
  • 网络Shell Company;a shell corporation;Public Shell
  1. 根据VIE结构,海外上市的公司拥有一个中国壳公司,该壳公司与这家中国主体公司签订接收其全部利润的协议。

    Under VIE structures , the offshore listed company owns a Chinese shell company which contracts with the underlying Chinese firm to receive all its profits .

  2. 报道称,一支名为Lancer的对冲基金买入一家毫无价值的壳公司的限制性股票,并在公开市场上以更高价格购入一些股票,以显示投资盈利。

    According to the story , a hedge fund called Lancer would buy restricted stock in a worthless shell company , as well as a few shares on the open market at a higher price in order to show a gain .

  3. 近年来,通过购买已经上市的壳公司,数百家中国公司在北美证交所上市,由此避开首次公开上市(ipo)面临的严格审查。

    Hundreds of Chinese companies joined North American bourses in recent years by acquiring shell companies that were already listed , allowing them to bypass the scrutiny of an initial public offering .

  4. 这些客户都是希望通过首次公开发行(ipo)获得流动性财富的企业家,但他们的公司有时会变成几乎分文不值的壳公司,使得这些客户几乎或完全没有任何资金可以用于投资。

    The clients were entrepreneurs expected to gain liquid wealth through IPOs , but these companies sometimes turned into shell companies with little value , and the clients had little or nothing to invest .

  5. 全球反腐败组织透明国际(TransparencyInternational)印度分会前主席R・H・塔希尔亚尼(R.H.Tahiliani)表示,为了逃税和躲避反腐败调查,印度有钱、有政治后台的人有时候会把巨额财富放在他人名下(比如侍从和壳公司等)。

    The wealthy and politically connected in India sometimes hold large amounts in the names of others -- from servants to shell companies -- to avoid tax officials and corruption investigators , said R.H. Tahiliani , former chairman of the India chapter of Transparency International , the global anticorruption group .

  6. 买壳上市中壳公司估价研究

    A study of value assessment of the Shell Company

  7. 许多中国公司通过收购已公开上市的壳公司而在美国上市。

    Many Chinese companies slipped into US stock exchanges by acquiring shell companies that were already publicly traded .

  8. 并对拟买壳方提出建议:在创业板市场中选择壳公司,继而完成买壳上市,是一种相对来说更好的选择。

    Suggestion for the buy side is that it is a relatively better choice to select shell company in GEM .

  9. 制度的安排改变了这些壳公司的投资预期,进而影响了市场股票的价格。

    The system arrangement changed these shell companies ' anticipation of investment , then has affected the market stock ' price .

  10. 里面讲述壳公司的选择原则和选择标准,重点论述了买壳上市的几种方式,并分别举出了相应的例子。

    Inside telling choice principle of shell Company and the standard , describes several ways to go public through buying a shell especially .

  11. 据说,其中许多人在掩盖自己的身份,利用的是高高的围栏、牢固的大门与注册在避税天堂的一层层的壳公司。

    Many are said to hide their identity with high fences , security gates and thickets of front companies registered in tax havens .

  12. 有时社会关系良好的壳公司会分走一大块利润,然后再把实际工作交给漠视质量标准的分包商。

    Sometimes well-connected shell firms take a fat cut and then pass the real work on to subcontractors , with scant regard for standards .

  13. 许多台湾企业通过在台湾和大陆以外地点(如英属维京群岛或开曼群岛)注册成立的壳公司,在大陆进行投资。

    Many Taiwanese invest in China through shell companies registered in third territories , such as the British Virgin Islands or the Cayman Islands .

  14. 通过对绩优公司、业绩一般公司和壳公司的转让价格进行回归分析,运用回归法对非流通股权转让定价提供参考。

    After regression analyzing the transfer price , we can give some reference to the transfer price of the non-tradable shares using the regression method .

  15. 典型的买壳上市是由买壳和注资两项交易组成,其中合理确定壳公司的交易价格是买壳上市过程中极其重要的问题。

    Buying Shell Company includes buying and investing . To define the trading price of Shell Company is an important step in the course of buying .

