
dì bǎo
  • bunker;fort;blockhouse;pillbox
地堡 [dì pù]
  • [bunker;blockhouse;fort] 供步枪、机枪射击用的有掩盖的低矮工事。用土、木、砖、石、钢铁或钢筋混凝土等材料构筑。用于掩护桥梁、渡口或封锁街巷、道路和开阔地,也可与其他工事相结合构成火力支撑点

地堡[dì bǎo]
  1. 当时希特勒就是在这座建筑里决定发起第二次世界大战和犹太人大屠杀(theHolocaust)。该总理府花园底下就是地堡,希特勒最后就是在这里自杀的。

    This was the building where the decisions leading to World War II and the Holocaust were made , and beneath the chancellery 's gardens was the bunker complex in which Hitler would finally commit suicide .

  2. 罗马——贝尼托·墨索里尼(BenitoMussolini)在著名的托洛尼亚别墅(VillaTorlonia)住了近20年。1941年,别墅地下深处的一个酒窖被改造成地堡,以保护这位法西斯首脑。前不久,地堡向公众开放。

    ROME - Deep beneath the historic Villa Torlonia , where Benito Mussolini lived for nearly two decades , a wine cellar repurposed in 1941 as a bunker to protect the Fascist leader was recently opened to the public .

  3. 总部位于德州的RisingS公司总经理加里·林奇称,其公司2016年订制的高端地堡销量相较于2015年增长了七倍,总体销量仅自去年11月美国大选以来就增长了三倍。

    Gary Lynch , general manager of Texas-based Rising S Company , says 2016 sales for their custom high-end underground bunkers grew 700 % compared to 2015 , while overall sales have grown 300 % since the November US presidential election alone .

  4. VivosxPoint是这些售罄的社区避难所之一。这座靠近南达科他州布拉克山的避难所由575个军用地堡构成,在1967年前用作军火库。

    One of those shelters , Vivos xPoint , is near the Black Hills of South Dakota , and consists of 575 military bunkers that served as an Army Munitions Depot until 1967 .

  5. 战争快结束时,我去了一趟希特勒的地堡。

    Near the end , I came to Hitler 's bunker .

  6. 在他们山顶上的地堡里挺尸。

    They are sitting in their bunkers on top of the hills .

  7. 地堡的地点通常是个守护严密的秘密。

    The bunker location is always a carefully guarded secret .

  8. 护士能治疗地堡中的单位么?

    Can a medic heal a unit within the bunker ?

  9. 地堡是设计用来抵御核爆炸的。

    The bunker is designed to withstand a nuclear blast .

  10. 表现:后花园地堡,罐头食品,最终,尴尬。

    Appearance : Back-garden bunkers , tinned food and , eventually , embarrassment .

  11. 他对这个德军地堡深恶痛绝。

    He hates that it was a German bunker .

  12. 命令所有的指挥部转移到北面的地堡里去。

    Order all command posts to puii back north of the tunneI bunker .

  13. 精英将泄漏他们的计划甚至他们地堡的位置!

    The elite will reveal their plans and even the locations of their bunkers !

  14. 地堡位于河岸边隆起的斜坡上。

    The bunkers were situated on a rise that ran up from the river bank .

  15. 这个团体的总部位于远离大路的一栋地堡般的水泥建筑参观,欢迎游客参观。

    The group welcomes visitors to their headquarters in an out-of-the-way , bunkerlike concrete building .

  16. 这样说来,是否有某个组织力图破坏世界新秩序地堡?

    That said , is there an organized group seeking to destroy New World Order bunkers ?

  17. 如果朝鲜准备攻击,500名岛民可以躲避在这个地堡中。

    If the North were to attack , 500 islanders could take shelter in this bunker .

  18. 地堡里一直不断加剧的几乎令人无法忍受的紧张气氛突然间被打破了。

    The tension which had been building up to an almost unendurable point in the bunker broke .

  19. 打个比方吧,你待在一个材料强度足够抵御时速1700千米大风的巨型地堡里。

    Say you 're in a massive bunker made out of some material that can withstand thousand-mile-per-hour winds .

  20. 强化兽人地堡-兽人地堡升级版.拥有更大的生命值和防御力。

    Reinforced Orc Burrow - Upgraded version of the Orc Burrow with greater hit points and greater defenses .

  21. 这样一来例如建造地堡或是供养军队等高价项目就可以由大家共同承担。

    Big ticket items like creating the bunker or paying for a private militia can thus be shared .

  22. 爬到崖顶后,一个目标地堡的机关枪向他开火。

    When he reached the top , one of the target bunkers opened fire on him with machine guns .

  23. 他曾试图炸除房子附近的一个地堡,对孙子的一战情结也坚决反对。

    He tried to blow up a bunker near the house , and objected to his grandson 's hobby .

  24. 私人飞机纷纷起飞,钻进田纳西州和亚伯达的山间地堡中。

    Private planes were taking off and bunkers had been drilled into the sides of mountains in Tennessee and Alberta .

  25. 这很好,你应该会没事儿……前提是你是唯一拥有地堡的人。

    That 's good , and you 'd be fine ... if you were the only one with a bunker .

  26. 大多数地堡中有一年或以上的食物供给,而且许多地堡带有无土栽培花园以补充配给。

    Most include food supplies for a year or more , and many have hydroponic gardens to supplement the rations .

  27. 地堡修建在接待大厅的地下,大厅中的两个门可以迅速通往地堡。

    The bunker itself was built underneath the reception hall-two from the hall doors provided quick access to the bunker .

  28. 大多数人会建造两队蜂群,这样就可以清掉只有一队机枪兵驻守的地堡。

    Most people will build two Buzzers as that can take down a bunker with one Riflemen garrisoned in it .

  29. 理论上说,维修也是一种技能,这个技能能够在地堡中释放么?

    Since repair is technically an ability , can it be cast from inside bunker , i.e.repair it from within ?

  30. 它的高处是一片开阔地,零零星星的长着几颗树,分布着几个地堡。

    Up top , it 's a grassy , fairly open area with a few trees and a couple of small bunkers .