
  1. 首先,运用PEST方法,市场结构分析,集中度分析,能力基本竞争力量分析等方法来对彩电行业进行分析研究;

    First of all , use PEST method , market structure analyses concentration degree analyze ability basic competition strength person who analyze method is it analyses and research to the color TV trade to come ;

  2. 在一个行业里,这五种基本竞争力量的状况及其综合强度,引发行业内在经济结构的变化,从而决定着行业内部竞争的激烈程度。

    The condition and overall intensity of these five basic competitive forces will trigger changes in the economic structure of the industry , thus determining the intensity of the internal competition of the industry .

  3. 本文首先通过分析广东电信所处的宏观和微观环境,并利用波特的五种基本竞争力量理论对广东省内的移动市场行业进行分析,研究了广东电信拓展移动业务的可行性;

    This article first studies the macro and micro environments that GD Telecom located in , analysis the feasibility of developing mobile communication service . Then , it studies the mobile communication industry analysis .

  4. 本文结合车轮公司实际情况,分析了车轮行业人力资源优势、车轮行业价值链、车轮行业五种基本的竞争力量。

    Basing on wheel company 's actual condition , this paper has analysed the wheel profession advantage of human resources , value chain and 5 kinds of basic competition factors .

  5. 根据美国著名的战略管理学者迈克尔·波特的观点,在一个行业中,存在着五种基本的竞争力量,即潜在的加入者、替代品、购买者、供应者以及行业中现有竞争者间的抗衡。

    According to M.E.Porter , a well-known American scholar on strategic management , in any industry and trade , there exists five basic competitive forces , namely , potential new comers , substations , buyers , suppliers and confrontation between existing competitors .