
  • 网络seismic wavelet
  1. 地震子波的时变与短程微曲多次反射

    The time-variant seismic wavelet and the peg - leg multiple

  2. 对地震子波无相位要求。

    No supposition that the seismic wavelet is minimum phase .

  3. 该方法用ARMA模型描述地震子波,用遗传算法交替迭代地估计AR和MA参数。

    We use ARMA model to describe the seismic wavelet , and use genetic algorithms to estimate the AR parameters and the MA parameters iteratively .

  4. 在VSP资料中提取出的较纯的地震子波可以用于对地面地震资料的反褶积,提高地面地震资料的分辨率。

    VSP data to extract more pure seismic wavelet can be used on the surface seismic data deconvolution to improve resolution of surface seismic data .

  5. 地震子波估计是地震资料反褶积处理、AVO三参数反演、地震波阻抗反演、偏移、特征提取、地震正演模型和地球物理解释工作的基础。

    Seismic wavelet estimation is base of seismic impedance inversion , processing of seismic data deconvolution , three-term AVO inversion , offset , feature extraction , geophysical interpretation and seismic forward model .

  6. 采用最佳匹配地震子波的解析小波(简称SW小波)作为基本小波,提出了基于小波变换计算瞬时带宽的方法(简称小波换变方法)。

    By taking one of the analyzing wavelet as basic wavelet , which best matching seismic wavelets , a new method of calculating the instantaneous spectrum bandwidth ( ISB ) is given ( called WT method ) .

  7. VSP技术是近几年发展比较迅速的一门科学,在提取地层地质参数,地层速度,地震子波等地震参数方面有很大的作用,越来越被人们所重视和利用。

    VSP technology is developing rapidly in recent years and is playing a very important role in extracting such seismic parameters as stratigraphic geological parameter , the formation velocity , and the seismic wavelet , and it is becoming more and more valuable and useful .

  8. 本文以Ricker子波模拟地震子波,研究Ricker子波视主频变化的相应检测效果.研究结果:随着Ricker子波视主频的升高,检测SNR逐渐变差,在高频部分SNR的变化明显比低频部分缓慢;

    The findings : with the apparent dominant frequency of the Ricker wavelet rising , the detection SNR will get worse gradually , it is obvious that the variety of the SNR is slower during the portion of high frequency than during the portion of low frequency ;

  9. 叠前反Q滤波是以FUTTERMAN衰减模型为理论基础,校正地震子波相位拉伸,补偿地震波频率和振幅的损失,达到提高地震资料分辨率和信噪比及改善同相轴连续性的目的。

    Inverse Q filter be for stack is based on the attenuation model of Futterman . By correcting phase distortion of wavelet , compensating frequency and amplitude of seismic wave , the resolution of seismic data the signal to noise ratio are improved , and the events are more continuous .

  10. 地震子波提取是地震勘探中一个非常关键的问题。

    Seismic wavelet extraction is a key question in seismic exploration .

  11. 上述假设条件与实际地震子波的混合相位存在较大差别。

    There is large difference between above hypotheses and real seismic wavelets .

  12. 常规的地震子波估计是在假设子波为最小相位的基础上对地震记录进行处理。

    The wavelet is usually presupposed the minimum phase in wavelet estimation .

  13. 通过提取子波的幅值和相位,进而使地震子波得以恢复。

    We reconstructed seismic wavelet by extracting information of amplitude and phase .

  14. 本文的研究重点就是深度域地震子波及岩性参数反演两方面的内容。

    Multiwave wavelet and lithology parameter inversion in depth domain are investigated emphatically .

  15. 地震子波估计&高阶累积量矩阵方程法

    Seismic Wavelet Estimation ─ Matrix-Equation Method of High-order Cumulants

  16. 地震子波频率浅析

    Analysis of seismic wavelet frequency . An Earthquake Earthquake

  17. 空变地震子波提取方法研究

    Study on the extraction of spatial varied seismic wavelets

  18. 基于高阶谱的地震子波估计

    Seismic wavelet estimation based on the high-order spectrum

  19. 地震子波的提取是地震反演中非常重要的一个方面。

    Seismic wavelet extraction is one of the very important part of seismic inversion .

  20. 本文对地震子波估计和反褶积的理论方法进行了研究。

    Both the wavelet estimation and the seismic deconvolution are studied in this paper .

  21. 地震子波零相位化改造的应用

    The application of seismic wavelet zero - phasing

  22. 测井约束地震子波外推方法研究

    Seismic wavelet extrapolation with constraint of log data

  23. 基于综合的混沌优化算法估计地震子波

    Seismic wavelet estimation using hybrid chaos optimization algorithm

  24. 本文提出了一种在频率域实现的地震子波提取的高阶累积量方法。

    In this thesis , a new frequency domain method of high-order cumulants is presented .

  25. 地震子波的提取和地层波阻抗反演是地震反演中非常重要的两个方面。

    Seismic wavelet extraction and stratum acoustic impedance inversion are very important in seismic inversion .

  26. 地震子波估计问题是地震勘探信号处理和分析中的关键一环。

    The estimation of seismic wavelet is an important problem in the seismic signal processing .

  27. 交互地震子波提取技术

    A interactive technique for seismic wavelet extraction

  28. 一种新的地震子波估计方法

    A New Method for Seismic Wavelet Estimation

  29. 利用地震子波进行油气检测

    Applying the wavelet to detect hydrocarbon

  30. 分时窗提取地震子波及在合成地震记录中的应用

    The Extractive Method of Seismic Wavelet in Different Time Window and the Application in Synthetic Seismogram