its study focuses on two aspects : one is how to construct a new option , To meet changing market investment needs ; the other is how to determine the value of options increasingly complex , that is , to option pricing problems .

  5. 随着委托代理问题日趋严重和复杂,股票期权激励随之诞生。

    As the principal-agent problems become increasingly severe and complex , the stock option incentive emerged .

  6. 模型设计上,将复杂的股票期权模型写入程序,并以市场真实数据进行模拟和测试,侧重于双曲密度分析法的理论层次上的讨论。

    On the implementation level , sophisticated stock option models are programmed into several online interfaces to simulate the real market date .

  7. 因此,利用实物期权方法来评价项目投资,可以合理地模拟和评价复杂的投资期权。

    So using real options method to evaluate investment projects , the complicated option to invest can be simulated and valued reasonably .

  8. 第四章,主要结合回望期权的买入按低价,卖出按高价的特点对重置期权进行创新。应用原生资产价格的最高与最低概率分布主要得出了这种更复杂重置看涨期权、看跌期权的定价公式。

    In chapter 4 , one innovations of the single-point reset options are provided by considering look back options " buying at lowest price and selling at highest price " .