
  1. 在一个任何高风险问题从基础上归结为科学的社会,这显然是一个问题。

    And in a world where many high-stakes issues fundamentally boil down to science , this is clearly a problem .

  2. 因此,本文的指标设置并没有一味照搬以往经验,而是在深度访谈之后,深入考察公司内部控制现状的基础上归结出的,具有一定的实践指导意义。

    Therefore , the indexes set and not blindly copy the past experience , but in depth interviews , in-depth study of the internal control of the company on the basis of the status quo summed up .

  3. 所以,要有立体感、凸显时代变化对巡回审判制度的影响,必须立基于全面考察该制度的运行样态,尤其是在样态基础上归结出其时代性特征。

    Therefore , in order to highlight the impact of changing times on assizes , it is imperative to make a comprehensive study on the operation mode of assizes , especially to conclude the characteristics of times on the basis of assizes mode .

  4. 检序法是在大量编辑实践的基础上,归结出的一种实用的编辑方法。

    Examination order is a method generalized from the editorial practice .

  5. 在科学分类的基础上,归结缔约过失责任的构成要件。

    Labor contract is a kind of contract and liability for culpa in contrahendo should be embodied in labor legislation .

  6. 在全面分析该句式足句成分的基础上,归结是字存在句的表义模式为前后项之间的一一对应关系,具体体现为凸显与空间对应的存在物,达成空间与物的一一对应关系。

    Based on all-around analysis of the sentence-completion , the semantic pattern is concluded as an abstract corresponding relation between the protruded substance and the space .

  7. 研究在切实厘清国内外职业教育课程与教学模式发展特征的基础上,归结出了当前中国职业教育课程与教学活动中的现存问题及其产生根源。

    This study make a thorough investigation characteristics in curriculum and teaching mode of vacation education from domestic and overseas , and sum up problems and their causes existing curriculum and teaching activities in current Chinese vocational education .

  8. 。他的思想的基础或核心可以归结为:知识、自由与秩序。

    The foundation or core of his thought can be summed up as knowledge , liberty and order .

  9. 外因即技术系统所存在的社会大系统,是经济基础与上层建筑的总和,属于环境的因素,因为最终决定于经济基础,也可以归结为人的因素。

    The external factor is the social macro - system of technology system existence , and the accumulation of the economic base and superstructure , belonging to environmental factor , because eventually it is determined by the economic base , and can be classified into human factor .