
  • 网络shell resource
  1. 本文通过对壳资源在中国证券市场特殊性的分析,比较了买壳上市与IPO两种不同的上市途径。

    By analyzing the particularity of the shell resource in Chinese stock market , this article compares two different ways which are buying a shell and IPO .

  2. 壳资源价值与亏损公司股价相关性分析

    Correlation Analysis of Shell Resource Value to Loss-firm 's Share Price

  3. 面对我国特殊的ST制度、暂停上市以及终止上市制度,亏损上市公司为了维持宝贵的上市资格,避免被摘牌或被收购壳资源的厄运,存在盈余管理的动机。

    In face of special ST system , suspension and termination of listing system in our country , in order to maintain the valuable listing qualifications and avoid being delisted , or acquisition , a loss of listed companies has the motive for earnings management .

  4. 壳资源交易中信号传递博弈模型(英文)

    Signaling Game Model in the Exchange of Shell Resources ;

  5. 壳资源价值及相关行为分析

    The Analysis on the Value of " shell " resource and correlative behavior

  6. 壳资源的价值、利用及典型案例分析

    Value , Use and Cases Study of Shell Resources

  7. 本文确定的研究对象是非上市公司并购上市公司的壳资源利用行为。

    So the listed company possesses some resource with profitability and rarity-shell resource .

  8. 我国上市公司壳资源广义期权价值分析

    The Analyze of China Listed Company ′ s Option in Broad Sense Value

  9. 中国证券市场壳资源配置的福利分析

    An Analysis of the Welfare of Shell Resource Allocations in China 's Securities Market

  10. 关于壳资源若干问题的探讨

    An Investigation on the Problems of Shell Resource

  11. 其中,所谓的壳资源是指有上市资格,并能够正常营运的公司。

    The shell resource is a company which has listing qualification and can normal operate .

  12. 中国职业足球俱乐部壳资源的产生原因和利用效果的经济学分析

    Economical analysis on causes and effects of shell resources of profession football clubs in China

  13. 我国职业足球俱乐部壳资源演变分析

    Analysis on the Evolution of the " Crust " Resources for Chinese Professional Football Clubs

  14. 上市公司壳资源价值的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis of Shell Resources

  15. 我国是世界花生生产大国,花生壳资源非常丰富,花生壳综合开发利用已广泛应用。

    Peanut hull has found wide utility in China , a major peanut producer where the byproduct abounds .

  16. 第二章是文献综述章,本章首先梳理了亏损公司股价影响因素和壳资源价值的相关研究文献,并对他们的研究成果进行了评价。

    We comb the related literature about the loss-firm and shell resource value , and evaluate their research results .

  17. 壳资源的利用,是壳的控制权主体对壳资源功能的开发与运用。

    The use of its shell resource is for the controlling subject to develop and use the shell resource function .

  18. 本文阐释了在中国目前经济制度约束条件下的上市公司壳资源价值内涵。

    This paper expounds the value connotation of listed company 's shell resources in the status of China 's present institutions .

  19. 作者用壳资源价值的概念对新股长期价格行为进行了解释,并提供了相关的实证证据。

    The author explains the long-term market performance of IPOs with the concept of " Shell Resource " and provides the related proofs .

  20. 这些壳资源能够进行交易,意味着有其特定的价值,价值的确定便成了资本运作的关键。

    These shell resources can make the transaction because of its specific value . Determination of the value has become the key of capital operation .

  21. 动机较为复杂,主要表现为粉饰业绩获得配股资格;操纵盈余保全壳资源;逃避税收等。

    Motivation is more complex , mainly for the cosmetic results were eligible for allotment ; manipulating earnings preservation of " Shell " to evade taxes .

  22. 对买壳上市的概念、方式、选择原则、流程及动因进行了分析。第四部分:壳资源价值的理论分析。

    Backdoor listing on the concept , methods , selection principles , processes , and motivation were analyzed . Part ⅳ: Theoretical Analysis of Shell Resources .

  23. 最后运用最小二乘法,对壳资源交易价格的影响因素进行实证研究。

    Finally , the thesis carries out an empirical research on influential factors of its exchange price by means of ordinary least squares ( OLS ) .

  24. 在这种背景下,多数上市公司被特别处理后会借助资产重组达到扭转危机和保住壳资源的目的。

    In this context , most listed companies will be given special treatment to reverse the crisis with the reorganization of assets and keep their " shell " of resources .

  25. 然后继续分析了我国壳资源配置制度的变迁,说明其本身是一种帕累托改进过程,含有自我实施因素。

    The author further studies the institution change of Shell resource of our country , and he argues that this process is a Pareto improvement itself for its self-executive factors .

  26. 其次,分析了我国现阶段壳资源利用的现状,包括买壳的动机、方式、收益和成本;

    Secondly , I analyze the status of the use of shell resource in our country at present including the motivation , means , benefits and cost of buying a shell ;

  27. 同时,上市公司作为地方经济的支柱,在政策上享受一系列优惠措施,而政府为了稳定市场又牢牢控制着上市的审查权,在此背景下,上市资格成为一种稀缺资源&壳资源。

    Meanwhile , listed companies , as the pillar of the local economy , enjoy a series of preferential policies while the government controls the rights of examination and inspection of IPO .

  28. 其次,从价值分析的角度论述了壳资源的价值构成因素,壳资源的理论与实际定价方法;

    The second , it expatiates , from the angle of value analysis , the structure-factors of shell resources and the method of pricing for shell resources from principle and actual side .

  29. 通过对买壳上市前后壳资源价值的测算,分析案例中壳资源价值是否发生增值,并分析原因。第七部分:结论。

    Backdoor listing through the shell resource value before and after the measurement , analysis of case value of Shell Resources has occurred , and analyzing the problem . Part ⅶ: Conclusion .

  30. 在我国,上市资格是一种稀缺和宝贵的资源,争取和保护壳资源对我国企业而言十分重要。

    In China , the qualifications of listed companies has been a scarce and valuable resource , fighting and protecting the " shell " of the enterprise in terms of resources is so important .