
  1. 岫岩5.4级地震前地形变观测异常的某些特征

    Some characteristics on abnormal deformation before Xiuyan earthquake of m_s 5.4

  2. 山西离石断裂带地震活动与地形变观测

    Seismicity and Ground Deformation Observation of Lishi Fault Zone

  3. 钻孔环境在钻孔地形变观测中的作用

    The effect of borehole environment at borehole deformation observation

  4. 跨断层地形变观测新技术应用综述

    Cross - fault Deformation Observation Using New Techniques

  5. 我国地形变观测预报地震的现状及对地震预测问题的思考

    Earthquake Prediction by Using Ground Deformation Observations in China and Some Problems Related to It

  6. 定点地形变观测资料动态预估方程的建立

    The establishment of dynamic preestimate equation about observation data of crustal deformation in seismological stations

  7. 有关制订地震地形变观测仪器进网条件行业标准的一些情况和思考

    Situation and Consideration of the Professional Standard Network Acceptance Conditions for Instruments of Seismic Ground Deformation Observation

  8. 文中还从监测能力、观测精度、信息特征等角度,对这几种主要的跨断层地形变观测技术进行了较为全面的总结和讨论。

    The paper also gives a comprehensive discussion and summary on the monitoring ability , accuracy , and characteristics of these observational techniques .

  9. 地形变观测资料中干扰因素较多,而地震前兆与干扰往往不易区分。

    The interference factors of crustal deformation data are varied , therefore , it is difficult to distinguish between earthquake precursors and disturbances .

  10. 利用三峡地区多年的地形变观测资料,分析了该区的地形变特征。

    By using the observational data of crustal deformation in the Yangtze Gorges area , the characteristics of the deformation in study area are analyzed .

  11. 通过对多年地形变观测资料的整理分析,将带有普遍性干扰因素的典型畸变图像列出,并作了简要的物理机制说明,供同仁参考。

    Through collation of observation data in past years , typical patterns of various kinds of disturbances are given and their physical mechanisms are also explained briefly .

  12. 利用鄂西地区十多年来的地形变观测资料,分析了该地区的水平形变和垂直形变特征。

    In this paper , the features of the horizontal and vertical crust deformation in western Hubei are analysed based on the observational data of more than ten years .

  13. 在这次海城地震预报的实践中,地形变观测采用了点、线、面相结合的方式,并与其他观测紧密配合,是预报大地震的一次较为成功的尝试。

    In The Haicheng Earthquake prediction , a rather successful attempt was carried out in a way by combining observations of crustal deformation at fixed stations , along lines arid over a broad area and also combining closely with other kinds of observations .

  14. 根据我国现有地震地形变观测台网的实际情况,讨论了台网调整优化的基本原则及综合评估标准,并据以提出了调整优化后构成中国地震地形变国家级台网的43个台站。

    Based on the real conditions of crustal deformation seismostations in China , the basic principle and the evaluating standards of optimizing the seismostations are discussed . Accordingly , 43 optimized stations which form the national crust deformation seismostation network are put forward .

  15. 作者通过对地质构造、地应力和地形变观测资料及震源机制解等的综合分析认为,无论在地质历史时期还是近代,地块受力方式、方向是有变化的。

    Basing on synthetical analysis for a lot of geological structures , observation of ground-stress and ground distortion , and explanations of focal mechanism , the author considers that forced form and forced direction of land mass are changed in both geological age and recent time .

  16. 地形变连续观测技术基本问题的思考

    Discussion on some problems of continual observation technique of crust deformation

  17. 地形变连续观测的总体技术和有共性的基本问题都源于连续精密观测的特点。

    Nowadays , the continual observation technique of crust deformation is discussed and knowed gradually .

  18. 地形变数字观测基础

    Digital observation basis for crustal deformation

  19. 它实际应用于地形变动态观测序列异常识别的结果及其与常规方法的比较表明:(1)该方法理论上是严格的,实用上是较为合理的;

    It is applied to the abnormal distinguishing on the observed dynamic series of the crustal deformation . The results , applying this method , is compared with the conventional method .

  20. 山东省地形变数字化与模拟观测资料的对比分析

    Contrast and analysis of digital and analogic deformation data at stations in Shandong Province

  21. 河北怀来台地形变数字与模拟观测资料的对比分析

    Comparison of the Ground Deformation Data from the Digital Observation with the Analog One of Huailai Station , Hebei