
  • 网络Wetland of International Importance
  1. 中国国际重要湿地监测的指标与方法

    The Indicators and Methods for International Important Wetlands Monitoring in China

  2. 鄱阳湖湿地是国际重要湿地之一,具有生态、水文控制、环境控制三大功能,对调蓄长江洪水、调节气候和保护生物多样性具有重要意义。

    Poyang Lake marsh area is one of the most important international wetlands .

  3. 《湿地公约》与国际重要湿地生物多样性公约

    Convention on Bio & Diversity WETLANDS INTERNATIONAL

  4. 鄱阳湖自然保护区的湖泊是相对独立于鄱阳湖主体湖的一个区域,是国际重要湿地。

    The internationally important wetland , Poyang Lake Nature Reserve has several small lakes relatively independent from Poyang Lake .

  5. 这是洞庭湖自然保护区,列入拉姆萨国际重要湿地名录。

    This is the Nature Protection Zone of East Dongting Lake , a name on the List of Ramsar wetlands of international importance .

  6. 同时上海还有国际重要湿地,涉及国际共同利益和效益。

    On the other hand , some wetland in this area belongs to Internationally Important Wetland , attracting international common interests and benefit .

  7. 为此,申报国际重要湿地,建立国家级湿地保护区示范区建设等保护和恢复三都湾湿地工作已是刻不容缓、迫在眉睫。

    It is an emergency to apply an international important wetland to establish a national wetland reserve for the protection and recovery of Sanduwan wetland .

  8. 该湿地于2002年被列入《国际重要湿地名录》,成为被国际社会广泛关注的生物多样性湿地自然保护区。

    It was listed into the List of International Important Wetlands in 2002 , and concerned by international community extensively as wetland nature reserve with high biodiversity .

  9. 南洞庭湖国际重要湿地拥有非常丰富的世界自然与文化遗产资源,但长期以来却受到忽略。

    South Dongting Lake is a Ramsar Site of International Importance and is rich in World Natural and Cultural Heritages , but it has been ignored for a long period .

  10. 鄱阳湖是国际重要湿地,也是我国十大生态功能保护区之一,以及世界自然基金会划定的全球重要生态区之一,对维系国家和区域的生态安全具有十分重要的作用。

    Poyang Lake which is an important international wetland , is one of the ten ecological function protection zones in China , and is also one of the important global ecological zones designated by the World Wildlife Fund .

  11. 黑龙江扎龙、吉林向海、西鄱阳湖、南东洞庭湖、海鸟岛和海南东寨港等6处自然保护区被列为国际重要湿地。

    Another six nature reserves zhalong in heilongjiang , Xianghai in jilin , Boyang Lake in jiangxi , East Dongting Lake in hunan , bird island in Qinghai and Dongzhai Harbor in hainan have been included in the list of the world 's important wetlands .

  12. 黄河三角洲湿地是具有国际意义的重要河口湿地,兼受海洋、陆地和河流的多重影响,湿地类型多样,生态环境特殊,具有重要的生态服务功能价值。

    The Yellow River Delta wetland is an important estuary wetland which has international significance , as affected by sea , land and rivers , it develops various types of wetland and special ecological environment which lead them to very important ecological service function value .