
  • 网络san marco;San Marcos;ST.MARK;Gospel
  1. 它是横跨大运河的最古老的桥梁,也是圣马可和圣保罗区之间的分界线。

    It is the oldest bridge across the canal , and was the dividing line between the districts of San Marco and San Polo .

  2. 尽量远离圣马可广场(PiazzaSanMarco)。

    Try to get as far away as you can from Piazza San Marco .

  3. 毫无争议的是,圣马可广场一直都是威尼斯的中心地带。

    The undisputed heart of Venice has always been St. Mark 's Square .

  4. 小笼包餐馆东村圣马可广场(第三大道)13号;

    The Bao 13 St. Marks Place ( Third Avenue ) , East Village ;

  5. 圣马可大教堂耸立在圣马可广场的一端。

    St. Mark 's Basilica stands at one end of St. Mark 's Square .

  6. 本周圣马可广场两次被潮水淹没。

    Twice this week , St Mark 's Square has been engulfed by high tides .

  7. 在圣马可广场上庆祝希腊统一的独立派人士。

    Festival of the Radicals celebrating the union with Greece , St Mark 's Square .

  8. 威尼斯圣马可广场与其周围的建筑物

    St. Marco Square and Its Surrounding Buildings

  9. 拿破仑称圣马可广场为“欧洲最美丽的客厅”。巴黎

    Napoleon called the St. Mark 's square the " finest drawing room in Europe . "

  10. 在圣马可广场旁边的还有两座宫殿,是为威尼斯的地方长官或检察官而建。

    Also beside St Mark 's Square are two palaces built for the magistrates or procurators of Venice .

  11. 一个世纪前,圣马可广场(威尼斯最低的地方)在一年中9次被淹。

    Mark 's square , the lowest point in the city , flooded about nine times a year .

  12. 与历史对话&西班牙托莱多市档案馆与圣马可文化中心

    Conversation with history : review on municipal archive of Toledo and temple of San Marcos cultural centre , Spain

  13. 周日,几千人聚集在威尼斯圣马可教堂观看天使飞行。

    And thousands gathered in Saint Mark 's Square in Venice on Sunday to watch the flight of the angel .

  14. 市里400座桥梁中的叹息桥和众多教堂中的圣马可大教堂最为著名。

    Notable among its 400 bridges is the Bridge of Sighs and among its churches is St. Mark 's Basilica .

  15. 图中的这些狂欢者身穿着自己设计的各种奇装异服。他们并没有去圣马可广场附近的商店租赁服装。

    Instead of renting costumes from shops around the Piazza San Marco , some Carnivalgoers like these create their own fanciful designs .

  16. 行政区之一的圣马可是许多威尼斯主要旅游景的中心,包括圣马可大教堂。

    One of these districts , San Marco , is home to many of Venice 's main attractions , including St.Mark 's Basilica .

  17. 行政区之一的圣马可是威尼斯许多主要旅游景点的中心,包括圣马可大教堂。

    One of these districts , San Marco , is home to many of Venice 's main attractions , including St. Mark 's Basilica .

  18. 明信片上的风景,矗立在圣马可广场的钟塔高达91米。

    The bell tower or campanile which dominates St Mark 's square , and postcard views of the city , is 91 metres high .

  19. 这套电影的歌曲全都是由法国圣马可儿童合唱团所唱的,亦因这套电影令合唱团变得国际知名度提高了。

    All the songs of this movie performed by " les petits Chanteurs de saint-marc " . they are get more famous after this movie .

  20. 坐在这里的圣马可广场,我可以真正感受到狂欢节的刺激。空中回荡着这么多的音乐。

    Sitting here in San Marco Square , I can really feel the excitement of the carnival . There 's so much music in the air !

  21. 但旅游者拒绝让天气影响他们的兴致,许多人穿上惠灵顿长筒橡胶靴和泳衣,充分利用城中具有历史意义的圣马可广场。暴雨后广场积水严重。

    But tourists refused to let the weather dampen their spirits and many donned wellington boots and swimming costumes to make the most of the city 's historic waterlogged squares .

  22. 米兰的圣马可教堂虽然不比威尼斯的有名或古老,但她却也值得花上一点时间来参观。

    Nevertheless in Milan there is another Basilica San Marco , which is less ancient , less famous , but is as worthy to visit as the one in Venice .

  23. 近日,英国一位游客向威尼斯市长写信投诉,称他和父母在圣马可广场附近的一家餐馆吃午餐时,被收取了526欧元的餐费。

    A British tourist has written a letter of complaint to Venice 's mayor after he and his parents were charged EURO 526 for lunch in a restaurant near St Mark 's Square .

  24. 它们伸展与广场同长度,是可以坐下休息的地方,在雄伟的建筑物中痛饮美酒或细品牛奶咖啡,一边看着游客们喂食圣马可广场上的著名鸽子。

    They extend the length of the square and are the place to sit , drink in the architectural splendours and sip on cappuccino while watching visitors feeding the famous pigeons of mark 's square .

  25. 威尼斯本地人很多都住在该市的城堡区(Castello),一个离游客云集的圣马可广场足够远的地方,以便过表面上还算正常的生活。

    Many of Venice 's locals reside in the Castello section of the city , far enough from San Marco Square , the center of tourist gravity , to enjoy a semblance of normal life .

  26. 像圣马可广场这样的建筑,其底处部分经常遭到洪水的浸泡,居民只是穿上靴子泰然处之地接受这现状,因为这就是居住在威尼斯的特权和惬意。

    Though the acqua alta frequently floods low-lying parts of town like the Piazza San Marco , residents simply put on boots and accept it as a mild inconvenience for the privilege of living in Venice .

  27. 里面有非常华丽的文艺复兴宫殿、博物馆和圣马可广场。在圣马可广场,你可以享受露天用餐,在那里乘坐缆车是交通的首选方法。

    Consisting of impossibly gorgeous Renaissance palaces and museums as well as the Plaza San Marco , where you are obligated to dine al fresco , traveling by gondola is the preferred method of getting around .

  28. 坐在曾被拿破仑形容为“欧洲最华美客厅”的圣马可广场,四处可见威尼斯往昔辉煌的痕迹。

    Sitting here in Sr. Mark 's Square , once famously described by Napoleon as the " finest drawing room in Europe , " one is surrounded on all sides by evidence of Venice 's past glory .

  29. 走过格拉代茨,途经圣马可教堂,它的彩瓦屋顶上描绘着克罗地亚与萨格勒布的盾形纹章,然后你就来到这个城市最诡异的景点:失恋博物馆。

    Walk across Gradec , past St. Mark 's Church , with its patterned tile roof depicting the Croatian and Zagreb coats of arms , to one of the town 's quirkiest attractions : the Museum of Broken Relationships .

  30. 年到头总有游客来观赏伟大的圣马可广场和大教堂、执政官宫、美术馆,当然还有卓绝的运河网,它们反映了这个前城邦国家的丰富多彩的历史。

    Visitors at any time of year come to marvel at the great saint mark 's square and cathedral , the doge 's palace , the art galleries and , of course , the extraordinary network of canals which reflect the rich history of the former city state .