
dì rè zī yuán
  • geothermal resources
  1. 天津市地热资源勘查开发与资源保护管理探讨

    Exploitation and Development of Tianjin Geothermal Resources and Discussing on Geothermal Resources Protection and Management

  2. 结合邯郸市(苏曹)地热资源普查HD-1井施工实践,针对钻井、成井工艺等有关问题进行探讨,力图找出值得借鉴的经验和教训。

    Combine with constructional practices of geothermal resources search HD - 1 well , Probe into techniques of drill well and well completion and so forth problems , and strive to obtain valuable experiences and lessons .

  3. TM多波段影像资料应用于地热资源调查研究的一例

    An Example of the Application of TM Image Data to Geothermal Resource Survey

  4. MT及CSAMT方法在城市地热资源勘探中的应用

    Application of MT and CSAMT to city underground geothermal resource exploration

  5. 这意味着可利用的能源资源有所增加,透明度也在得到改善,在非洲大裂谷(RiftValley,位于东非)发现的天然气和地热资源也昭示着未来的巨大潜力。

    This is translating into more access to resources , transparency is being improved and the potential of Africa with finds of gas and geothermal in the Rift Valley ( in East Africa ) is tremendous .

  6. 本文总结了地热资源探测的方法与技术及其进展情况,并探讨了利用3S技术和计算机技术的融合在地热资源探测中的应用情况及发展前景。

    This paper reviews the progress of the exploration methods and technologies of geothermal resources . Compared with the traditional methods and technologies , the infusion of 3S and computer technologies will be widely used in exploring geothermal resources and will have a good prospect .

  7. 研究结果表明,佳木斯市区北东东约30km处存在明显的地表温度异常区,且异常区分布与隐伏断裂构造的分布有较好的对应关系,此区域为寻找地热资源的有利区域。

    The result indicates that there is a distinct land surface temperature abnormal area in the N-EE direction 30km away from the city and its distribution is well related to the hidden fault structure . So , we consider that it is an important area for exploration of geothermal resource .

  8. 鄂尔多斯周缘地质构造对地热资源形成的控制作用

    Tectonic Control of Geothermal Resources in the Peripheral of Ordos Basin

  9. 胜利油田地热资源综合利用项目介绍

    The Comprehensive Exploitation of the Geothermal Resources in Shengli Oil Field

  10. 山东省聊城市地热资源丰富。

    The geothermal resource is rich in Liaocheng of Shandong province .

  11. 天津市地热资源开发及可持续利用研究

    The sustainable development and utilization of the geothermal resources in Tianjin

  12. 献县地热资源勘探与开发利用

    Exploration , Development and Utilization of Geothermal Resources in Xianxian County

  13. 河南油田开发地热资源的探讨

    Discussion on Development and Utilization of Geothermal Resources in Henan Oilfield

  14. 华北盆地岩溶地热资源评价

    An assessment of karst geothermal resources of the North China Basin

  15. 烟台市地热资源勘查开发利用现状与远景规划

    Present Condition and Long-term Planning of Geothermal Resources Exploitation Yantai City

  16. 地热资源分布特征及控制因素研究

    On the distribution characteristics of geo-thermal resources and the controlling factors

  17. 永清境内蕴藏丰富的石油、天然气和地热资源。

    Yongqing territory rich in oil , gas and geothermal resources .

  18. 永春地热资源赋存规律与开发研究

    Research on Preservative Law and Exploitation of Geothermal Resources in Yongchun

  19. 丰富的地热资源储量为加快深层勘探提供了基础,深层地热分布规律认识的深化为加快勘探步伐提供了有利条件。

    The abundant geothermal resources is a foundation for deep-layer exploring .

  20. 电磁测深方法在深部地热资源调查中的应用

    Resource the application of electromagnetic sounding method in deep geothermal investigation

  21. 兰州地热资源赋存特征浅析

    An analysis of the occurrence of the geothermal resources in Lanzhou

  22. 我国的地热资源及地热发电技术的发展

    Geothermal Resources and Development of Geothermal Power Generation Technology in China

  23. 山东省地热资源综合信息远景预测

    Perspective Prognosis on Geothermal Resource in Synthetic Information in Shandong Province

  24. 云南地热资源的成因分析及开发利用

    Geothermal resources of YunNan , Their origin , exploitation and utilization

  25. 地热资源是一种宝贵的清洁矿产资源,属于新能源家族中重要成员之一。

    Geothermal reservoir is a precious and cleanly source of energy .

  26. 开发地热资源发展地热产业

    Exploitation of geothermal resources & . development of geothermal industry

  27. 濮阳市地热资源分析及水文地质参数计算

    Analysis of geothermal resource and calculation of hydrogeologic parameter in Puyang City

  28. 河北省地热资源分布特征、开发利用现状、存在问题与建议

    Geothermal Resource Distribution and Existing Problems in Exploitation and Utilization

  29. 郑州市超深层地热资源科学钻探工程

    Scientific Drilling for Ultra - deep Geothermy Resources in Zhengzhou

  30. 山东省临清市地热资源评价和开发利用方案建议

    Assessment and Utilization of Geothermal Resources in Linqing City , Shandong Province