
  • 网络plastic bucket;Plastic Drum;Plastic casks
  1. 用清洁、干燥的镀锌铁桶或塑料桶包装,每桶净重200KG。

    The product should be packed in clean and dry galvanized iron drum or plastic drum .

  2. 包装与贮存:本品采用塑料桶包装,净重25kg。本品应贮存于阴凉、燥、风处。

    Package and storage : Packed in plastic drum , net weight : 25 KG per drum . Stored in a cool , dry and ventilated place .

  3. 她弯腰提起一个塑料桶。

    She bent and picked up a plastic bucket

  4. 绿色和平组织(Greenpeace)资深行动统筹钟裕自本周初以来就一直在关注清理工作。她表示:一些人仅靠双手或塑料桶来捞油。

    Some of them just use their two hands to gather the oil , or use plastic buckets , said Zhong Yu , senior action co-ordinator for Greenpeace who has been observing clean-up efforts since early this week .

  5. 在室温下,将成对的天牛放在盖有铁纱网的直径25cm高25cm的塑料桶中进行试验。

    The testing paired beetles were put into the plastic containers with diameter of 25 ? cm and 25 ? cm in height and covered with iron screen .

  6. 方法:将200例吸氧患者随机分为两组各100例,分别使用研究改进的500ml瓶/无菌专用吸氧湿化液及常规塑料桶盛装无菌蒸馏水。

    Methods : The patients were divided into two groups . The special oxygen inhalation moisture liquid that was improved and bottled in 500ml / bottle and the sterile distilled water that routinely contained in the plastic barrels respectively .

  7. 方法将大鼠束缚于小的塑料桶内1、3或6h,于解束后30min处死,脑组织进行Fos蛋白免疫组织化学染色。

    Methods The experimental rats were restrained in a small plastic tub for , 1,3 and 6 hours , and were sacrificed at 30 min after removing restraint . Immunohistochemical ABC method was used to observe distribution of Fos protein-like immunoreactive ( - LI ) products in rats brain .

  8. ¡液体三氯化铁包装:塑料桶或槽罐。

    Package : Packed by plastic barrel or tank wagon .

  9. 一般包装:250公斤净重塑料桶。

    Usual Packing : 250kg net UN-approved PE-drum .

  10. 包装:产品内包装用双层薄膜袋密封,装入塑料桶中,每桶净重25公斤。

    Package : In plastic drums of25kg net each with sealed double PVC plastic bags inside .

  11. 一种用于存装、运输液体的塑料桶。

    The utility model relates to a plastic bucket which is used for storing and transporting liquid .

  12. 在下一个避难所有食品供给,两个塑料桶的花生酱和果冻。

    There is food at the next shelter , two plastic buckets of peanut butter and jelly .

  13. 他暗示说,如果印度连生产塑料桶的竞争优势都没有,这场战斗会很艰难。

    If India cannot even make plastic buckets competitively , he implies , its battle will be tough .

  14. 接近1000人就要靠这2个塑料桶充饥,唯一充足的是这里的痛苦。

    To feed close to 1000 people , misery is about the only thing that there 's plenty of .

  15. 半透明塑料桶身,耐碰撞,防腐蚀,能随时观察污水情况。

    Features : Made of semitransparent plastic , the tank is bump-proof erosion-proof the waste water in tank can be viewed anytime .

  16. 建设高标准厂房、购置设备、筹建科研中心等。建设塑料桶、塑料盖生产线一套。

    Establishing high standard plants , purchasing facilities and preparing the establishment of scientific and research center , as well as supportive flow capital .

  17. 在攀登珠穆朗玛峰时保护环境,一位年轻的尼泊尔登山者正试图普及一种马桶,这种马桶是用塑料桶改制的,上面还有一个盖子。

    A young Nepali climber is seeking to popularize a toilet fashioned from a plastic bucket with a lid to promote eco-friendly climbing on Mount Qomolangma .

  18. 迷宫般的建筑里面一条条的街卖的都是假花、充气玩具,还有雨伞、雨衣、塑料桶和时钟等。

    There are whole streets in the labyrinthine complex devoted to artificial flowers and inflatable toys , then come umbrellas and anoraks , plastic buckets and clocks .

  19. 一种散水泥周转用塑料桶,由桶壁、桶底、桶盖组成;

    The utility model discloses a bulk cement turnover drum , made of plastic , comprising a drum wall , a drum bottom , and a drum cover .

  20. 这种塑料桶工艺简单,制造容易,不需增加较多费用,使用携带极为方便。

    The utility model has the advantages of simple manufacturing process , easy production , convenient operation and portability , and the utility model does not increase more expenses .

  21. 这包括两种情况下,背包和两个大塑料桶储存,所有的零部件,电器,包括所有引导下背部盖放置物品。

    This included two cases , back packs and two big plastic storage tubs , all spare parts , electrics including all the items placed under the back boot cover .

  22. 至2002年1月10日从性腺培育成熟的对虾亲虾中选取3尾,使用05m3塑料桶进行苗种培育。

    , were employed in promoting their gonad maturity quickly . On Jan.10,2002 , 3 shrimps with mature gonad were selected to breed in 0 5m 3 plastic ′ s barrel .

  23. 在获悉关于水银或汞的特性之后,工人们表示工厂中有许多塑料桶,桶上用红油漆写着“废弃物包含汞”的字样。

    Told the meaning of the character for mercury , or gong , they said there were many plastic barrels on which " discarded objects containing gong " was written in red .

  24. 本品为25公斤、50公斤塑料桶包装,非危险品,应储存在阴凉、通风的地方,防晒、防冻保存期为一年。

    This product is25 kg , 50 kg plastic drum packing , non-dangerous goods , should be stored in a cool , ventilated place , sunscreen , antifreeze shelf life of one year .

  25. 在一个周六的早上,一个小男孩在他的沙箱里玩耍,还带了一盒子的玩具车、一只塑料桶和一把闪闪发亮的塑料小红铲。

    A little boy was spending his Saturday morning playing in his sandbox . He had with him his box of cars and trucks , his plastic pail , and a shiny , red plastic shovel .

  26. 软塑料折迭中空桶的开发

    The Development of Flexible Hollow Folding Plastic Vessel

  27. 由于便宜的塑料碗、桶充斥市场,乡村陶匠变得多余了。

    Village potters become redundant as cheap plastic bowls and buckets flood the market .

  28. 这只名为萝拉的小猫据称被困在塑料移动垃圾桶里长达15个小时,直到它的主人达里和斯蒂芬妮曼恩听到它的叫声才获救。

    The cat , Lola , was believed to have been stuck in the plastic wheeliebin for15 hours until her owners Darryl and Stephanie Mann heard her miaowing .

  29. 廉价的塑料碗和塑料桶在市场上大量倾销。

    Cheap plastic bowls and buckets flood the market .

  30. 公司生产塑料托盘及垃圾桶的主要原料是一些高强度原料。

    Company production of plastic pallets and trash are some of the main raw material for high-strength materials .