
  • 网络ionosphere
  1. 摘要本文就地球电离层对行星际激波的动力学响应进行三维全球数值模拟研究。

    This paper presents three-dimensional , global numerical simulations of the dynamic response of the earth 's ionosphere to interplanetary shocks .

  2. 在对地球电离层的潮汐影响上,月亮是一个主要的贡献者。这些云是人为的,是研究地球电离层的科学家门创造的。

    The Moon is a major contributor to these tides in the earth 's electric field .

  3. 个中的要害是极低频(ELF)和甚高频(VHF)频次切实能够从地球的电离层被发射到世界范围的各个“空中波应急收集”(GWEN)塔的HAARP项目。

    A key to this is the HAARPproject where ELF and VHF frequencies can indeed be beamed off ofthe Earth 's ionosphere to various GWEN towers world-wide .

  4. 基于地球-电离层空腔共振的地震电磁监测方法研究

    Research on Seismic-Electromagnetic Observation Method Based on Earth-ionosphere Cavity Resonance

  5. 基于地球-电离层波导的传播模型,运用波导模式理论对甚低频电波的场强进行计算。

    This paper calculates VLF field strength using the waveguide mode theory based on earth-ionosphere waveguide propagation model .

  6. 多年来的观测研究表明,地震活动可能引发地球-电离层空腔共振异常。

    It is shown that seismic activities can arouse the earth-ionosphere cavity resonance anomalies from the observation for many years .

  7. 同地球一电离层谐振腔以及全球范围的闪电活动相联系的舒曼共振的振幅就是这样一种物理量。

    The amplitude of Schumann resonance , connecting with the resonance cavity of the earth-ionosphere and global lightening activity , is just one of that kind of parameter .

  8. 其他因素包括:地球自转、电离层、对流层、雨衰等的影响。

    Others effect include : Earth rotation 、 ionosphere 、 troposphere 、 rain attenuation , etc.

  9. 本文采用模拟的方法,分析其中地球扁率及电离层对反演结果的影响,并讨论局部圆弧修正及电离层修正的效果。

    In this paper , we discuss the effect of the Earth 's oblateness and ionosphere on the retrieval , and analyze the result of the local curvature correction and the ionosphere calibration .

  10. 本文较为详细地介绍了地球电磁波在电离层中的传播理论以及电离层的基本知识。

    The basic knowledge about ionosphere and the theory about earth electromagnetic wave transmiting in the ionosphere are introduced detailedly in this paper .

  11. 来自太阳的带电粒子流能与地球辐射带和电离层发生相互作用,破坏无线通信并妨碍电力输送。

    Charged particles streaming from the sun can interact with the earth 's radiation belts and the ionosphere , disrupting radio and interfering with power transmissions .