
shì zú
  • soldiers;privates
士卒 [shì zú]
  • [soldiers] 旧称士兵

  • 身先士卒

士卒[shì zú]
  1. 士卒不混乱,纪律就严明了。

    When the soldiers are not disordered , discipline will be well maintained .

  2. 将领和士卒离散,军中无大将时,可以攻击。

    When a general is separated from his soldiers , they can be attacked .

  3. 士卒没有坐,你就不要先坐;

    When officers have not yet been seated , do not sit .

  4. 舍弃笨重装备,少带粮食,以激发士卒死战的决心。

    Abandoning armor and carrying minimal rations , this is to motivate the troops .

  5. 士卒之所以不怕打仗,在于服从命令。

    The reason why officers are not afraid of war is because of following commands .

  6. 这时,项羽有士卒40万人,刘邦只有10万人,刘邦被迫求和。

    Only having 100 000 men , Liu Bang was forced to sue for peace .

  7. 缺少威信,就不能指挥士卒去战胜敌人。

    If the conditions of diminished awesomeness prevail , the people will not be victorious .

  8. 平时能认真贯彻命令、教育士卒,士卒就能养成服从的习惯;

    When orders are regularly enforce and used to train the soldiers , they will be obedient .

  9. 禁绝士卒和亲人通信,以断绝他们思家的念头。

    Writing letters to families should be forbidden , this is to break all troubles of life .

  10. 两个持戟士卒先走进门来,在入口处的两旁站岗。

    Two soldiers with halberds came first and took their stand at each side of the entry .

  11. 士卒在布阵中的位置,按左、右、行、列分布。

    Inside the formations , should use left , right , row and column to define the positions .

  12. 将部队置于无路可走的绝境,士卒就会宁死不退。

    Throw your soldiers into positions whence there is no escape , and they will prefer death to flight .

  13. 兵器要多种多样配合使用,士卒要训练有素,要沉着镇静,阵形才能保持严整。

    Troops should be well-trained , and remain calm at all times , only then can the formation be well-ordered .

  14. 不奖赏士卒,士卒就不会在战斗中拼效力。

    If he is petty and does not reward his men well , his men would not give their best .

  15. 能使十分之一的士卒甘愿战死的,号令可使士卒贯彻执行。

    One who could motivate a tenth of his troops to fight till death can thoroughly execute orders given to him .

  16. 将帅对待士卒像对待自己的儿子那样,士卒就会与将帅共患难、共生死。

    When the general treats his troops like beloved sons , they will be willing to support and die for him .

  17. 秦始皇为了方便调拨士卒和转运粮饷,又大修驰道。

    To facilitate the movement of troops and the transportation of army provisions , the First Emperor ordered to build highways .

  18. 我们都宁可作将军而不作士卒,甚至基督徒也想作「仆人的领袖」,而非普通仆人。

    We would rather be generals than privates . Even Christians want to be " servant-leaders , " not just plain servants .

  19. 平时能认真执行命令,是由于将帅与士卒相互取得信任的缘故。

    When orders are regularly enforced , it is because of the mutual trust and confidence between the commander and his men .

  20. 士卒已经亲近依附,但不执行军纪军法,这样的军队也不可使用。

    When the loyalty of the men is secured , but punishments are not enforced , such troops cannot be used either .

  21. 士卒深陷危险的境地,就不再存在恐惧,一旦无路可走,军心就会牢固。

    Soldiers when in desperate straits lose the sense of fear . If there is no place of refuge , they will stand firm .

  22. 踵军开始行动之前,应搞赏士卒,以激发他们的战斗意志。

    Before they move off , one should reward them to motivate them , and deploy them as the disposition of each army changes .

  23. 周武王在两军将要交锋的时候誓师,是为了激励士卒的战斗意志。

    King Wu of Zhou Dynasty made the oath just before the two armies clash , in order to stimulate the people 's will to fight .

  24. 美国独立战争期间,亚伦。伯尔任陆军上校,颇能体恤士卒,例如给他们新鞋子,并安排妓女到军营。

    As a colonel during the American revolution , Aaron Burr treated his troops with considerable kindness , providing , for example , new shoes and camp visits by prostitutes .

  25. 所以将帅应该以文明与人性来喝令士卒,用军纪、军法来来统一士卒。这样的军队打起战来会取得胜利。

    Thus , the general must be able to instruct his troops with civility and humanity and unite them with rigorous training and discipline so as to secure victories in battles .

  26. 士卒还没有亲近依附就执行惩罚,那么他们会不服,不服就很难使用。

    and , unless submissive , then will be practically useless . If , when the soldiers have become attached to you , punishments are not enforced , they will still be unless .

  27. 隋唐五代,军吏仍为介于军将和士卒之间的一个群体,但较两汉魏晋南北朝时期在范畴、作用、地位上发生了某些变化。

    Sui , Tang and Five Dynasties " army 's official " still for lie between " general " and " soldier ", but relatively some changes have taken place in the category , function , position .

  28. 第三部分分别讨论将领、军吏、士卒等构成军队三大组成部分,廓清军人群体的基本范围,其中涉及秦汉军制的运转及演变。

    The third part discusses constitution army three big constituents separately and such as military officer , armed forces government officials , soldiers , cleaning up the serviceman community the basic scope , involving the Qin and Han Dynasty military system the revolution and the evolution .

  29. 7月,一队开赴渔阳(今北京密云)戍边士卒900人,遇雨停留在大泽乡(今安徽宿县境),不能如期赶到戍地。

    In July , a band of 900 conscripted peasants heading for Yuyang ( modern Miyun County , Beijing ) for guard duties were delayed by heavy rain in Daze Township ( part of Suxian County in Anhui Province ) , and it was impossible for them to arrive on time .

  30. 当作战命令颁布之时,坐着的士卒泪沾衣襟,躺着的士卒泪流满面,但把士卒置于无路可走的绝境,他们就都会象专诸、曹刿一样的勇敢。

    On the day they are ordered out to battle , your soldiers may weep , those sitting up bedewing their garments and those lying down letting the tears run down their cheeks . But let them once be brought to bay , and they will display the courage of a Chu or a Kuei .