
  • 网络Urban population growth
  1. 现在,大多数城市人口增长发生在发展中国家。

    Now most urban population growth is in the developing world .

  2. 北京城市人口增长调控研究

    Research on the control of urban population growth in Beijing

  3. 城市人口增长中比重最大的将是贫困人口。

    Poor people will make up most of the urban growth .

  4. 特大城市人口增长和政策专家组会议

    Expert Group Meeting on Population Growth and Policies in Mega-Cities

  5. 江苏城市人口增长方式的实证研究

    Case Study on the Urban Population Growth Style in Jiangsu

  6. 目前,大部分城市人口增长出现在发展中国家。

    Now most population growth is in the developing world .

  7. 城市人口增长过快,人口素质仍然不高;

    Overgrowing and low average quality of city population ;

  8. 中国城市人口增长过程及差异研究

    Process and Inequality of Urban Population Increase in China

  9. 迁移的惯性对城市人口增长起促进作用;

    The inertia of migration encourages urban population growth ;

  10. 同一基础上起步的芜湖和无锡,近代城市人口增长很快。

    The population of Wuhu and Wuxi has increased greatly with the same base .

  11. 基础设施条件能显著影响城市人口增长的节奏。

    The infrastructure development has a significant impact on the speed of urban population growth .

  12. 限定城市人口增长、提高居民整体文化素质水平;

    Define the urban population growth and raising the culture quality level of inhabitant overall ;

  13. 大城市人口增长最快,中等城市次之,小城市增长最慢。

    Large cities were the fastest in population growth , the medium-sized cities next to them , small cities the slowest .

  14. 毫无悬念,到了19世纪末城市人口增长了87倍

    And sure enough , by the end of the 19th century , the urban population has increased 87 times over .

  15. 这篇论文突出了达累斯萨拉姆城市人口增长和城市化、移动性、施加的挑战和解决这些挑战的首创方法。

    This thesis highlighted the Dar es Salaam city population growth and urbanization , mobility , challenges imposed and initiatives to address them .

  16. 分析认为:中国城市人口增长过程具有持续性和波动性的总体特征;

    The conclusion of this paper is that , first , the process of urban population increase in China has the characters of durative and undulation ;

  17. 从区域分布来看,西部地区与勃兰登堡地区的城市人口增长强劲,而易北河以东地区的城市人口增长则较慢。

    According to regional distribution , urban population grew quickly in western areas and Brandenburg areas while growing slowly in the east of the Elbe River .

  18. 第四章通过对城市人口增长的分类分析,构建系统动态分析方法,对区域内各个等级城市的人口发展情况做出预测。

    Chapter 4 structures systematic and dynamic method through analyzing the classification of urban population growth , then makes prediction to the urban population development of each different grade cities in the region .

  19. 从2005到2025年,中印两国将占到亚洲城市人口增长的逾62%,世界城市人口增长的40%。

    India and China alone will account for more than 62 per cent of the Asian urban population growth and a 40 per cent of global urban population growth between 2005 and 2025 .

  20. 论述了全球人口及城市人口增长与发展的基本规律,根据历史记录数据建立了其预测指数方程。

    Basic regularity of world population growth and its development of whole cities population and geo-environmental change are stated and discussed . According to the historical record data , some exponent equations for prediction are built .

  21. 提出为实施可持续发展应注意的主要问题有:保护土地资源,发展生态农业,增加森林覆盖率,治理岩漠化,控制城市人口增长,积极防治与治理环境污染等。

    Primary measures to carry out sustainable development are introduced , such as protecting land resources , developing ecological agriculture , increasing forest coverage , tackling rock desertification , urban population control and harnessing environmental pollution , etc.

  22. 中国政法大学教授王军表示,新规则与中央政府限制主要城市人口增长的努力相符。

    Wang Jun , a professor at the China University of Political Science and Law , says the new rules are in line with the central government 's efforts to limit the growth of population in major cities .

  23. 分析师说,城市人口增长、首次购房者以及改善房需求引发的购房需求提振了房地产市场,在供应开始趋紧之际推动主要城市房价上涨。

    Analysts say housing demand stemming from urban population growth , first-time home buyers and people moving into better homes have buoyed the property market , driving up prices in major cities as supply starts to be a constraint .

  24. 随着沿海区域经济的迅猛发展以及城市人口增长压力的加大,土地资源的短缺问题日益突出,利用围填海的方式拓展土地空间已经成为世界性的趋势和沿海各国的战略选择。

    With the rapid development of coastal economy and population , the land resource shortage problem has been increasingly prominent . In this case , the land reclamation which can create new land space , is becoming a worldwide trend and strategic choice in coastal countries .

  25. 最近五年这一城市的人口增长迅速。

    The population of this city expanded rapidly in the last five years .

  26. 那个城市的人口增长率每年下降1.5%。

    The population growth in that city is decreasing by1.5 % each year .

  27. 美国城市人口的增长有力推动了这类服务的发展。

    Such services have been largely fueled by a growing number of American urbanites .

  28. 与此同时,不同类型城市的人口增长幅度也各不相同。

    Furthermore , the growth rate of population was not similar in different kinds of cities .

  29. 在最近几年中,这个城市的人口增长缓慢。

    During the past few years , the city has showed a slight increase in population .

  30. 最后对广州城市人口的增长和分布随城市规模和时空间变化特点进行了模型归纳。

    Finally , the spatial-temporal models are developed out based on growth and distribution of population in Guangzhou .