
  • 网络map display;GIS;Map View
  1. WINDOWSCE下的地图显示引擎的开发与应用

    Design and development of map display engine on Windows CE

  2. 包括GIS的构建,以及车辆调度信息和无线传感器节点信息的地图显示。

    Including the construction of GIS , as well as vehicle scheduling information and information on wireless sensor nodes in the map display .

  3. 地图显示附近最高点是1500米

    The map says the highest peak in this vicinity is 1500 metros .

  4. GIS中空间信息多种地图显示模式的研究

    Research on the Multi-vision Pattern of Map in Spatial Data of GIS

  5. 这个移动Web服务系统包括三个子模块:天气预报服务、购物车服务、地图显示服务。

    This system includes three sub-modules that are a weather forecast service , a shopping car service and a displaying map service .

  6. 显示模板提供了一种把制图专家经验应用于GIS地图显示的切实可行的方法。

    The map-display template is a practical method to convey the practice of cartography professionals to common users .

  7. 结合实际应用,讨论了如何将地理信息系统(GIS)应用于电力系统中的燃料调度中,使之通过直观的地图显示信息来提高燃料调度的工作效率和准确率。

    The application of Geographic Information System ( GIS ) to fuel dispatch in electric power system is discussed .

  8. 室内地图显示控制SDK目前已经开放使用,Web前端工程师可调用它给用户提供各类地图服务。

    Web front-end engineers can call it which provides users with all kinds of map service .

  9. 这张地图显示了NBA的州所得税水平。

    This map shows the level of state income tax in the NBA .

  10. 电子地图显示中点状要素LoD模型的建立

    The Foundation of LoD Model of Point Feature in Electronic Map

  11. GIS的强大的地图显示和查询功能与号线线路的自身特点相结合,应用于南京六朝号线管理系统中,取得了良好的社会效益。

    Combining powerful map displaying & querying capabilities of GIS and characters of number lines is successfully applied to LCMIS ( LiuChao Management Information System ) .

  12. 基于嵌入式Linux的MapInfo格式地图显示

    A kind of map-display of the MapInfo ' maps based on Embed linux system

  13. 对于WebGIS而言,XML相关技术可以用于地理空间数据的规范化存储、地理数据共享、网络传输、电子地图显示和GIS软件体系架构的建立等。

    As far as Web GIS is concerned , XML can be used in standard storage for spatial data , data sharing , network transmission , electric map displaying and GIS software framework building .

  14. “中国劳工通讯”(ChinaLabourBulletin)的罢工地图显示,4月份,全国记录在案的抗议次数为207次,高于前一个月的172次,年同比增加了5%以上。

    Protests nationwide recorded on China Labour Bulletin 's strike map totalled 207 in April , up from 172 the previous month and representing year-on-year growth of just over 5 per cent .

  15. 本文站在PC终端出行用户的角度设计系统功能,实现了地图显示、站点查询、最优路径选择、公交实时数据更新等功能。

    The system function which is designed for transport users at PC terminal realizes atlas display , inquiry of bus stations , best choice of bus routes and update of real-time data .

  16. 其次提出了实现EGIS中的嵌入式平台环境下的地图显示、地形分析和GPS数据接收的方法;

    Then it sets up the way that carry out map showing in embedded condition , landform analyzing and GPS data receiving .

  17. 叙述了在GIS环境下管道数据管理与查询、地图显示、预测单元自动划分、预测结果的显示输出等功能设计。

    The basic functions , such as the management and query of pipelines and the environment data , damage assessment , map viewing , automatic segmentation of pipeline , the output of prediction results and so on , are also introduced .

  18. 本文采用成熟可靠的MVB通信技术以及串口传输、LED显示技术,成功实现了可编程设备间通讯、自动数字广播、控制动态地图显示等多项功能。

    Using mature and reliable MVB technology , serial port transmission technology and LED display technology , the communication between programmable devices , automatic digital announcement , dynamic map display control and etc. are implemented .

  19. 同时,印度-澳大利亚板块的东部边缘持续着上升,正如最近IRIS地图显示的,地震都是沿着这个板块边界和南美的安第斯山脊分布的。

    Meanwhile , the eastern edge of the Indo-Australian Plate continues to rise , as shown by this recent IRIS map where earthquakes are along this plate border as well as the spine of the S American Andes .

  20. 疾病控制预防中心亚特兰大总部流感监测团队负责人费南利(LynFinelli)说,FluTrends地图显示的美国流感发展趋势和我们监测到的情况非常接近。

    Flu Trends'maps very closely to the influenza-like trends that we see in the U.S. , 'says Lyn Finelli , lead of the influenza surveillance team at CDC 's headquarters in Atlanta .

  21. 基于GML的WMS能够为Web环境下的空间数据互操作技术和空间信息处理互操作技术提供简单而又有效的基本数据访问、地图显示和简单的数据位置查询。

    WMS , based on GML , were able to support easily and effectively the interfaces of essential data access , map display and straightforward inquire about position and location for spatial data interoperability technology and spatial information management technology .

  22. 其中支持OGC的开放数据模型、基于文件索引的快速地图显示和灵活、美观的军事标图是本文的三大特色。

    The quick show of map , the opening data model supporting OGC and the agility and slinky military plotting module are three prominent characters of the paper .

  23. 本文在嵌入式Linux操作系统上采用QT/Embedded作为图形用户界面(GUI)设计工具,设计了系统的GUI,在此基础上实现了嵌入式GIS的空间数据管理、地图显示、信息标注等部分功能模块。

    Based on embedded linux OS , QT / Embedded is taken as GUI tools to design GUI of this system . On the basis of GUI , some functional modules of embedded GIS are realized , such as spatial data management , map display , information label , etc.

  24. NET2003的环境下,较好地实现了数据集成、地图显示、信息查询、纳税定额修订、业务分析等功能。

    NET 2003 , this system performs well on data integration , geographic map display , information search , tax limit setting and business analysis functions .

  25. 基于移动设备的地图显示系统的设计

    The Design of Map - display System Based on Mobile Device

  26. 这张地图显示我的州在我的国家的位置。

    This is my state on the map of my country .

  27. 美国地图显示当前的天气活动以颜色编天气警告。

    The u.s.map shows current weather activity with color-coded weather warnings .

  28. 地图显示这些测试点的分布。

    The distribution of these sites is shown in this map .

  29. 地图显示二零零七年全球疯狗症的分布情况。

    The map shows the occurrence of rabies worldwide in2007 .

  30. 地震监测地图显示在澳大利亚附近地区最近地震的地点。

    Seismic monitor Map showing recent quake locations in the area around Australia .