  16. 很有发展远景并急切召募资金的非上市公司买下一个通常没有经营能力和拥有有限资产的已上市的壳公司。

    The private company that has strong prospects and is eager to raise financing buys a publicly-listed shell company , usually one with no business and limited assets .

  17. 它是指公司的管理层在外部金融机构的帮助下,利用设立的壳公司反向收购母公司,从而达到控制母公司股权的目的。

    With the help of outside financial institutions , managers used a newly established company to acquire its parent company , controlling the shares of the parent company indirectly .

  18. 香港报纸发现,那栋楼里至少有24套公寓都是由在英属维京群岛注册的壳公司购买的,它们使用的律师事务所也是同一家。

    Hong Kong newspapers found that at least 24 apartments in the building were bought by shell companies registered in the British Virgin Islands , using the same law firm .

  19. 高校企业能否借壳上市成功,需要高校企业与壳公司形成有效的管理整合来实现。

    If the university owned enterprise get success in back door listing , it will depend mainly on the efficient integration between the shell company and the university owned enterprise .

  20. 这是一种完全合法的程序,通过该程序,一家业务全部在海外的公司,可与现有已经上市的美国壳公司合并,最后通过将股票出售给美国投资者成功融得资金。

    This perfectly legal procedure allows a company with all its operations abroad to merge with an existing publicly traded US shell company and eventually raise money by selling shares to American investors .

  21. 同时本论文还利用资产评估重置成本法与拉巴波特现金流量法来判断买壳成本,并发展出以系数评分法来判断买壳成本是否理性,是否符合壳公司的价值。

    In addition , the cost spend on the listed shell company can be worked out by cost method of asset assessing and testified the true value by Rappaport cash flow discount method .

  22. 它们也可能作为专利初始所有人的壳公司,让被告方更难要求对最初赢得专利权的公司进行法律取证。

    They might also act as shell companies for the original patent owners , making it harder for defendants to press for legal discovery from the companies that first won the patent rights .

  23. 于是对冲基金威胁要利用法律取得企业资产的控制权,然后将企业卖给他们全资拥有的壳公司,让那家私人资本投资公司什么也得不到。私人资本投资公司不甘示弱,展开报复。

    The hedge funds threatened to use the courts to take control of the firm 's assets and sell them to a shell company wholly owned by them , leaving the private-equity firm with nothing .

  24. 在证券市场上,壳公司本无价值,但却作为一种稀缺资源而具有价值,并成为众多公司和企业买卖的对象。

    In securities market , " Shell " companions have no value in itself , but they have value because of their shortness , and they also become the objection of buying and selling to many other companions and corporations .

  25. 该交易所计划要求,通过合并一家私有运营集团与一个公开上市壳公司而创建的公司,只有在场外市场或另一个交易所交易至少6个月后,才能在纳斯达克上市。

    The exchange plans to require that a company created through the merger of a private operating group with a publicly listed shell can only list on Nasdaq after having traded over-the-counter or on another exchange for at least six months .

  26. 借道英属维尔京群岛等国际避税港设立壳公司,再将境内企业资产注入壳公司,进一步寻求海外上市,似乎已成为国内民营企业的一种风潮和资本路径选择。

    It seems that establishing shell companies in international tax paradises like British Virgin Islands , then injecting shell companies of enterprise assets , further seeking overseas listing , has become a trend and a choice of capital routing of domestic private enterprises .

  27. 在这种环境下,壳公司成为了一种比较特殊的稀缺资源,随着企业的融资意识和融资需要不断增强,企业通过购买壳资源实现间接上市的竞争也将愈演愈烈。

    Under such institutional environment , the shell company becomes a kind of relatively special scarce resources . With the promotion of the corporate financing sense and financing demand , the competition becomes increasing fierce that companies achieve indirect listing through purchasing shell resource .

  28. 构建“壳”公司作为收购的主体;

    Constructing a " shell " company serves as the buyout subject ;

  29. “壳”是上市公司所具有的资本市场准入资格及其进行资本运作的权利。

    " Shell " is a listed company 's access to capital market and right of asset operation .

  30. 医用级壳聚糖为浙江金壳生物化学公司产品。

    Ltd. , and the medical chitosan was purchased from Golden-shell Biochemical Co. , Ltd.