
zuò gāo
  • sitting height
坐高[zuò gāo]
  1. 测算坐高、腰围、上臂围、体重指数(BMI)反映身体肥胖程度与血脂的关系。

    We used sitting height , waistline , arm girth and BMI to reflect the obesity , and analyzed the relation between these indexes and blood lipids levels .

  2. 高脂血症组的坐高、腰围、上臂围、体重指数4项指标明显高于正常组,2组间差异有显著性(P0·05);

    The sitting height , waistline , arm girth and BMI of children with hyperlipidemia were evidently different from those of the normal subjects ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 从各年龄组看,12岁时,AIS组的校正身高、校正坐高、臂长与对照组相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),甚至AIS组校正前平均身高低于对照组。

    There were no statistical differences in corrected height , corrected sitting height and arm span between AIS girls and the controls at the age group of 12 years old . On the contrary , the AIS girls showed shorter uncorrected height than the controls did at this age .

  4. 结肠袋出现在胚胎第10周末,坐高56mm的阶段。

    The haustra of the human colon first appeared at the 56 mm . CR stage ( the end of 10 th week ) .

  5. 但从常州坐高铁到上海只需要一个小时。

    But Shanghai is only an hour away by bullet train .

  6. 第二交叉年龄,身高由14岁提到13岁,坐高和体重均由15岁提到14岁。

    The second crossing age for height has advanced from 14 yrs to 13 yrs ;

  7. 俺坐高的,你坐低的。

    I am sit higher than you .

  8. 目的:探讨成年人坐高身高指数的规律。

    Objective : Inquire into the law of the index number on the adults sitting height and height .

  9. 体质发育调查指标包括身高、体重、胸围、坐高、肩宽、骨盆宽六项,其增长幅度及变异度皆以体重为大。

    The increase rate and degree of variation of body weight is the greatest in physical development indices .

  10. 结果表明:五项测量指标侧别和性别差异均无显著意义,各项指标的增长与坐高的增长呈平行趋势,增长幅度有差异。

    The results showed that there was no statistical significance in side and sex difference of these measurements .

  11. 地克病病人的身材矮小,一方面来源于坐高,另一方面来源于下肢长。

    The patients with endemic cretin are short because their sitting height and length of lower limb are short .

  12. 小学生身高、坐高和膝高的发育与饮牛奶习惯有显著的关联。

    The pupil 's height , sitting height and knee height had significant relation with their drinking milk habit .

  13. 活体切齿至食管齿状线长度与坐高关系的研究

    Research on the relationship between the upper body height and the length in an alive people from incisors to cardia

  14. 坐高、腰围、上臂围、体重指数均是影响甘油三酯和高密度脂蛋白浓度的危险因素。

    ConclusionResults suggest that sitting height , waistline , arm girth and BMI are the risk factors of hyperlipidemia in children .

  15. 第一交叉年龄,身高由11岁提到10岁,坐高由11岁提到9岁,胸围与体重交叉年龄未变。

    The first crossing age for height has advanced from 11 yrs to 10 yrs ; for sitting height from 11 to 9 yrs.

  16. 结果表明,女性青、老年人坐高指数有统计学差异;

    The results showed that there was statistical difference in the index of sitting height between the young and the old female people .

  17. 坐高、下肢长和坐高/身高比值的全国不同年龄参考值及其对于不对称性发育异常的诊断价值

    Nationwide age references for sitting height , leg length , and sitting height / height ratio , and their diagnostic value for disproportionate growth disorders

  18. 乡村儿童身高增加和身高及坐高发育高峰年龄提前的幅度大于同性别城市儿童;

    The height increment and advancing of Maximum Growth Age for height and sitting height of rural children are more obvious than that of urban children ;

  19. 1983年对北京、重庆两地市区和农村汉族685对父子和667对母女的身高和坐高进行了测量。

    A survey was carried out to measure the stature and sitting height of 685 father-son and 667 mother-daughter pairs of Han nationality in Beijing and Chongqing areas .

  20. 我们发现结肠系膜带出现于胚胎第10周末,而其他两结肠带在坐高68mm阶段出现,即较前者迟一周。

    We found that the taenia mesocolica could be seen at the end of 10th week of fetal life , while the other two taeniae at the 68 mm .

  21. 结果表明:前臂围与上臂围、体重、胸围、身长、坐高及头围之间都存在高度相关性。

    The result showed that there were high correlations between forearm circumference and upper - arm circumference , weight , chest circumference , height , sitting height or head circumference .

  22. 不要误会我啊,我不是想要废除工会,我只是想要坐高铁从旧金山到洛杉矶而已。

    Don 't get me wrong . I wouldn 't want to abolish unions just so I could ride the high speed rail up to San Fransisco from LA heh .

  23. 目的分析坐高与切齿至齿状线长度关系,得到由坐高估计切齿至齿状线长度的近似公式,为临床相关工作提供参考。

    Objective To study the relationship between the upper body height and the length in an alive people from incisors to cardia , and provide the referance message for Medical work .

  24. 先测每个儿童的立高、坐高、下肢长度、踝高和双髂宽度,然后计算出盆上高度、盆高和坐骨下高度。

    Suprapelvic height , pelvic height , and subischeal height are obtained by calculation on the basis of standing height , sitting height , total lower limb length , ankle height and bi-iliac width .

  25. 身高、坐高对于运动性指标的关联度几乎相同,从量化的角度解释了医学上采用身高坐高比方法的合理性。

    The body height and the sedentary height are almost equally related to the sport indexes , which quantitatively confirm the rationality of the medical approach of the ratio of the body height to sedentary height .

  26. 选择2个地区10~13岁儿童测量其发汞含量并进行儿童生长发育指标身高、体重、坐高、胸围、背肌力、握力的测定;

    To test the content of mercury in hair of children 10 ~ 13 years old and to determine the growth index such as height , body weight , sitting height , chest circumference , back strength , grip strength ;

  27. 方法:2002年10月对矿区657名学龄前儿童体格发育常用指标(体重、身高、坐高、头围、胸围)进行测量,并与标准值进行比较。

    Method : commonly-used indexes of physical development including body weight , body height , sitting height , head circumference , and chest circumference of a total of 657 preschool children in mining area were measured in Oct. 2002 and compared with the standard values of children at corresponding age .

  28. 上世纪80年代初,在华尔街工作的我看到很多西装革履的男士坐在高椅上高傲地读着《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal),而身穿脏围裙的擦鞋匠在他们脚下卖力工作。

    When I worked on Wall Street in the early 1980s , I remember seeing lines of men in suits sitting on high chairs loftily reading the Wall Street Journal while men in dirty aprons toiled away below them .

  29. IT支出每年以10%-15%的速度增长,早早进驻微软、英特尔和戴尔(Dell)的投资者们坐享高达50000%的股价涨幅。

    IT spending was increasing by10 % - 15 % a year , and investors who got in on the ground floor saw the stocks of Microsoft , Intel and Dell ( DELL ) rise as high as50,000 % over time .

  30. 加菲:我们猫喜欢坐在高的位置。

    Garfield : We cats like to sit in high places .