
shèng jīng
  • the Holy Bible;the Bible;Holy Writ;Confusion classics
圣经 [shèng jīng]
  • (1) [the Bible]∶由《旧约全书》和《新约全书》组成的基督教的经典

  • 他们设立了残酷的宗教法庭,专门对付那些发表与《圣经》教义相违背的主张的人。--《火刑》

  • (2) [Confusian classics]∶指儒家的经书

  • 圣经云:父母在,不远游;游必有方。--《西游记》

圣经[shèng jīng]
  1. 圣徒必读《圣经》。

    A holy person is required to read the Holy bible .

  2. 他每晚读《圣经》。

    He reads the Holy Bible every night .

  3. 你不应该把他的话当作圣经。

    You shouldn 't take what he says as Holy Writ .

  4. 《圣经》上说偷盗有罪。

    The Bible says that stealing is a sin .

  5. 证人须手按《圣经》宣誓。

    Witnesses were required to swear on the Bible .

  6. 她将注意力又转回到摊放在腿上的《圣经》。

    She turned back to the Bible lying open in her lap

  7. 整个体系都建立在《圣经》的神圣启示的基础之上。

    The whole system was based on divine revelation in the Scriptures .

  8. 他成了洁身自好、恪守“圣经地带”德行的典范。

    He became a model of clean living and Bible Belt virtues .

  9. 这个团体与叙利亚的关系可以追溯到《圣经》时代。

    The community 's links with Syria date back to biblical times .

  10. 理查德叔叔吟诵了《圣经》中的一章,又即兴作了一段祈祷文。

    Uncle Richard intoned a chapter from the Bible and improvised a prayer

  11. 《圣经》中说人的寿命是70年。

    The Bible states that the life of man is three score and ten .

  12. 马丁·路德把《圣经》译成了德语。

    Martin Luther translated the Bible into German

  13. 荣格认为上帝在梦中和我们交谈。圣经上也如是说。

    Jung believed that God speaks to us in dreams . The Bible says so too .

  14. 他翻开那本厚厚的《圣经》。

    He opened the heavy Bible

  15. 正如《圣经》所说,给我恩赐太多了,我的杯子已经满满当当了。说到杯子,我得去给你倒杯茶来。

    As it says in the Bible , my cup is running over . Talking of which , I must get you a cup of tea .

  16. 他引用圣经来支持自己的信念。

    He quotes ( from ) the Bible to support his beliefs .

  17. 为了达到目的,魔鬼也会援引圣经。

    The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose .

  18. 我对于基督教和“圣经”考证久已感觉兴味了。

    I have long been interested in Christianity and biblical criticism .

  19. 他引用《圣经》的原话来证明他的信念。

    He quoted from the Bible to support his belief .

  20. 在圣经时代,当然不可能得到这样的杀菌剂。

    In biblical times no such fungicides were available .

  21. 圣经中有许多经文间接地提到这样的概念。

    Many passages in Scripture allude to this concept .

  22. 她引用《圣经》中的诗节。

    She quoted a verse from the bible .

  23. 据《圣经》说,人是按照上帝的模样塑造的。

    According to the bible , man was made in the image of god .

  24. 梵蒂冈第二届会议的教令更多地求助于圣经,而不是传统。

    The decrees of Vatican Council II appealed to the Bible more than to tradition .

  25. 《圣经》开篇是《创世记》。

    The Bible begins with the genesis .

  26. 我们考了他们的《圣经》知识。

    We examined them on the bible .

  27. 作为一部文学作品,《圣经》,特别是《旧约》的丰富多彩,是前所未有的。

    The diversity and richness of the Bible as literature , especially the old testament , are unparalleled .

  28. 对于那些不是基督教徒,不把圣经当做权威的人来说这些观点是怎么样的呢?

    What about those who are not Christians and do not hold to the authority of the bible ?

  29. 《礼仪圣经》的合著者丹尼尔·波斯特·森宁曾问道:“在什么情况下,欣赏比代价更重要?”

    Daniel Post Senning , a coauthor of Emily Post 's Etiquette , asked , " At what point does showing appreciation outweigh the cost ? "

  30. 有趣的是,圣经对地狱的用法可能起源于古斯堪的纳维亚语Hel,北欧神话中Loki的女儿的名字。

    Interestingly enough , the Biblical use of hell may stem from Old Norse Hel , the name of Loki 's daughter in Norse mythology10 .