
dì zhèn yí
  • seismograph
地震仪 [dì zhèn yí]
  • [seismograph] 记录地震的仪器

  1. 现在对于距一标定过的地震仪任何距离处的任何一个地震,都可用一个震级确定之。

    Any earthquake at any distance from a calibrated seismograph is nowadays assigned a magnitude .

  2. DFS-Ⅴ型数字地震仪数字AGC的理论分析与探讨

    Discussion on the theory of the digital AGC of DFS-V digital seismograph

  3. I/OSYSTEMTWO遥测地震仪在三维勘探中的应用

    Application I / O System Two in 3 D seismic exploration

  4. I/OImageSystem是我国从美国引进的最新型的遥测地震仪。

    I / O Image System is the latest telemetry seismic instrument .

  5. 对数字地震仪B格式记录中两个间隙时间的分析

    Examination of TMO gaps of digital seismic recorder whilst recording in seg-b format

  6. 利用钟控线路对三分向地震仪进行每日实时标定,本文介绍了LED标定器原理及使用方法。

    This paper introduces the principle and using method of LED calibrator .

  7. 文中介绍了I/OsystemⅡ遥测地震仪与200系列编译码器,进行有线放炮时遇到的几个问题以及解决办法。

    This paper introduces several problems met and how to solve them when using I / O system and sss-200 encoder / decoder to realize shooting down the cable .

  8. SUMMIT地震仪常见电路故障的分析与修复

    The common electric circuit troubles of the summit seismograph and their repairs

  9. I/OSystemFour~(TM)VR全数字遥测地震仪SPS文件格式

    SPS File format of I / O System Four ~ ( TM ) VR total - digital telemetry seismograph

  10. DAS型轻便数字地震仪在野外观测中的运用及注意的有关问题

    Application of das portable digital seismograph in field observation and some notice

  11. 而使用海底地震仪(OBS)进行广角反射地震测量,可较好地解决高阻抗层屏蔽问题,它是开展海上地质构造勘查的一种行之有效的方法。

    Wide angle reflection seismic survey is a useful method to solve the problem .

  12. IMAGE数字地震仪是目前世界上先进的地震仪之一,如何将它拥有的先进技术和功能开发出来应用于生产中,以满足新勘探技术的需要是非常重要的。

    IMAGE system is one of the most advanced seismic instruments in the world . How to make best use of the advanced technology and function to meet the demand for new exploration technology is very important .

  13. ARAMARIES是一套全新的网络化的遥测数据地震仪。

    ARAM-ARIES is a new nel-link telemetry seismic data acquisition system .

  14. ARA地震仪放大器在广州台的使用

    The use of Ara seismograph amplifier in Guangzhou seismic station

  15. 由SK地震仪的尾波持续时间快速测定面波震级

    Fast determination of surface wave magnitude m_s from duration of coda waves recorded by SK seismograph

  16. ARA地震仪放大器是一种集成化的可以自动换档的地震仪放大器。

    The seismic amplifier of ARA type is a integrated amplifier which can be shifted automatically .

  17. DD1和DK1地震仪系统的零极点分布、动态特性与暂态响应

    The zero-pole point distribution and the dynamic performance and the transient response of the DD-1 and DK-1 seismograph systems

  18. 混凝土桩基的动态无损检测用ES1225型浅层地震仪检测混凝土桩基质量的可行性研究

    The Dynamic Nondestructive Inspection of Quality of the Pile Foundation & The Feasibility Research of the Nondestructive Inspection of Concrete Pile Foundation With ES-1225 Model Shallow Seismic Proffer

  19. 本文是ARA地震仪放大器在各种现用地震仪记录器上具体应用的系列文章之一。

    This paper is one of the articles which describes the concrete application of ARA seismic amplifier on every kind of seismic recorder .

  20. ARA的性能比分立元件组成的各类现用地震仪放大器性能有较大的提高。

    Its performance score shows that the character of every kind of seismic amplifier which composed by the parts of ARA has increased greatly .

  21. 数字地震仪中的FDNR滤波器

    FDNR filter in digital seismograph

  22. 408UL(XL)地震仪LCI板及野外设备软件的升级下载方法

    408UL ( XL ) seismic instrument LCI board and the upgrading method about the software of the field equipment

  23. 从SN388看遥测地震仪的发展趋势

    The Trend of Telemetry Seismic Instrument Development as Viewed from SN 388

  24. 遥测地震仪电线数字传输常采用的传输码型有:AMI、Manchester-Ⅱ、Miller、FSK等。教传电缆的特性和传输码型都是决定传输速率的重要因素。

    The code applied in telemetry system usually are : AMl , Manchester - II Miller and FSK etc Both the characteristics of cable and the code are key factors to determine the transmission rate .

  25. DFS-V数字地震仪去假频滤波器的前两级双T网络中,由于C4电容的存在,使得对称双T网络的传递特性发生了重大变化。

    Added a capacitor C_4 respectively , two initial twin T network s in the antialias filter of DFS-V seismic acquisition system greatly differ from symmetric twin T network in transfer characteristic .

  26. OBS(海底地震仪)数据具有丰富的广角反射和横波信息,在了解天然气水合物调查过程中,开展OBS的勘探工作是非常有意义的。

    The data of the OBS ( Ocean Bottom Seismometer ) has plentiful wide angle reflection and transverse wave information . It is important to take the OBS exploration in gas-hydrate investigation .

  27. 在网络数字地震仪的专用嵌入式Linux中,增加了CPLD设备驱动程序,增加WatchDog,硬盘超时管理,GPS时间服务等功能,有效提高了系统运行的可靠性和数据产出质量。

    THE reliability and quality of output data are greatly improved by adding the codes for the CPLD device driver , WatchDog , hard-disk timeout management , GPS timing service , etc , to the dedicated embedded Linux operating system .

  28. ZD-1型信号增强浅层勘探地震仪

    A seismic equipment for shallow exploration with enhanced signal to noise ratio , type ZD-1

  29. 1904年,日本又在大连南山和上海徐家汇架设了大森(Omori)地震仪。

    In1904 , Japan installed the Omori Seismograph in the South Hill , Dalian , and Xujiahui , Shanghai .

  30. MINI-SEIS地震仪在爆破振动监测中的应用

    Application of MINI-SEIS Seismograph in Blasting Vibration Measurement