
  • 网络Circular top;rounding top;rounded tops;Round Top
  1. 它是在佐治亚穹顶基础上改进而成的圆形顶索穹顶结构。

    Its structure form origins from the Georgia dome , but the roof is circular .

  2. 圆形降落伞顶孔的孔口圈新技术

    New Vent Loop Technology for Annular Parachutes

  3. 一提到仙人掌,很多人脑中就会浮现出这样一副画面:粗直的树干、圆形的顶,强健的枝干如烛台状垂直立著。

    Say the word'cactus , 'and many people get a mental picture of a thick , straight up trunk with rounded tip , and sturdy branches curving to the vertical in a candelabra effect .

  4. 圆形沉井在顶力作用下的内力分析

    Internal Force Analyses of Circular Sunk Well Under Apex Load

  5. 沈阳老站圆形大厅托顶换柱改造

    The Supporting-roof and Replacing-column Rebuilding Project of Circle Hall of Old Shenyang Railway Station