
  • 网络Seismic facies;seismic face
  1. 首先利用沉积相分析和地震相分析技术,对SWD地区的砂体展布进行了描述;

    First , the sand-body distribution is described by the analysis of sedimentary facies and seismic facies .

  2. 珠江口海区海底不稳定性地质因素的地震相分析

    Seismic facies analysis of the marine instabilities in the Pearl River mouth region

  3. 首次引入遗传算法,实现了Kohonen网络地震相模式识别中的地震属性优化。

    In this paper , the author introduces Genetic Algorithm ( GA ) for the first time , and realizes seismic attribute optimization in seismic facies recognition with Kohonen network .

  4. 西部S盆地T凹陷J3组地震相分析

    Seismic Facies Analysis of Group J3 in T Depression of S Basin in the Western China

  5. 用神经网络与构造属性进行交互地震相分析

    Interactive analysis of seismic facies using neural network and textural attribute

  6. 陆相断陷盆地地震相解释专家系统

    Expert system for seismic facies interpretation in continental fault basin

  7. 塔河油田石炭系三角洲微地震相研究

    Analysis of micro-seismic facies in delta of Carboniferous formation at Tahe oilfield

  8. 安岳&潼南地区须家河组地震相模式及其地质意义

    Seismic Facies Models and Their Significance of Xujiahe Formation in Anyue-Tongnan Area

  9. 微地震相自动化解释及其应用

    Automatic interpretation of micro seismic facies and the application

  10. 神经网络微地震相分析方法及应用

    Application of the Neural Network to Microseismic Facies Identification

  11. 三维可视化地震相分析在沉积相研究中的应用

    Waveform classification seismic facies analysis in sedimentary facies research

  12. 地震相分析在深反射地震勘探资料解释中的应用

    Application of seismic phase analysis in the interpretation of deep seismic reflection data

  13. 三角洲和水下扇的地震相分析

    The seismic facies analysis of delta and submarine fan

  14. 展示了各层序地震相平面分布特征。

    The plane distribution features of each seismic facies are presented in this paper .

  15. 我因过分激动而跳跃的心可与唐山大地震相媲美;

    I too excited and jumping from the heart with the Tangshan earthquake comparable ;

  16. 南沙海域方安盆地地震相解释及沉积相分析

    Seismic facies interpretation and sedimental facies analysis of Wan'an basin , South China Sea

  17. 塔中地区火成岩的地震相及圈闭特征

    Seismic Facies And Trap Types of Igneous Rocks in TZ Area , Tarim Basin

  18. 地震相在空间上的分布与凹陷结构及构造演化有良好的对应关系。

    Their spatial distribution corresponds to the structure and the tectonic evolution of Gaoyou Sag .

  19. 经过综合解释,把地震相转换成了沉积相。

    The seismic facies has been transferred into the sedimentary facies after a comprehensive interpretation .

  20. 柴达木盆地地震相模式

    Seismic facies models of the Qaidam Basin

  21. 应用微地震相预测灰岩地层有利储渗带

    Application of Microseismic Phases in Prediction of Favourable Reserve - permeate Belt in Limestone Layer

  22. 各种地震相平面分布具有差异性、纵向上具有继承性和演化性。

    These seismic facies show differentiation in horizontal distribution and are successive and evolutionary vertically .

  23. 陇川盆地中新统地震相分析与油气勘探

    Seismic facies analysis and oil  ̄ gas prospect of Miocene in Longchuan basin , western Yunnan

  24. 这些地震相有规律地分布在拗陷的一定部位和地震层序中。

    These seismic facies follow a definite pattern of distribution in certain sections and seismic sequences .

  25. 三角洲地震相的解释

    The interpretation of delta seismic facies

  26. 线族形状结构的识别方法及其在地震相反射结构判别中应用初探

    A Method for Recognizing Configurations Consisting of Line Sets and Its Application to Discrimination of Seismic Face Structures

  27. 研究地震相的目的在于重塑盆地的沉积史和构造史。

    The purpose of studying seismic facies lies on reconstruct the sedimentary history and structural history of basin .

  28. 本文首次用基于主成分分析的支持向量机划分地震相。

    In this thesis , seismic facies was classed by support vector machine based on principal component analysis .

  29. 传统地震相分析满足不了目前油田勘探开发的需要。

    Traditional seismic facies analysis can not meet the demand of current exploration and development in oil fields .

  30. 地震相分析在塔河地区三叠系储层预测中的应用

    Application of seismic phase analysis to the prediction of the Triassic reservoirs in Tahe area , the Tarim Basin