
  1. 正因如此,也使得基金代销机构之间的竞争日趋激烈。

    The competition among selling agents is becoming severe .

  2. 基金代销:中小商业银行如何分得一杯羹

    Fund Distribution : How Can Small and Medium Sized Commercial Banks Be Success

  3. 基金代销外挂系统需保持同步一致并进行升级建设。

    The fund to sell plug-in system needs to keep in sync and upgrading construction .

  4. 有与基金代销业务相适应的营业场所、安全防范设施和其它设施;

    It has business premises , safety precaution facilities and other facilities commensurate with its fund distribution business ;

  5. 福兴银行的基金代销系统是该银行利用现有的金融电子网络和网点,为投资者提供的开放式基金服务平台。

    Existing financial electronic networks and outlets are used to provide investors with open-end fund services platform by Fuxing bank open-end funds .

  6. 随着国内资本市场的日益活跃,以基金代销为代表的银行证券业务交易量呈现井喷式增长。

    With the domestic capital market increasingly active in fund sales agency , represented by the securities business of banks trading volume showed the blowout growth .

  7. 而银行基金代销自动账户系统将帮助商业银行基金销售业成为推动中国内地银行业的金融服务向客户细分,理财规划等方面深度发展的一股重要力量。

    The automatic bank account funds distribution system will help commercial banks to fund sales industry for promoting the Chinese mainland banking financial services to customer segments , financial planning and other aspects of the development of an important force in depth .

  8. 以资产规模计算,银行代销了台湾80%的海外基金,而代销的本土基金只有50%。

    Banks account for 80 per cent of the distribution of offshore funds in Taiwan by asset volume and just 50 per cent for onshore funds .

  9. 深交所、基金管理人及其代销机构办理上市开放式基金业务使用相同的基金代码及简称。

    Szse , ffunds mmanager and its selling Institute on a commission basis use the same code and shortened form of fund towhen going through listed open-ended FundThe businessof lofs .

  10. 基金营销渠道既可以由基金管理公司、代销机构和投资者组成,也可以由基金管理公司和投资者组成。

    Fund marketing channels can be formed by fund management companies , institutions and investors , and also can be formed by the fund management companies and investors .

  11. 另一方面,基金的销售现在主要依靠银行和券商的代销,出于不同的获利目标,基金公司与代销机构之间存在着一定的冲突。

    On the other hand , certain conflicts exist between fund company and commission agent due to their different interests as fund marketing mainly relies on bank and commission agent .

  12. 随着国内开放式基金数量的不断增多、规模的不断扩大,开放式基金代销业务在各商业银行中的重要性也在不断的提升。

    As the number of domestic open-end funds growing , and the scale continues to expand , open-end fund sales agency business in the commercial importance of banks has also been improved .

  13. 认购:在开放式基金募集期内,投资人通过证券经营机构在证券交易所,或通过基金管理人及其代销机构购买基金份额的行为。

    Subscribeption : refers to the acts of the investors to purchase the unit fundsfunds unit through the securities operating agencies at stock exchanges or through the funds managers and the selling institutes on a commission basis thereofcommission institutions during the period of raising the open-ended funds .