
  • 网络Earth moving machinery;Earth-moving machinery;Earthmoving machinery;earthmoving machine
  1. 轮式装载机作为一种土方机械,它的工作环境复杂多变,工作场地条件恶劣。

    As a type of earth moving machinery , Wheel loaders are mainly operated on roughterrain with complex work environment .

  2. 堆芯机械全尺寸模型GB/T8418-1987土方机械整机尺寸的测量方法

    Core mechanical mockup Earth moving machinery & Methods of measuring the dimensions of whole machines with their equipment

  3. 在电磁/机械动力臂下,用DRB选择ODO/TRIP土方机械提升臂支承装置

    WITH THE DRB SELECT " ODO / TRIP " UNDER ELECTRO / MECH ACTUATORS . Earth-moving machinery-Lift-arm support devices

  4. 相应的经济寿命,土方机械约为9~12a,自卸汽车约为12~15a。

    The economic lifetime of bulldozer and excavator is about 9 to 12 years and dump truck is about 12 to 15 years .

  5. 土方机械工作装置铰点附近的应力分析

    Stress analysis in hinge joint region of operation equipment of earth-machinery

  6. GB/T8419-1987土方机械司机座椅振动试验方法和限值

    Earth-moving machinery Operator seat Vibration testing method and limiting levels

  7. GB/T8499-1987土方机械测定重心位置的方法

    Earth-moving machinery & Method for locating the centre of gravity

  8. 土方机械翻车保护结构计算机仿真及试验

    Computer simulation and test of roll-over protective structures of earth-machinery

  9. 提高土方机械对土壤作业能力的探讨

    Discussion of Improving the Operation Power of Construction Equipment

  10. 土方机械翻车保护结构试验室试验和性能要求

    Earth-moving machinery-Roll-over protective structures-Laboratory tests and performance requirements

  11. 论小型土方机械在国内的发展前景

    Future Development of Small Earthmoving Machinery in China

  12. GB/T8594-1988土方机械燃料加油口尺寸

    Earth-moving machinery & Dimensions of fuel filler opening

  13. 在土方机械的设计中舒适发挥着日益重要的作用。

    Comfort plays an increasingly important role in interior design of earth moving equipment .

  14. GB/T8592-1988土方机械轮式车辆转向尺寸的测定GB/T13051-1991汽车机械式变速器动力输出孔连接尺寸

    Earth-moving machinery & Measurement of turning dimensions of wheeled machines Motor vehicles-Connections for PTO

  15. GB/T8593.1-1998土方机械司机操纵和其它显示符号第1部分:通用符号

    Earth-moving machinery Symbols for operator controls and other display Part 1 : Common symbols

  16. GB/T16936-1997土方机械发动机净功率试验规范

    Earth-moving machinery Engine test code Net power

  17. 土方机械座椅安全带及其固定器

    Earth-moving machinery-Seat belts and seat belt anchorages

  18. 土方机械驱动动力学控制技术的研究

    Analyzing Dynamics Control Techniques in Earthmoving Machinery

  19. 飞机着陆时,请把座椅调直。土方机械座椅安全带及其固定器

    Put your seat into the upright position for landing . Earth-moving machinery-Seat belts and seat belt anchorages

  20. GB/T17299-1998土方机械最小入口尺寸

    Earth-moving machinery Minimum access dimension

  21. GB/T17300-1998土方机械通道装置

    Earth moving machinery-Access systems

  22. 路基土方机械化施工

    Mechanical Construction of Subgrade

  23. 土方机械提升臂支承装置

    Earth-moving machinery-Lift-arm support devices

  24. 滑转率在0.05~0.30时,可使土方机械的驱动力达到最佳。

    When the drive slip is less than 0.05 ~ 0.30 percent , the drawbar pull in earth - moving machinery is good .

  25. 最大牵引力是土方机械设计的主要参数之一,其取决于对土方机械行走系统的滑转率的控制。

    The maximum drawbar pull in earthmoving machinery is the one of main parameters in design and it is limited by the drive slip .

  26. 通风填埋层原位脱氮:回灌渗滤液和垃圾组成的影响GB/T14780-1993土方机械排液、加液和液位螺塞

    In situ nitrogen removal under intermittent aeration conditions : Impacts of refuse and recycled leachate composition " Earth-moving machinery & Drain , fill and level plugs "

  27. 分析了影响作业能力的主要因素及其力学物理过程,在此基础上,探讨了提高土方机械对土壤作业能力的途径与方法。

    This paper analyses the main factors influencing on the operation power and the mechanics physics process , and based on this , discusses the ways and methods to improve the operation power of the construction machinery .

  28. 施工机械管理信息系统土方施工机械选择匹配运算模型的应用

    The Application of Earthwork Construction Machinery Choosing Matched Calculating Model

  29. 公路工程土方施工机械组合设计的探讨

    Discussion of Composition for Construction Machineries of Highway Engineering

  30. 土方工程机械选型配套的排队论网络分析

    Queuing Analysis for Selection of Construction Machinery