
tú wén bìng mào
  • The picture and its accompanying essay are both excellent
图文并茂 [tú wén bìng mào]
  • [the picture and its accompanying essay are both excellent] 指书刊中的文字流畅,插图丰富精美

图文并茂[tú wén bìng mào]
  1. 利用Authorware系统的函数和变量,设计出图文并茂,生动逼真的教学环境。

    By using function and variable of Authorware system , we create teaching environment with lively and excellent texts and pictures .

  2. 在介绍IEEE802.11常用的网络结构后,采用图文并茂的形式详细描述MAC层的分布协调功能(DCF)和点协调功能(PCF)机制。

    After the introduction of common network frame of IEEE 802.11 , detail description of DCF and PCF mechanism was presented and assisted with picture .

  3. 我们从以阅读纯文本的时代跨越到图文并茂的时代,从胶卷电影时代迈向HD、3D、四维影院时代。摄影技术及图像质量要求越来越高,并且更加智能化。

    From areas of reading plain texts into illustration , from the film area to HD , 3D , and four-dimensional cinema area , photography technology and image quality have become increasingly and more intelligently .

  4. CAI课件作为辅助教学的工具,在课堂教学中以图文并茂、声像俱佳、动静结合的表现形式丰富了教学内容,提高了教学效率,调动了学生的学习积极性。

    The CAI courseware , as a teaching assistance , has enriched teaching contents , improved teaching efficiency and enhanced students ′ learning enthusiasm , by illustrating with vivid picture and words , sound and image , etc.

  5. 以实验报告书文件的存取程序设计实例为主线,介绍用VB程序设计语言实现图文并茂格式文件的存取编程技术。

    Taking access programming design of experimental report file as a principle line , the implementation of access programming skills of format file with excellent picture and accompany contents is introduced by using VB program design language .

  6. 目的设计并开发基于医学影像存储与传输系统(PACS)的结构化报告模块,应用计算机生成图文并茂的诊断报告并实现诊断报告与图像的同步传输。

    Objective To design and explore structured report module based on PACS , and to make diagnostic reports with pictures and words in application of computer implementing synchronous transmission of reports and pictures .

  7. 在《NewVernacularArchitecture》老练精妙而又颇具可读性的介绍中,维基·理查森(VickyRichardson)对建筑中的乡土性进行了图文并茂的分析和展示。

    Re-examining the New Vernacular Architecture & Analysis of New Vernacular Architecture In his sophisticated and delicate description of < New Vernacular Architecture > , Vicky Richardson analyzes and shows the vernacular nature in architectures with plenty of pictures .

  8. 就AutoCAD应用于建筑制图的初始设置进行分析,以图文并茂的方式规范建筑制图在AutoCAD中的设置方法。

    This text applies for the AutoCAD to starts to establish to make in the beginning of the building graphics an elucidation , combine with the diagram text the norm that luxuriant way construct graphics in in AutoCAD of establish method .

  9. 本文介绍应用计算机图形、动画、声音等多媒体技术,使水力活塞泵采油工艺系统(CYPS)图文并茂,声色俱佳的再现于计算机屏幕。

    This paper introduces the techniques of the multimedia such as computer graph , animation and audio . They make the system of exploiting petroleum engineering technology ( CYPS ) which has the character of graph , texts , audio and color reappeared on the computer screen .

  10. 如何使你的文档图文并茂

    How to Make Your Documents Excellent in Both Text and Figure

  11. 预报结果输出图文并茂,可供预报员参考。

    The forecast result abundant , may supply the reference for forecaster .

  12. 这本书还包括一本图文并茂的材料汇编和进程。

    The book also includes an illustrated glossary of materials and processes .

  13. 系统结构简单,具有开放性,图文并茂。

    The system structure is simple and viewed with the words and pictures .

  14. 定量测量、计算和记录目标各种基本特征参数,最后生成图文并茂的报表。

    Measure , compute the basic characteristic parameters of the image of processed .

  15. 我们已经看过了你们图文并茂的目录。

    We have reviewed your well ? illustrated catalogue .

  16. 高校通过印刷传播媒介进行招生宣传,图文并茂能够起到较好的宣传效果。

    Universities also recruit students through print media , illustrations can play better publicity .

  17. 以图文并茂的形式对创编方法的提议与实践结果对比进行详细阐述。

    Illustrated in the form proposed to compose methods and practice results contrast detail .

  18. 手把手式的教材,图文并茂,适合任何新手从零起步。

    Hands-on type of materials , illustrations , suitable for any novice from scratch .

  19. 文章内容充实,图文并茂。

    Article content is rich , illustrated .

  20. 图文并茂工程文档的实现

    Realizing a engineering document with illustration

  21. 一起来读这本图文并茂的书,来了解蜘蛛和蜘蛛网的知识吧。

    Learn all about spiders and their webs in this book full of facts and photographs .

  22. 配有12页,图片,图文并茂,语言书和5个特殊珍宝情感卡。

    Comes complete with 12 page , photo-illustrated instruction book and 5 special Jumbo Emotion Cards .

  23. 健身中心设计了这个信息图,图文并茂地展示了15种有利于减肥的水果。

    An infographic designed by Fitness Republic reveals the 15 fruits which are beneficial for weight loss .

  24. 使用图标菜单和合适的对话框展示图文并茂的图形信息,展示了方法的良好效果。

    The method of displaying shape and text about graphics with icon and dialog box gives remarkable results .

  25. 韦克斯编著的《化学元素发现史》是一本图文并茂的化学史名著。

    Illustrated and written with excellence by Mary Elvira Weeks , Discovery of the Elements is a best-seller .

  26. 来完成一个特别的招数对自行车股票和全彩屏,图片,图文并茂,语言表。

    Comes complete with a special gimmick on Bicycle stock and a full color , photo-illustrated instruction sheet .

  27. 系统软件结构合理,操作方便、灵活,容错性好,产品图文并茂。

    The system has reasonable software structure , convenient operation and high quality product output of tables and graphics .

  28. 目前,计算机信息泄漏的主要方面是以图文并茂的多媒体信息。

    At present , the main aspect of information leaking is the multi-media information with the text and image .

  29. 以图文并茂的形式介绍了宝石琢型发展演化的基本过程以及宝石琢型的发展趋势。

    The evolution process of gemstone cut and its developmental trend are vividly introduced with pictures in this paper .

  30. 为方便用户操作,还详细描述了系统的功能及实现,并附之于大量的图件加以说明,力图达到图文并茂的效果。

    The system functions and its realization are described in detail with pictures so that users operate the system easily .