
tān xiàn
  • collapse;subside;give away
坍陷 [tān xiàn]
  • [collapse;cave in;fall in;subside] 崩塌、陷落

  • 地震使这里的地面坍陷了一大块

  1. 很多商业性的蜜蜂看护者都被一种神秘的称为,蜂巢坍陷障碍CCD的症状所困扰,很多工蜂因此而死去。

    Many commercial beekeepers have been devastated by a mysterious syndrome known ascolony collapse disorder ( CCD ), in which many worker bees vanish .

  2. 用功率谱密度坍陷评价光学元件波前中频误差特性

    Evaluating intermediate frequency error property of wavefront of optical components with PSD collapse

  3. 岩石由于坍陷进入凹槽的中心而发生褶皱。

    The rocks were folded by collapsing into the center of the trough .

  4. 可坍陷管位移振荡的稳定性问题

    Exploration of Stability on Collapsible Tube Displacement Oscillation

  5. 屋顶上积雪重压使得棚子坍陷。

    The weight of the snow on the roof caused the shed to collapse .

  6. 地板坍了,他们从坍陷处跌了下去。

    The floor collapsed and they dropped through .

  7. 为什么有时候搪胶会坍陷?

    Why does vinyl sometimes cave in ?

  8. 坍陷坍陷,如隧道或建筑的塌陷基于范例推理的浏阳河隧道风化槽段坍方风险评估

    Case-based Reasoning Assessment on Tunnel Collapse Risk of the Weathered Trough Section of Liuyang River Tunnel

  9. 导出了可坍陷管中午顿流体定常流动的压强-流量积分关系式;

    The pressure-flow integral relationship for steady flow ofa Newtonian fluid in a collapsible tube was deduced .

  10. 某水库大坝砼防渗墙施工平台坍陷及导向槽沉降处理措施

    Treatment measures for main dam concrete anti-seepage wall construction platform collapse and guide slot settlement at a reservoir

  11. 当年试行通过的第一辆机车,就因为湖冰坍陷沉入湖底。

    The first locomotive that tried to cross the lake fell through the ice and plunged to the bottom .

  12. 如果星系不致于逐渐坍陷的话,星系中的恒星必须绕其中心旋转。

    The stars of the galaxy must revolve about its center if the galaxy is not to gradually collapse .

  13. 城区地下水、地下其它液体和固体物质的开采,可能引起地面沉降或坍陷。

    The exploitation of ground water and some other liquid or solid materials may cause the land subsidence or collapse .

  14. 这一隅心城,为雨水、眼泪与江涛冲决而坍陷,莫非在蜿蜒泣诉一个梦境的凄美结局?

    This corner was rushed by rain , tears and river , maybe it is telling the miserable end of a dream .

  15. 可坍陷管中,当管流速度幅值超过临界速度时,会产生失稳和位移振荡。

    When the maximum velocity of an oscillated flow in the collapsible tube exceeds the so-called critical velocity , the tube will become unstable and oscillate with displacement .

  16. 结果表明,横山山体之下3号煤层的采动坍陷是引起山体变形破坏的直接原因;

    The result of the research shows that the mining and the collapsing of the coal seam No. 3 under the Hengshan slope are the direct factors causing the slope deformation and failure .

  17. 如果一个搪胶塑像从一个减压机下来,但没有通风孔(一个让空气进出的小孔),这个塑像就会坍陷。

    Also if a vinyl figure takes a trip on an depressurized plane and it has no ventilation hole ( a small hole to allow air to pass in and out of ) the figure can cave in .

  18. 软土的变形很大,使得软土隧道的开挖变形也很大,地面沉降难以控制,过大沉降易引起路面开裂,甚至坍陷,影响交通安全。

    The soft soil has great deformation , which makes the deformation of soft soil tunnel also great after excavating and ground settlement hard to control . The oversized settlement is easy to cause road surface crack , even collapse , which affects the traffic safety .