
  • 网络land-use system
  1. 地价评估为深化土地使用制度改革、规范地产市场,以及与其相适应的土地登记制度等奠定了基础。

    Premium assessment to deepen the reform of land-use system , regulate the property market , as well as their corresponding land registration system laid the foundation .

  2. 农用地定级工作是为了依法、科学、合理、统一管理农用地,为了培育完善土地市场和深化农村土地使用制度改革,完善我国土地价格体系。

    Farmland-grading and ranking is to work with , scientific , rational , unified management of agricultural land , in order to nurture the land market , deepen the reform of rural land-use system and improve our land price system .

  3. 土地使用制度改革远远滞后于土地利用现状;

    Land use system reform lagged the present situation of land ;

  4. 传统土地使用制度下容积率对地价的影响

    The FAR Influence on Land Price under the Traditional Land Use System

  5. 迈向21世纪中国城市土地使用制度的思考

    Consideration on Urban Land Use System in China Towards the 21st Century

  6. 中国农村土地使用制度:形态变迁与实证分析

    Employment System of China Rural Land : Form Changes and Positive Analysis

  7. 深化江门市区土地使用制度改革的思考

    Some Thoughts on Deepening Reform in Land Usage System in Jiangmen Urbia

  8. 论我国农村土地使用制度的改革及发展

    On The Development and Reform Of Rural Land Use System

  9. 论深化城市土地使用制度改革

    On Deepening Reform of Using System of Urban Land

  10. 连载之三主要论述了土地使用制度和土地利用规划的立法演变情况;

    Legislative evolution on land utilization and land planning ;

  11. 土地使用制度改革的目标模式是向全面有偿使用过渡。

    The target mode of land use reform is transition to complete compensation usage .

  12. 清晰的产权是土地使用制度改革成功的基础;

    Second , clear property rights are the basis of successfully reforming land use system .

  13. 既有的研究对城市土地使用制度的发展演变已有较多的阐述。

    The existed research has discussed a lot about the evolution of urban land use regulations .

  14. 我国城市土地使用制度的改革,城市土地是其中发生最深刻变化的客体。

    Our country city land use system reform , the city land is has the most profound change object .

  15. 我国土地使用制度从无偿、无期限使用转向有偿、有期限使用;

    In China , land use system has transformed from free , unlimited use into paid , limited use .

  16. 这些国家土地使用制度的发展趋势与我国土地财政所涉及的土地的现实表现形成了反差。

    The trend of development of the national system of land use Contrasts with land financial reality in China .

  17. 最后从村庄合并规划的宣传、管理、连续性、投资和土地使用制度等方面为规划的实施提供了一些策略。

    Finally a few implementing tactics are put forward in propaganda , management , continuity , investment and land utilization systems .

  18. 随着经济发展和城市土地使用制度改革的不断深入,我国城市土地已经作为重要生产要素参与到国民经济运行中。

    Along with the economic development and employment system of urban land , urban land has been an important agent of production .

  19. 农地使用权流转已成为当前农村土地使用制度改革的一项重要课题。

    At present , the transfer of usufruct of plow lands has already become an important subject for the rural lands system reform .

  20. 三者互相制约,互相促进,共同构成城镇土地使用制度的完整制度结构。

    The three systems restrict one another and promote one another so as to form a complete usage system of town 's land .

  21. 本文认为以市场这只看不见的手替代政府这只看得见的手为宗旨的制度创新是土地使用制度改革的必由之路。

    It is necessary for the industrial land reform to substitute the unseen hand of the market for the seen hand of the local government .

  22. 随着土地使用制度改革和住房制度改革的进行,房地产价格评估业同时也逐渐介入了房地产金融业,为金融业开展抵押贷款业务服务。

    As the reform in land-using system and housing system carrying through , real estate appraisal is gradually involved in and serve the real estate finance .

  23. 我国现行的地价评估理论与方法是随着土地使用制度改革而不断建立和完善的。

    In our country , the actual theory and method of land price evaluation is formed and perfected continuously along with the reform of landuse system .

  24. 但是物业税改革必须基于中国的现实,结合现行房地产税费体系和土地使用制度的特点,在此基础上进行循序渐进的改革。

    The reformation must base on Chinese realities , real estate tax and fee system , and land supply system , and then go forward gradually .

  25. 经过20年的探索和实践,上海的土地使用制度已从无偿、无限期、无流动转变为有偿、有限期、有流动的使用。

    After 20 years of exploration and practice , Land Use System of Shanghai has transferred from free-use , infinite without liquidity to paid , finite with liquidity .

  26. 考察了新郑农村经济变革的历程后,发现农村经济的发展变化与土地使用制度有密切关系。

    After inspecting the rural economic change course of Xinzheng , we find that the development of village economy has close tie with the system of using land .

  27. 严格和规范土地使用制度,充分发挥土地供应对社会投资的调控和引导作用。

    The land use system shall be strengthened and standardized and the role of control and guidance of land provision on social investment shall be given full play .

  28. 第一,本文介绍了建国以来我国农村土地使用制度的发展历史,肯定了《农村土地承包法》成功的一面。

    First , the paper introduced since our founding history of the development of rural land-use systems , affirmed the " Rural Land Contract Law " successful side .

  29. 我国城市土地使用制度经历了有偿使用、无偿划拨使用到有偿使用和划拨使用并存的历史变迁。

    The system of urban land-reserve in China has experienced the historical changes from paid use to free allocating use , even to the coexistence of these two .

  30. 1980年开始,中国实行城镇土地使用制度和住房制度的改革,房地产业复苏,房地产投资额不断增长。

    From 1980 , China began to implement the system of urban land exploitation and housing reform , the real estate began to recovery and real estate investment grew .