
  • 网络genetic engineering vector
  1. 植物病毒基因工程载体开发利用研究进展

    Advances of development and utilization of plant viral vector for genetic engineering

  2. 植酸酶植物基因工程载体的构建

    Construction of phytase A gene engineering vector in plant

  3. CELO病毒与人腺病毒属于同一属,CELO病毒作为基因工程载体有同样的特性,并且具有种属特异性和安全性,在动物基因工程疫苗的研制方面有特殊而广阔的研究和应用前景。

    CELO virus shares the common character with the human adenovirus but has super security , so the CELO vector as an interesting engineering vector will be a valuable tool in gene therapy and engineering vaccine development .

  4. 噬菌体是细菌病毒,它分裂细菌细胞可获取胞内物质,可改造做基因工程载体;

    Phages belong to bacterial viruses . They split bacterial cells to gain substances in them ; therefore , they can be transformed into vector of genetic engineering .

  5. 本研究结果为制备安全、有效的HIV1基因工程活载体疫苗奠定了基础。

    The study lays the basis on the preparation of genetic engineering live vector vaccine against HIV-1 .

  6. 吸水链霉菌NND-52-C基因工程宿主载体系统的构建

    Establishment of Host and Vector System for Genetic Engineering of S.hygroscopicus NND-52-C

  7. 芽孢杆菌基因工程新载体的构建

    New Cloning Vectors Constructed in Bacillus

  8. 带有完整2μ质粒序列的酿酒酵母附加体型载体已被用于多种医药产品基因工程表达载体的构建。

    Yeast episomal plasmids containing complete sequence of 2 μ, plasmid are now widely used in the expression vector construction of many genetic engineering drugs .

  9. 用于基因工程的双载体系统由一个含有VIR区的质粒和一个含有T-DNA的质粒组成,其中T-DNA含有外源基因。

    Binary vectors for genetic engineering consist of one plasmid containing the VIR region and a second containing the T-DNA including the foreign DNA .

  10. 动物基因工程慢病毒载体&一种将传染性病毒颗粒转变成基因治疗的载体

    Zoo Gene Engineering Vectors Lentiviral Vectors The Art of Turning Infectious Agents into Vehicles of Therapeutics

  11. 背景疫苗在预防和治疗人类多种疫症的过程中发挥了不可磨灭的作用。其中,基因工程重组活载体疫苗因其能够诱导产生体液、细胞甚至黏膜免疫而受到广大研究者的关注。

    BACKGROUUND : The vaccine in the prevention and treatment of the human variety of epidemic plays an indelible role , among them , genetic engineering live carrier recombination vaccine were aroused many researchers ' attention by its elicits cellular , humoral and even mucosa immune response .

  12. 植物基因工程疫苗高效表达载体的构建

    On Constructing Expressing Vectors for Genetic Engineering Vaccine

  13. 基因工程疫苗的病毒载体

    Live viral vectors for delivery engineered vaccines

  14. 利用分子生物技术也研究出了很多基因工程疫苗比如基因工程活载体疫苗、亚单位疫苗和DNA疫苗等。

    There is a great deal of interest in the development of recombinant vector , DNA and protein subunit vaccines .

  15. 启动子对外源基因的表达水平影响很大,是基因工程表达载体的重要元件。

    Promoter makes a great influence on the expression levels of exogenous protein as an important component of expression vector in genetic engineering .

  16. 近年来的实验证明,一些具有DNA基因的真核生物病毒,经过改建之后,都可以发展成为基因工程的分子载体。

    The experiments in the late years also show that the DNA eukaryon virus can be developed into molecular vehicles of genetic engineering after being rebuilt .