
  • 网络St Johns;St. John;St John's;Saint John;Saint John's
  1. 他和演员妻子米歇尔·陈(MicheleChan)至少向圣莫尼卡的圣约翰医疗中心(SaintJohn’sHealthCenter)捐款1.35亿美元。他还帮助重新开放小马丁·路德·金社区医院(MartinLutherKingJr.CommunityHospital),为洛杉矶南部的穷人服务。

    He and his wife , Michele Chan , an actress , have given at least $ 135 million to Saint John 's Health Center in Santa Monica , and he has helped reopen Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital , which serves impoverished South Los Angeles .

  2. 哈利法克斯,图佩尔角,圣约翰。

    Halifax , Point Tupper , Saint John .

  3. 我们将门票收入都捐给了圣约翰急救队。

    We gave the gate money to the St John Ambulance brigade .

  4. 她的第三次婚礼是在圣约翰教堂举行的。

    Her third marriage was held in St John 's Church .

  5. 雅各和他的兄弟圣约翰是加利利海的渔夫,是最早受耶稣感召的门徒。

    He and his brother John were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee and were among the first disciples1 to be called .

  6. 马文已经被皇后区的圣约翰大学(St.John’sUniversity)和布法罗的德尤维尔大学(D’YouvilleCollege)(提供部分奖学金)录取。

    Marvin has been accepted by St. John 's University in Queens and , with a partial scholarship , D'Youville College in Buffalo .

  7. 22岁的梅雷迪斯•凯尼恩(MeredithKenyon)在2013年1月份从纽约圣约翰大学(StJohn'sUniversity)酒店管理专业毕业。

    Meredith Kenyon , 22 , graduated from St John 's University , NYC , in January 2013 with a degree in Hospitality and Management .

  8. 在圣约翰救护中心急救训练员CliveJames的帮助下,学习一下怎样处理肩膀脱臼的情况。

    With the help of this guide from first aid trainer Clive James from St John Ambulance , you will learn how to manage a dislocated shoulder .

  9. LisaJadwin在纽约圣约翰费舍尔学院教英美文学和写作,她说,用在线课程来讲授她这门课有缺点。

    Lisa Jadwin teaches English and American literature and writing at St. John Fisher College in New York . She says online education has some weaknesses for her subjects .

  10. 今年,纽约州总检察长向几大零售商发出了停售文件,因DNA分析表明,添加剂的成分可能多含有缬草和圣约翰草等成分,这些成分有的无法被检测,有的可能提取自完全不同的植物。

    This year , the Attorney General of New York issued cease and desist letters to several major retailers after DNA analysis showed that supplements being sold supposedly with ingredients like valerian or St. John 's wort instead were either unrecognizable or came from totally different plants .

  11. 他曾在芝加哥的西北大学(NorthwesternUniversity)学习表演,并在多个城市担任过电视和剧院的演员和舞台监督。2003年,他加入马萨诸塞州剑桥市的圣约翰福音传道会(SocietyofSt.John),在那里他发誓守贫。

    He studied acting at Northwestern University in Chicago and worked as an actor and stage manager for television and theater in various cities before entering the Society of St. John the Evangelist in Cambridge , Mass . , an Episcopal monastery where he took vows of poverty , in 2003 .

  12. 其他的一些还有加州吉尔伯特·皮尔格拉姆的Zuni,还有一家叫“圣约翰”的英国餐厅。圣约翰专门供应一些许多厨师都不愿烹饪的动物部位。

    Others include Gilbert Pilgram 's Zuni in California and St John - a British " nose-to-tail " restaurant that specialises in serving the animal parts that most chefs disdain .

  13. 在亚历山大圣约翰Almsgiver(609或619)采取了这封信由Arsas自己的手,才阻止突的撒拉逊人(619)使用它,以获取沉积塞尔吉乌斯。

    John the Almsgiver ( 609 or619 ) had taken this letter from Arsas with his own hand , and was only prevented by the irruption of the Saracens ( 619 ) from using it to obtain the deposition of Sergius .

  14. 这个圣约翰,你喜欢他吗?

    ' This St John , do you like him ? '

  15. 圣约翰学院,英国圣公会创办的一所教会学校。

    St john 's college , an Anglican mission school .

  16. 字的顶是圣约翰山,威灵顿所在的地方;

    The top of the A is Mont-Saint-Jean , where Wellington is ;

  17. 就能看到救护车进入圣约翰医院

    watch the ambulance go to St. John 's Mercy .

  18. 耶路撒冷圣约翰勋爵士

    Knight of the Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem

  19. 第二天,圣约翰又来看我。

    The next day , St John came to see me again .

  20. 你能告诉我圣约翰教堂坐落在哪里?

    Could you tell me where St john 's church is situated ?

  21. 考察队将于8月18日从纽芬兰的圣约翰出发。

    John 's , Newfoundland on Aug.18.RMS Titanic is bankrolling the expedition .

  22. 我父亲曾在特务机关工作过,曼弗雷迪-圣约翰先生。

    My father was in the secret service , Mr manfredjen St john .

  23. 朝向圣约翰角的老红砂岩悬崖。

    Old Red Sandstone Cliffs toward St Johns Head .

  24. 但在圣约翰时,我却名落孙山了。

    But in St. John 's , I was in the lower quarter .

  25. 还有一个叙述上的区别,在于耶稣和圣约翰洗者之间的关系。

    Another major narrative difference is the relationship of Jesus and John the Baptist .

  26. 加入圣约翰急救队,以及码头消防员。

    and St John 's Ambulance Brigade , or a fireman in the docks ...

  27. 她的第二次婚礼是在圣约翰教堂举行的。

    Her second marriage was held / took place in St John 's Church .

  28. 再是圣约翰教堂,其壮丽的尖顶是有口皆碑的;

    Saint-Jean , whose magnificent spire was proverbial ;

  29. 你会不想让再我卷起“圣约翰”抽了吧?

    Don 't want me rolling up the letter of St. John , do you ?

  30. 圣约翰也是中国最早设立医学部的教会大学。

    St. John is also the first Chinese missionary university to establish the Medical Department .