
  • 网络municipal waste;municipal solid wastes;msw
  1. 城市垃圾焚烧HCl排放与脱除试验研究

    Experimental Research on Emission and Capture of HCl in MSW Incineration

  2. HCl是城市垃圾焚烧产生的主要气体污染物之一。

    In MSW incineration , HCl is one of the main gas pollutants .

  3. 业化环境治理企业以市场化方式引入环境污染治理领域,特别是在污水处理和城市垃圾处理领域。”

    een major investors13 in the environmental sector , but in the future market-oriented investment will rise , especially in areas such as wastewater treatment and the disposal of trash in cities . "

  4. 中国典型城市垃圾填埋场甲烷δ~(13)C特征研究

    Characteristic δ ~ ( 13 ) C of Methane from a Typical Metropolitan Landfill in China

  5. 中国已经正式加入了WTO。环保产业是21世纪的重头产业,而城市垃圾处理行业又是环保产业的核心之一。

    As China has entered WTO ( World Trade Organization ), the environmental protection industry is going to be a major industry in the 21st century .

  6. 深度氧化技术(AOTS)及其在垃圾渗滤液处理中的应用我国城市垃圾渗滤液处理现状与展望

    Present Situation and Future of City Landfill Leachate Treatment in China

  7. 膨润土及其产品GCL正广泛应用于城市垃圾填埋场的防渗系统中。

    Bentonite and GCL are widely used in barrier systems of MSW landfill .

  8. 采用水解酸化SBR法混凝沉淀复合工艺对城市垃圾渗滤液进行处理,确定水解酸化、SBR法和混凝的最佳运行参数。

    Urban landfill leachates were treated by composite process of hydrolytic acidification-SBR-chemical coagulation and sedimentation , and the optimum processed conditions of the anoxic , SBR and coagulation were achieved .

  9. 试论通过PPP模式处理我国城市垃圾PPP模式在中小城市生活垃圾处理服务中的运用研究

    A STUDY ON THE TREATMENT OF MSW BY PPP IN CHINA Study on Using Public-Private Partnerships to Improve the Provision of Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Services in Medium-Small Sized Cities

  10. 采用完全混合厌氧消化工艺处理城市垃圾,分析在不同条件下pH值和VFA(挥发性脂肪酸)的变化过程。

    The complete mix anaerobic digestion system was used to treat municipal solid waste ( MSW ) . The pH value and the VFA ( volatile fat acid ) were analyzed under different conditions .

  11. 对利用重金属螯合剂处理城市垃圾焚烧飞灰的药剂稳定化工艺及处理效果进行了实验研究,并与Na2s和石灰等效果进行了比较。

    Experimental study on the technological process and treatment efficiency of heavy metal chelating agent in treating fly ash from MSW incinerator , and compared with the results of inorganic chemical agents such as Na2S and lime used in treating this kind of hazardous waste have been conducted .

  12. 江苏省城市垃圾分类回收管理方案

    The Managing Schemes for Urban Rubbish Classifiable Retrieval in Jiangsu Province

  13. 城市垃圾填埋场选址的地质水文地质要求

    Geological and Hydrogeological Requirements for Options of Urban Waste Landfill Site

  14. 城市垃圾能源利用技术的比较研究

    Comparison and Research on the Technologies of Urban Waste Energy Utilization

  15. 乌鲁木齐市城市垃圾管理市场化运作研究

    Study on the Market-oriented Process of Solid Waste Management in Urumqi

  16. 城市垃圾好氧堆肥处理的几个关键问题

    Several Important Problems about Aerobic Composting Process of Municipal Solid Waste

  17. 线性规划在城市垃圾运输中的应用

    The Linear Program Was Applied for the Transportation of the Municipal Waste

  18. 层燃-流化床焚烧城市垃圾技术

    Urban Refuse Burning Technology Using Coal-Bed Firing Combuster and Fluidized-Bed Firing Furace

  19. 准好氧填埋技术在城市垃圾处理中的应用

    Semi - Aerobic Filling - Burying Technology Applying in Urban Garbage Disposal

  20. 我国城市垃圾处理技术装备水平与发展趋势

    Technical Level and Development Trend on Urban Garbage Treatment Equipment in China

  21. 国外城市垃圾的控制、收集和焚烧处理现状

    Present Situation of MSW of Control , Collection and Incineration Treatment Abroad

  22. 武汉市城市垃圾处理现状调查及展望

    Investigation and Prospect of Municipal Solid Waste Disposal in Wuhan

  23. 城市垃圾二次性好氧堆肥化工艺的若干设计方程

    Some design formulas for two stage aerobic composting process of municipal refuse

  24. 城市垃圾厌氧消化产酸阶段研究

    Study on Acidification Period in the Anaerobic Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste

  25. 城市垃圾渗滤液物化&生化法处理工艺研究

    Technic Research on Physicochemical and Biochemical Process for Urban Landfill Leachate Treatment

  26. 城市垃圾与脱水污泥混合堆肥实验研究

    Experiments on Mixed Compost of Urban Garbage and Dehydrated Sludge

  27. 城市垃圾焚烧烟气净化系统的分析

    Analysis on the Flue Gas Purification System of the Urban Garbage Incineration

  28. 国外若干城市垃圾的处理现状和动向

    Current situation and tendency of urban garbage disposal in some foreign cities

  29. 城市垃圾资源利用前景的分析

    An prospective analysis of municipal solid waste ( msw ) resource recovery

  30. 运用层次分析法优选城市垃圾填埋场地

    Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process in Selecting the Landfill Site