
  1. 墨分五色是传统中国画论里涉及的术语,追求墨色的丰富变化是中国绘画表现的一个重要方面,就水墨本身而言,其具有特殊的审美价值。

    " Sub-colored ink " is a traditional Chinese painting in the techniques of language , Chinese painting ink change is an important aspect of performance . It also has a special aesthetic value .

  2. 从本质上来说,则是与中国画色彩观念的革新紧密相联,即对随类赋彩与墨分五色传统色彩观的不断超越。

    However , this form of painting owes much to the revolution in the color beliefs of the Chinese paintings , i.e. a surpass beyond the traditional color belief of giving touches of painting depending on categories and division of colors into five groups .