
  • 网络Chart Record;graphic recording
  1. 你可以通过胎动图表记录分娩前胎儿的活动情况。

    You can keep score of your baby 's movements before birth by recording them on a kick chart .

  2. 以时间为顺序做成图表记录温度变化的温度计。

    A thermometer that records temperature variations on a graph as a function of time .

  3. 设计者在创作过程中常需要使用图表快速记录下他们的突发灵感。

    Designers often need to write down their improvisatory ideas .

  4. (犹如)在图表上记录或跟踪某事物

    Record or follow ( sth ) on or as if on a chart

  5. 如果希望图表随记录的变化而变化,请选择链接文档和图表的字段。

    If you want the chart to change from record to record , select the fields that link the document and the chart .

  6. 档案管理,打印及准备往来信件、报告、图表、记录和上司要求的其他信息资料;

    Filing , typing and preparation of correspondence , reports , graphs , tables , records and other sources of information as required by supervisor ;

  7. 虚构项目中的大多文档、图表和记录均可以从作者的站点下载,所以读者可以直接用作自己工作的模板。

    Many of the documents , charts , graphs , and records from the fictional project are available for download on the author 's Web site , so readers can use them as templates for their own work .

  8. 画出垂直向上的线与阀门特性曲线相交,从这个点画水平线穿过图表左侧,记录最大流量的百分比。

    Project line vertically up to intersect with the Valve Characteristic Curve and from this point project line horizontally across to the left of the chart and record the percentage of maximum flow rate .

  9. 你要怎样记录都没关系—你可以因为自己养成了新的简单或节俭的习惯而奖励自己金星,或绘制张大图表,依次记录自己逐渐减少的债务、不断增多的积蓄或投资。

    It doesn 't really matter how you track your success ... you can use gold stars for creating a new simplifying or frugalfying habit , or a spreadsheet chart to track your decreasing debt and increasing savings or investments .