
  1. 鼓腔用陶土烧制--是土鼓的遗存。

    The drum cavity is made of pottery clay , inherited from the earth drum .

  2. 陶鼓又称土鼓,是用陶土烧制成鼓框,再蒙上动物的皮革做成的。

    Pottery drum , also known as drum soil , clay is fired into the dark box , and then cast made of animal leather .

  3. 土中爆破鼓包运动过程的X光摄影研究

    X-ray radiographic research on the process of mound development in soil by blasting

  4. 土中爆破鼓包运动过程可分成两个阶段:第一阶段是由应力波在自由面反射造成的运动;

    The process of mound movement in blasting can be devided into two stages . In the first stage the mound movement is caused by the stress wave and the wave reflected from free surface ;