
That 's roughly 82 times the average distance from the Earth to the sun ― and , according to the astronomers behind the discovery , the widest orbit ever seen for a planet in a triple-star system .
The other two stars in the system , HD 131399B and HD 131399C , twirl around each other as they orbit HD 131399A at a distance that 's 300 to 400 times greater than the distance from the Earth to the sun .
Who is the assassin who appears to be stalking Roslin in " Colonial Day "?
The annual event , held in honor of International Bog Day , requires that flipper-outfitted snorkelers swim along a360-foot ( 111-meter ) stretch of bog without using conventional swimming strokes .
AZUZ : When there 's something in the way , like the Moon , it appears as if there isn 't any light making its way from the Sun to Earth .
During our fifth counter-campaign , they argued that every time we retreated a step the enemy would push his blockhouses forward a step , so that our base areas would continuously shrink and we would have no way of recovering lost ground .
Furthermore , FFF regression works well in determining the intra-day periodicity .
The result indicates that , due to the diurnal variation of the geomagnetic field , the environmental magnetic field is hard to be measured directly at the distance of more than 300m away from the railway .
Investigation of method of processing daily change data in geomagnetic field
Analysis of daily shape of geomagnetic field in China
Failure to ration carefully becomes correspondingly less important .
Because today is Sunday , his holiday !
With the CMOS UVFPA , the solar-blind UV detection and visible light-blind detection can be implemented easily .
Up to 20 tons of sprouts a day were sold to wholesale dealers in Beijing and in Hebei and Shandong Provinces , the newspaper said .
This week , shortly after visiting Washington for talks with George Bush , he toured the Middle East , the fount of more than three-quarters of Japan 's oil .
The effects of solar gravity perturbation are evaluated as a crucial error of all , which based on the Earth-Sun restricted three-body problem and the Sun-Earth-Moon four-body gravitational model .
On the22nd , at the conclusion of the UMNO annual congress , Mahathir announced in tears his resignation from UMNO and his presidency of the ruling Nasional coalition to a stunned malaysia .
He who would attack that state from the outside must have the utmost caution ; as long as the prince resides there it can only be wrested from him with the greatest difficulty .
Based on the fundamental properties of the law of daily change in geomagnetic field , the law of daily change in geomagnetic field is discussed concretely by use of least squares method , and its interpolated accuracy is evaluated .
The ancient Chinese people learned to make this instrument a long time ago , and used it to pinpoint the position of the sun , the moon , and the stars with respect to each other and to know their movement . The celestial globe is seen as the ancestor of the modern celestial globe .
The results indicate that both Kalman filtering algorithm and second difference algorithm can be used to well estimate the attitude angle and attitude angular velocity of the satellite .
The result shows that the abnormity displacement of the low points of geomagnetic record is related to the seasonal changes of geomagnetic Z component and the daily changes of the geomagnetic field .
The AR-GARCH model accurately fits the daily market turnover time series with very significant estimated parameters .
Solar activity , especially , Coronal Mass Ejection ( CME ) during a large solar activity affected the space environment of human being and could be one of main reasons of the space disaster .
The difference of the levels of serum r-Ig between 22 days old and 32 days old piglets were not significant ( P > 0.05 ), but lymphocyte transformation ability in 32 days old piglets was significantly higher than that of 22 days old ( P < 0.05 ) .
Similar days selecting is the primary and effective way .
Those who have already nabbed job offers will greet graduation day with joy .
Against their will , the people had to stand for hours in the hot sun .
The purpose of reoccupations is to keep track of diurnal variations in the earth 's field .
I smiled to think that I had quietly spent the day unscathed by the heroics of newscasters .