
  • 网络soil background value
  1. pH、有机质和石灰反应对土壤背景值的影响

    Effects of pH , Organic Matter and Lime Reaction on Background Value of Soil

  2. 其中Cr、Co和Zn的均值含量明显超出了陕西土壤背景值。

    Where Cr , Co and Zn were significantly exceed the mean soil background value in Shaanxi Province .

  3. 除As外的其他重金属含量都高于土壤背景值,Cd、Hg、Cr、Pb存在着严重的点源污染,整个昆山市农用地土壤重金属污染区域差异比较明显。

    Serious point pollution exists in Cd , Hg , Cr and Pb . Regional diversity of agro-land soil heavy metal pollution in Kunshan is relatively obvious .

  4. 确定土壤背景值的Hazen概率法&以铜陵矿区Pb为例

    Hazen probability curve method for determining background content of soil-A case study of Pb element in Tongling area

  5. 它所含有的重金属Cu,Cd,Ph,Zn的含量均大为超过上海市农业土壤背景值和JENSEN底泥污染评价值。

    The contents of heavy metals such as Cu , Cd , Pb and Zn are more greatly than the background level of Shanghai agricultural soils , and JENSEN pollution evaluation value for sediments .

  6. 选取上海化学工业区土壤背景值样品,采用TessierA连续提取法研究土壤中6种重金属元素的形态分布。

    The paper investigates the speciation of heavy metals in soil samples from Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park , using Tessier A sequential extraction method .

  7. 以培育绿色富碘蔬菜,提高碘的土壤背景值,防治IDD病为目标,利用海带中的碘作为碘肥原料,进行了4种蔬菜的施碘实验。

    To cultivate " green " iodine-enriched vegetables , raise the iodine concentration in the soil and prevent endemic iodine deficiency disease ( IDD ), a series of iodine fertilizer made from algae application experiments were conducted .

  8. 研究表明,密云水库流域由于人类活动影响而产生的TN、TP污染负荷占流域总污染负荷的1/3左右,其余的污染负荷是土壤背景值产生的,与土地利用有关。

    The study shows that one third of the total TN and TP load are produced by the human activity in the Miyun Reservoir basin , and other pollution load was produced by the soil background value which is related to landuse .

  9. 在土壤背景值研究等工作中应用的结果,各元素相对标准偏差(RSD)为:汞、镉大于10%,铜、铅、锌、镍、氟均小于10%。

    It is applied in the research on the soil background value , etc. The results show that RSD of the various element are Hg , Cd > 10 % , Cu , Pb , Zn , Ni , F < 10 % .

  10. 浅谈我国土壤背景值制图

    Elementary introduction on Map-making of soil background value in our country

  11. 铅近年来有所下降,镉比土壤背景值高出近10倍。

    Cadmium is 10 times higher than soil background value .

  12. 环境中土壤背景值研究方法探讨

    The study of the methods for background value of soil in environment

  13. 未发现植被对土壤背景值有确定的直接影响。

    No direct effects of a vegetation on background values have been found .

  14. 5种中药新疆原生地土壤背景值调查

    Survey on Soil Background Value of 5 Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs from Xinjiang Origin

  15. 土壤背景值图是采用分级统计图的形式。

    The soil background content map is in statistic form and divided into grades ;

  16. 简要介绍了中国土壤背景值图集。

    The atlas of China soil background values was briefly introduced in this paper .

  17. 黄河流域河南段土壤背景值与基准值研究

    Study on Soil Background Value and Reference Value in Henan Section of Yellow River

  18. 上海农业的发展与土壤背景值

    Shanghai Agricultural Development and Soil Background value

  19. 而且,铅和汞含量高于土壤背景值以及正在修建铁路两侧的土壤含量。

    The content of Pb and Hg were higher than that of soil background value .

  20. 与甘肃省土壤背景值比较,镍含量严重超标。

    Compared with the soil background value , the content of Ni is over standard seriously .

  21. 建议在土壤背景值调查中试用分析质量控制。

    It is suggested that analytical quality control technique should be used in soil background survey .

  22. 本文对北京地区土壤背景值图的编制进行了全面、系统的总结。

    Mapping of soil background content in Beijing area is comprehensively and systematically presented in this paper .

  23. 两种土壤背景值下城市绿地凋落物层土壤动物群落结构与动态

    Community Structure and Dynamics of Soil Animal in Green Belt Litter from Two Soil Origin in Urban City

  24. 除As外,其余3种元素的含量均为土壤背景值的2~3倍。

    Besides As , the content of other three elements was 2 - 3 times as the soil background index .

  25. 说明在同样的土壤背景值下,生长在市区和郊区的油菜组织样品硫含量中大气硫源的贡献比较大。

    It is because that atmospheric sulfur source contributes more to rape tissues grown at suburb and urban with same soil background value .

  26. 结果显示硫铁矿焙烧灰渣中铊含量远高于克拉克值和土壤背景值;

    The study shows that the contents of thallium in pyrite cinders are obviously higher than the Clark value and soil background values .

  27. 砷含量有两个乡镇超出九十年代长春土壤背景值,也全部符合国家土壤环境质量标准一级标准。

    Arsenic content has two towns beyond ninety s changchun soil background values , but all conform to the state soil environment quality standard level standard .

  28. 编制土壤背景值图的基础资料有302个样点的无素测定值和运用计算机制图和因素分析法揭露的元素区域分布规律。

    Basic data in mapping soil background content has 302 analytical data of soil elements and regional distribution which are mapped with computer plotting and factor analysis .

  29. 讨论了土壤背景值在制定土壤环境质量标准、研究人体健康和农业方面的应用实例。

    The examples for the application of the background values to the formulation of soil environmental quality standard and the study of human health and agriculture were discussed .

  30. 铅、镉、锌、铜元素在红壤中的迁移分布与土壤背景值方法的探讨

    A study on the vertical migration distribution of lead , cadmium , zinc and copper in the mountain red earth and the method of background of the soil