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  • 网络TUMI;tammy
  1. 塔米是爷爷奶奶抚养大的。

    Tammy was raised by her grandparents .

  2. 还有塔米,塔米·达科沃斯在伊拉克驾驶一架黑鹰直升机的时候被RPG的炮火夺去了双腿。

    And there was Tammy , Lieutenant Colonel Tammy Duckworth lost her legs from RPG fire piloting a Black Hawk chopper in Iraq .

  3. ByTammyWorth作者塔米沃斯翻译:飘荡的秋千几年前西娅和丈夫搬迁到洛杉矶时,她周围没有朋友,在丈夫整天忙于工作时,她经常感觉非常孤单。

    When Thea and her husband moved to Los Angeles a few years ago , she had no friends close by and was alone frequently while her husband worked long hours .

  4. 但是,在我情窦初开时,是蒂米(Timmy,男孩名),而不是塔米(Tammy,女孩名)能让时而兴高采烈、时而郁郁寡欢、时而甘之如饴。

    But I know that from the moment I felt romantic stirrings , it was Timmy , not Tammy , who could have me walking on air or wallowing in torch songs and tubs of ice cream .

  5. 塔米对那位歌手的绯闻十分好奇。

    Tammy is more than curious about the singer 's scandal .

  6. 塔米:我通常早餐不会吃的太丰盛。

    Tammy : I don 't normally eat a big breakfast .

  7. 塔米希望史蒂文能够读懂暗示,别再来烦她。

    Tammy hoped Steven would take the hint and stop bothering her .

  8. 塔米需要让自己熟悉她的新照相机。

    Tammy needs to familiarize herself with her new camera .

  9. 他们和另一位朋友塔米一起合住一所房子。

    They share a house with Tammy , another one of their friends .

  10. 塔米:那听来是个让你自己被驱逐出境的好方法。

    Tammy : That sounds like a good way to get yourself deported .

  11. 塔米:你绝对可以做二头肌训练。

    Tammy : You can do biceps , absolutely .

  12. 塔米:信仰本该被挑战。

    Tammy : Beliefs are made to be challenged .

  13. 两天后悲剧发生了,塔米遭遇了严重的车祸。

    Tragedy struck two days later when Tammy was in a serious car accident .

  14. 塔米:听起来感觉整个上午你都打算呆在这里。

    Tammy : You sound like you 're planning on staying here all morning .

  15. 她对塔米这样,对我也是。

    She 's done it to Tammy and she 's done it to me .

  16. 塔米:还不赖,但我想要个更别出心裁的名字。

    Tammy : It 's tolerable , but I think it should be more original .

  17. 塔米:的确如此,但是那所大学的校长似乎把形象看得比诚信还重。

    Tammy : True enough , but the university head seems to value image over honesty .

  18. 塔米:我想自己只会来点谷物,水果,再来个面包圈。

    Tammy : I think I 'll just grab some cereal , fruit , and a bagel .

  19. 学校刚开学,塔米就在好几节课上犯了一些小错误。

    School had started , and Tammy had brought home failing slips in several of her classes .

  20. 塔米:你能帮我给每个鸟儿起个好名字吗?

    Tammy : So , do you want to help me find a good name for each of them ?

  21. 我一直没回俱乐部,因为我不愿冒险再见到塔米。

    I haven 't bean back to the club because I don 't want to run the risk of meeting Tammy again .

  22. 塔米:不会,但是万一他出错一次,他就可能会直接被那所大学退学。

    Tammy : No , but if he makes one false move , he could be expelled from the university just like that .

  23. 我通常会轻装出行,有一个塔米电脑/旅行两用包,可以拉,也可以手提。

    I always travel very light , so I have a small Tumi combo PC / travel bag that I can roll or carry .

  24. 塔米:也许我说了些挑衅性的话,但我不懂,为什么还有人会相信迷信。

    Tammy : I may have said a few things that were provocative , but I don 't understand how people can believe in superstitions .

  25. 伯尼•彭暗中修改了女友塔米•李最喜欢的“戴首饰”游戏,让女友在游戏中累积到一定积分时,屏幕中会出现一枚戒指和一句求婚语。

    Peng reprogrammed Tammy Li 's favorite video game ," Bejeweled ," so a ring and a marriage proposal would show up on the screen when she reached a certain score .

  26. 他信赖的助手哈米黛·拉扎维(HamidehRazavi)邀请了知识分子、摄影师、演员,以及像我这样的记者来为他庆祝。基亚罗斯塔米是现今伊朗最具国际声誉的人物之一。

    His trusted assistant , Hamideh Razavi , had invited intellectuals , cinematographers , actors and actresses , and journalists like me to celebrate a man who was one of the most internationally well known Iranians alive .

  27. 这个女子还有着悲惨的过去,1991年她15岁的妹妹塔米,由于在圣诞聚会中喝下了过量香槟被自己的呕吐物窒息而离世。

    She had also suffered a recent tragedy : in 1991 , her fifteen-year old sister , Tammy , had died after she passed out from drinking too much champagne at a Christmas party and choked on her own vomit .

  28. 在相关的案例中,菲莫美国说,它已经在管辖纽约东区的美国地区法庭对位于长岛的普斯柏德印第安保留区的烟店塔米烟店提起了诉讼。

    In a related case , PM USA said it had sued Tammy 's Smoke Shop , a smoke shop on the Poospatuck Indian Reservation on Long Island , in the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York .