
  • 网络St. Patrick;ST Patrick;Saint Patrick;St. Patrick's Day
  1. 这一天人们还会举办许多圣帕特里克的传统游行活动。

    There are also traditional St Patrick 's Day parades .

  2. 圣帕特里克大教堂的十字架。

    Cross at St Patrick 's Cathedral and the Rock of Cashel .

  3. 红衣主教SeanBrady选择在北爱尔兰阿尔马大教堂圣帕特里克日布道时进行公开道歉。

    Cardinal Sean Brady chose to a very public apology in his St. Patrick 's Day sermon in the cathedral in Armagh , in Northern Ireland .

  4. 我是圣帕特里克,爱尔兰的守护神。

    I 'm St. Patrick . The patron saint of Ireland .

  5. 传说中是圣帕特里克亲自把它们赶出去的。

    Legend has it that St. Patrick himself drove them out .

  6. 他或她是圣帕特里克的追随者。

    He or she was an acolyte of Saint patrick .

  7. 圣帕特里克成功将大毒蛇赶出爱尔兰的传说增加了他的传奇色彩。

    Miracles attributed to him include the driving of serpents out of Ireland .

  8. 因此,传教士圣帕特里克宣布:任何渴求爱情的女性

    According to the legend , Saint Patrick said any females yearning for a proposal

  9. 三十多岁时,圣帕特里克作为凯尔特异教徒传教士回到爱尔兰。

    He returned to Ireland in his 30s as a missionary among the Celtic pagans .

  10. 即使是在圣帕特里克国庆日这一天。

    Even on St. Patrick 's Day .

  11. 当时爱尔兰著名的传教士布丽奇特向另一位传教士圣帕特里克抱怨,

    when a famous Irish saint , Bridget , complained to Saint Patrick , another famous Irish saint ,

  12. 游行,聚会以及大量的酒后乱语伴随着这个每年一度的庆祝活动,圣帕特里克节是为了纪念爱尔兰守护神圣帕特里克

    Parades , parties and a lot of blarney accompany the annual celebration of the patron saint of Ireland .

  13. 3月17日,根据传统记载,爱尔兰守护神圣帕特里克在扫罗去世。

    On March 17 , according to tradition , St. Patrick , the patron saint of Ireland , died in Saul .

  14. 2.14岁时,圣帕特里克被捕并被带往爱尔兰,在那里他作为奴隶牧羊6年。

    As a boy of 14 he was captured and taken to Ireland where he spent six years in slavery herding sheep .

  15. 但很多人看到的是这一幕:从1762年一直延续至今的纽约圣帕特里克日游行。

    But millions see this : the St. Patrick 's Day Parade in New York City , which has been going on since 1762 .

  16. 做了近30年的福音传道活动后,圣帕特里克于461年3月17日去世,并在唐帕特里克火葬。

    After nearly thirty years of evangelism , he died on 17 March 461 , and according to tradition , was buried at Downpatrick .

  17. 据说是由圣帕特里克创建,是爱尔兰罗马天主教和新教主教所在地。

    Reputedly founded by Saint Patrick , it is the seat of both the Roman Catholic and Protestant primates of Ireland . Population , 12,700 .

  18. 这一传统来自五世纪的苏格兰,当时圣布里奇特向圣帕特里克抱怨说,女性总要等男性来求婚。

    This Scottish tradition has its roots in the 5th century when St Bridget complained to St Patrick about women having to wait to be proposed to .

  19. 从圣帕特里克大教堂上空向国会大厦和菲利普湾港鸟瞰维多利亚州首府墨尔本。

    An aerial view of Melbourne , capital of Victoria , over St Patrick 's Cathedral , the Houses of Parliament and the city to Port Phillip Bay .

  20. 圣帕特里克于4世纪出生在一个罗马不列颠家庭,他的父亲是一位助祭,而祖父是教堂的牧师。

    Saint Patrick was born in Roman Britain in the fourth century . His father was a deacon and his grandfather was a priest in the Christian church .

  21. 在旗杆内侧,圣安德鲁旗之所以在圣帕特里克十字之上,原因是圣安德鲁十字是在圣帕特里克十字之前添加到国旗上的。

    The cross of St Andrew is above that of St Patrick at the hoist because the cross was added to the flag before St Patrick 's cross .

  22. 据说圣帕特里克曾训斥了一位卖威士忌缺斤短两的酒馆老板。此后圣帕特里克声明每个人在他的宗教节日都应该喝一滴烈性酒。

    St Patrick was said to have proclaimed that everyone should have a drop of the hard stuff on his feast day after chastising an innkeeper who served a short measure of whiskey .

  23. 据说身穿绿色服装,吃绿色食物,甚至喝绿色啤酒是为了纪念圣帕特里克使用三叶草,尽管他的法衣最初是蓝色。

    Wearing green , eating green food and even drinking green beer , is said to commemorate St Patrick 's use of the shamrock - although blue was the original colour of his vestments .

  24. 爱尔兰比西弗吉尼亚大不了多少,居住着只有不到五百万人。但在纪念爱尔兰守护神圣帕特里克的那一天,在美国有约一亿三千三百万人庆祝这一节日。

    AZUZ : Ireland is not much bigger than West Virginia , and fewer than 5 million people live there , and yet on the day that honors Ireland 's patron St. Patrick , about 133 million people in the U.S. celebrate .

  25. 很多人相信,闰年女人允许向男人求婚的传统开始于5世纪的爱尔兰.当时,修女圣布里奇特向大主教圣帕特里克抱怨,女人等男人求婚要等很久,于是,圣帕特里克决定允许女人在闰年的2月29号向男人求婚.

    It is believed this tradition was started in 5thcentury Ireland when St. Bridget complained to St. Patrick about women havingto wait for so long for a man to propose . According to legend , St. Patrick saidthe yearning females could propose on this one day in February during the leapyear .