
  1. 论农村土地抛荒与农村土地使用权流转问题

    Discussion on Problems about Abandoned Farmlands and Circulation of Right of Using Farmlands

  2. 普遍存在不同程度的土地抛荒现象;

    " Soil abandonment " to different degrees has been a common phenomenon .

  3. 社会学视野下的近年农村土地抛荒问题浅析

    Analysis of the Farmlands Abandoned with View of Sociology

  4. 农村土地抛荒研究

    A Positive Research on Deserting Rural Land

  5. 农村土地抛荒的新土地革命的社会分析

    Sociological Analysis of the New Agrarian Revolution Induced by the Wasting of Arable Land in Rural Villages

  6. 本文的主要结论为:第一、土地抛荒现象的存在与现行的家庭联产承包责任制并没有必然的联系。

    The main conclusions of this paper are the bellows : Firstly , there are no inevitable correlation between present Household Responsibility System and the Idle Land .

  7. 鉴于西南山区农村土地抛荒现象日益突现,有必要找到引起这一现象的原因所在,并结合农业和农村经济发展的新特点,提出多措并举综合治理。

    As the phenomenon of farmland abandon is becoming more and more serious , it is indispensable to find out the reasons and handle it with the new characteristics of agriculture and rural economic development .

  8. 由此导致新农村建设并未缓和城乡居民的收入水平逐步加大的趋势,甚至农村社会中土地抛荒、留守子女、空巢老人等社会问题不断凸显。

    Thus the increasing trend of income gap between urban and rural residents is not mitigated because of new rural construction , even a lot of social problems appeared , such as abandoned farmlands , rear children , and empty nest elderly .

  9. 连年来,一些地方政府热衷抓财政袋子,忽视米袋子建设,致使粮食播种面积得不到保障,一些地方甚至出现了土地抛荒现象。

    Year after year , some local governments keen to attach importance to developing " fiscal bags " but ignore the " rice bag " construction , so that grain sown area can not be guaranteed , some places even appears the phenomenon of land abandonment .

  10. 但是随着近几年城乡一体化进程的不断加快,大量青壮年农民选择进城打工,于是无法用心经营土地,甚至出现土地抛荒现象。

    However , in recent years with the urban and rural areas accelerating the integration process , a large number of rural young adults choose to cities to seek for works , so have no time to care the land , and even let the land abandoned .

  11. 它不仅有利于农村土地资源的有效配置,而且抑制了农村土地抛荒现象,可以说这是农村的又一创新之举。

    It is not only conducive to the effective allocation of land resources in rural areas , but also to prevent land barren , so it is another original act in rural areas .

  12. 它是市场经济在农村土地承包制度改革中的进一步深化,它不仅抑制了农村土地抛荒,而且还解决了农村土地资源的有效配置。

    It has further deepened the market economy in the reform of rural land contract system . It has controlled the rural land without being lain waste and has made effective disposition of rural land resources as well .

  13. 农户对土地过于依赖,在流转过程中,很多农户宁愿将土地空闲、抛荒也不愿将土地流转出去,这都极大的阻碍了土地承包经营权流转市场的发展。

    In circulation process the peasant household too relies on the land . They are not willing to trade the contracting right of management , even the land is idle . This is the enormous hindrance in the development of land contracting right of management circulation market .

  14. 从现实来看,劳务输出大省农村土地承包经营权流转呈现以下特点:规模不断扩大、速度加快;流转主体的多元化;流转地区的不平衡和土地抛荒严重。

    From a realistic view , the transfer of labor exporting province of rural land contract management right show the following features : expanding and accelerating ; circulation of the diversification of the subject ; serious unbalanced circulation areas and land abandonment .