- replicator;replication factor

As a replicator , a meme can be considered as an analogy with a gene in biology science .
According to memetics , meme is the unit of cultural information or the replicator of culture , whose core is imitation .
Arabidopsis Replication Factor C Subunit 3 Plays a Role in Hypocotyl Elongation of Etiolated Seedling
BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE : High expression of replication factor C ( RFC ) mRNA in hydatidiform mole and choriocarcinoma were detected previously with DNA microarray .
Replication factor C subunit 2 ( RFC2 ) was reported to be associated with DNA duplication , DNA repair , and the function of cellular checkpoint .
It can encode DNA polymerase induced by virus . In the process of replication , DNA polymerase can bind to homologous regions and non - homologous regions , which are believed to act as the origins of virus DNA replication with other replication factors .
Meme is a unit of cultural evolution or a replicator of information with the three main features of longevity , fecundity and copying-fidelity .
It is regarded as a replicator of culture that is a basic unit in cultural evolutionism , similar to the gene of genetics .
Imitation is the basis of memetics . Like the other replicator gene , meme is copied , transmitted and finally survives through imitation among vectors .
The term meme is initially put forward by Clinton Richard Dawkins , who regards meme as a new kind of replicator , or a unit of cultural transmission .
They live a dialectic and uniformed life in harmony . Meme is a kind of mental presentation and is stored in mental net as a replicator . After the duplication and transmission with language as its carrier , linguistic presentation comes into being .
Both the MAR loci show numerous replication / transcription factor binding sites , enhancer motifs , several perfect or imperfect inverted repeats , and sequences sharing the common features of the potential DNA bending core sequence .
MCM proteins are important member of replication licensing factor ( RLF ), which indicate the start of the initiation of DNA replication bonding with the chromatin before the initiation of DNA replication .