
  • 网络Saint-Venant;Saint-Venanf;Saint-VenantBde;st Venant
  1. DORA(doubleorderapproximation)方法是近年提出的求解动力学方程的一种算法,对于圣维南方程采用DORA算法时,方程被分解成两步来解,每一步均求解一个简单的微分方程组。

    The DORA ( double order approximation ) approach is used for solving dynamic equations in recent years . Under the DORA approach , the Saint-Venant equations are divided into two simple differential equations sequentially ;

  2. 受轴力作用的平面杆的圣维南问题

    The Saint-Venant Problem of Plane Bar under an Axial Force

  3. 建立了Reissner板弯曲问题的辛对偶求解体系,并求解出圣维南问题的所有基本解,它们形成一个完备的辛子空间。

    A symplectic dual solution system for the bending problem of Reissner plate is established , providing all basic Saint Venant solutions which constitute a perfect symplectic subspace .

  4. 圣维南原理研究工作综述

    A Review of Researches on Saint & Venant 's principle

  5. 一维圣维南方程组在非恒定流计算中的应用

    Application of one dimensional Saint-Venant equations in non-constant flow

  6. 基于一维圣维南运动方程的黑土区坡耕地径流模型研究

    Study on Slope Farmland Runoff Model in Blackland Based on 1-D Saint-Venant Equation

  7. 悬臂T梁剪力滞现象的圣维南解析解

    Analytic solutions of Saint-Venant problem in shear lag effect of T cantilever beam

  8. 双辊铸轧辊套温度场分布的圣维南原理现象

    A Phenomenon Following Saint-Venant Principle in Temperature Field of Roll Shell during Twin-Roll Casting

  9. 正交异性板三维高阶渐近分析的圣维南原理表述和应力边界条件

    Saint-Venant 's Principle and Stress Edge Conditions for Orthotropic Plates in Higher-order Asymptotic Analysis

  10. 平面各向异性哈密顿体系及圣维南问题的解析解

    Hamiltonian system for plane anisotropic elasticity and analytical solutions of Saint | Venant problem

  11. 用位移非协调广义变分原理解含裂纹体的圣维南扭转问题

    Using Generalized Variational Principles to Resolve the St. Venant s Torsional Bar with a Crack

  12. 一组适合于带纵向裂纹柱体圣维南扭转的等参数元素

    A Group of Isoparametric Elements Suitable for St. Venant 's Torsion of a Bar with Cracks

  13. 再结合水流的圣维南方程、河床变形方程,对试验结果进行了数值模拟。

    Venant equation for water-flow , bed deformation equation , numerical simulation of experimental results were carried out .

  14. 双消除法(追赶法)是数值求解圣维南方程组隐式差分格式的一种较简便的方法,要求计算机内存少,计算速度快,并易于掌握。

    The double sweeping method is a simple and effective for numerically solving Saint-Venant eqs . in implicit scheme .

  15. 论圣维南问题中的位移以及弯曲中心与扭转中心

    On the displacements in the problems of saint-venant , and the center of shear and the center of twist

  16. 本文综合评述有关圣维南原理的研究工作所涉及的方面及其主要进展和问题。

    In this paper , the general development and questions concerning , the researches on Saint-Venant 's principle are given .

  17. 这种情况使连续介质力学中使用的基本体元的概念及圣维南变形协调条件受到了置疑。

    This situation makes the concept of elementary volume and Saint-Venant 's deformation compatibility condition used in continuum mechanics problematic .

  18. 论圣维南原理相对于线性弹性力学的不协调性&数理逻辑在弹性力学中的应用

    On the Inconsistency of St. Venant 's Principle Relative to Linear Elasticity & An application of mathematical logic to elastic mechanics

  19. 该文用链式模型和诸能量原理为圣维南原理提出了几个一般性的能量衰减指标。

    Several common energy indices of Saint-Venant 's Principle are put forward by means of the chain model and energy principles .

  20. 在对实际点焊薄壁结构进行设计时,圣维南扭转刚度和翘曲扭转刚度是点焊薄壁构件的两个重要指标,对它的研究会对此类构件的设计和利用打下理论基础。

    The Saint Venant ′ s torsion rigidity and warping rigidity are two important indices in the design of spot-welded thin-walled structures .

  21. 在野外模拟降雨的基础上,建立基于一维圣维南运动方程的黑土区坡耕地径流模型。

    According to the observation data and outcomes of artificial rainfall , based on the overland flow formulas established slope farmland runoff model .

  22. 最后根据圣维南原理,选择典型工况分析了拱脚结点内部应力分布状况,并得出一些有益结论。

    Finally , the skewback 's inner force is analyzed under typical Conditions based on Saint-Venant Principle and advance some conclusions and suggestions .

  23. 利用有限差分的计算方法求解圣维南方程,为潮汐河道的水位模拟提供了一种数值方法。

    Saint-Venant equations will be solved with finite difference method , which presents a numerical method for water level simulation of tidal rivers .

  24. 应用经典的圣维南方程组,并采用偏微分方程的数值解法的流域型大范围一维河网水流的数值模拟已经很成熟。

    The method used to simulate waterways of large scale by applying classical Saint-Venant and numerical simulation of differential equation was already very ripe .

  25. 在内涝区采用圣维南方程组及一些特殊处理的方法来推求设计洪水位是比较科学的。

    In this paper , introducing the way for ascertain design flood water level of inundate area using Saint-Venant equations and some special methods .

  26. 东北黑土区水土保持保护性耕作措施探讨基于一维圣维南运动方程的黑土区坡耕地径流模型研究

    Discussion on Soil and Water Conservation Protective Cultivation for Northeast Blackland Area Study on Slope Farmland Runoff Model in Blackland Based on 1-D Saint-Venant Equation

  27. 发现辊套温度场分布规律与弹性力学中的应力场分布遵循圣维南原理相似。

    It is found that the distribution of temperature field in roll shell is just like a stress field following Saint-Venant principle in elastic mechanics .

  28. 坡耕地由于人为耕作管理作用,造成地表高低起伏,影响著坡面地表径流和产沙。基于一维圣维南运动方程的黑土区坡耕地径流模型研究

    Cultivation of slope farmland influences surface runoff and sediment movement on slopes . Study on Slope Farmland Runoff Model in Blackland Based on 1-D Saint-Venant Equation

  29. 同时对外载等效中经常出现的横向双力矩这一广义力进行研究,指出它在开口和闭口薄壁梁约束扭转问题中和圣维南原理适用条件中分别占有不同的地位。

    A new point is put forward that transverse bimoment has different influence on the two kinds of cross section thin-walled beams , and on their St-Venant principle conditions .

  30. 根据圣维南方程组的连续方程,在原有相应涨差模型的基础上,推导出一种新的河道实时洪水预报相应涨差模型。

    According to continuity equation of Saint_Venant , and based on the old corresponding rising difference model , the paper developed a new model of channel flood realtime forecasting .