
  • 网络financing
  1. 不过,随着欧元区收益率下跌以及欧元贬值,越来越多的企业正受到成本更低的境外融资的吸引。

    But more are being lured by cheaper financing overseas as eurozone yields drop and the euro depreciates .

  2. 阐述了备用信用证的性质及其境外融资功能与具体做法。

    The nature of the stand by letter of credit and its overseas financing function as well as the specific performance are stated in this paper .

  3. 中国金融机构的境外融资现状及前景

    The Present Situation and Outlook of Foreign Funding of Chinese Financial Institutions

  4. 当地融资和境外融资相结合。

    Local financing and foreign financing .

  5. 非本国成立的银行可以通过延伸至国内公司的、在境外融资和还贷的方式规避这样的问题。

    Banks not incorporated in the home country can circumvent such requirements by funding and booking loans offshore that are extended to domestic firms .

  6. 资金运作的国际化使非上市单位和上市公司分支得到境外融资、获取国际资金利差的好处;

    The international financing operation brought non listed units and branches of listed companies with the benefit of financing abroad , receiving international fund .

  7. 境外贷款融资应注意的几个问题

    Attention of Several Issues should Be Attracted to the Loan and Fund Raising Outside the Country

  8. 以境外股票融资为主的外商其它投资取得较大进展。

    Great progress has been made in other foreign investments mainly through financing of overseas stocks .

  9. 特殊目的公司的境外上市融资收入如何调回境内?

    How to transfer the money raised through overseas listing of a special purpose company back into china ?

  10. 美国和英国已就相关规定达成协议,限制对燃煤发电站提供境外公共融资。

    The US and the UK have already agreed to rules limiting public financing abroad for coal-fired power plants .

  11. 基于枚举法的管壳式换热器自动选型软件设计坚决纠正到境外非法融资和擅自变相举债的做法。

    Software of automatic selection for tubular heat exchanger based on the enumeration method We must resolutely curb illegal overseas financing and the unauthorized incurring of debts in disguised form .

  12. 本文试图在我国境外证券融资的合作监管方面作一粗浅的探讨,以期为我国证券法律监管的进步作些努力。

    This thesis has some discussion on the supervision on overseas security financing and cooperation so that it can have some contribution to the improvement of our security legal supervision .

  13. 突破资金不足的瓶颈有三种战略选择:利用风险投资资金,上市到香港第二板市场以及境外上市融资。

    However , there are still ways out : such as the application of risk investment capitals , or issuing the securities at the stock exchange markets of Hong Kong and other regions .

  14. 我国企业境外上市再融资效果的实证研究

    The re-financing effect of cross-listing on Chinese companies

  15. 境外进行项目融资管理暂行办法

    Provisional Regulations of external project financing

  16. 在各国境外水资源融资中,世界银行贷款占50%,每年约为33亿美元,占世行过去十年贷款总额的16%。

    Bank lending accounts for50 percent of non-domestic financing for water resources & about US $ 3.3 billion a year , and amounted to16 percent of all Bank lending over the last decade .

  17. 境外二板市场上市融资。

    Listing financing of the overseas second stock market .

  18. 九、租赁物从境外购买的,融资租赁合同当事人约定用外币支付租金,应认定为有效。

    Article 9 The leased property purchased from foreign countries and for which the litigants in the contract for financial leasing agreed in the contract to pay the rent in foreign currency , such contract shall be deemed valid .

  19. 我国的资本外逃主要通过经常项目下的贸易及非贸易渠道和资本项目下的境外投资及借助境外融资等途径。

    This problem is caused through trade and non-trade channels under current accounts , investment from abroad under capital accounts and financing from abroad .