
shuānɡ biān xié dìnɡ
  • bilateral agreement
  1. 日本则坚持认为,想这些女性进行赔偿的问题已根据1965年签订的一份涵盖范围较广的双边协定从法律程序上得到解决。这份协定解决了日本在战争中对朝鲜半岛所犯的罪行。

    Japan maintains that the issue of compensation to the women was settled legally as part of a broader 1965 bilateral agreement that addressed Japan 's wartime wrongdoing on the Korean Peninsula .

  2. 两国因为政治、经济和宗教等冲突,进行了长达百年的战争,后经双边协定确立了两国间的边界。

    The wars between two countries lasted for as long as a century because of the political , economic and religious conflicts . And the border was finally fixed after the bilateral agreement .

  3. 中远太平洋未能说服希腊政府在中希双边协定下签署一份建造-运营-移交协议(BOT)。

    Cosco Pacific failed to persuade the Greek government to award it a build-operate-transfer contract under a bilateral arrangement .

  4. aig金融产品部门选择了回避该议定书,但与200多宗未平仓的衍生品交易的交易对手签订了双边协定。

    AIG financial products opted to eschew the protocol and make bilateral agreements with counterparties on more than 200 outstanding derivatives trades .

  5. 尽管双边协定可能非常专业,但它们却可能成为十分有力的工具。

    Bilateral treaties , technical though they might be , can be potent tools .

  6. 然而,如果双边协定占据了世界的主导地位,多边规则将会失去其影响力。

    Multilateral rules lose their relevance in a world where bilateral agreements come to dominate .

  7. 当彼此冲突的双边协定引发国家间争端时,谁又有资格担当中立的仲裁者?

    And who will be the neutral arbiter when nations clash over conflicting bilateral agreements ?

  8. *跟更多地方的政府订立有关刑事相互法律协助的双边协定。

    Extend our network of bilateral agreements with other administrations on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters .

  9. 这些协定大多是与不重要的贸易伙伴签署的双边协定,虽在政治上意义重大,但在经济上却并非如此。

    The pacts largely comprised bilateral agreements with minor trading partners , of political but not economic importance .

  10. 他说他希望双边协定可以在新的、没有卡扎菲上校的利比亚重新生效。

    He said he hoped the bilateral treaty could be reactivated in " a new Libya ," one without Colonel Qaddafi .

  11. 1984年以来,有关野生植物保护的国际条约、多边协定、双边协定就形成了100多个。

    Since 1984 , more than 100 international treaties , multilateral agreements , and bilateral agreements on wild plants convention have formed .

  12. 对于少数储备规模较小的央行,双边协定(比方说,与中国之间的协定)将很容易实施。

    For the few central banks with smaller kitties , bilateral agreements say , with China would be simple enough to implement .

  13. 双边协定对特定经济领域来说是重要的,尤其是对葡萄酒产业来说。

    Bilateral international agreements appear to be important with regard to specific economic sectors and , in particular , the wine industry .

  14. 拉加德呼吁20国集团成员国承诺终止与拒绝和他国政府合作的地区签订的双边协定。

    MS Lagarde called on G20 countries to vow to end bilateral treaties with territories that refused to co-operate with other governments .

  15. 许多国家通过双边协定或者多边贸易协定来协调反倾销法和竞争法。

    The author believes the third is more practicable . Many countries coordinate antidumping and competition law through bilateral or multilateral trade agreements .

  16. 在传统交易方式下,各国立法或双边协定中,多将利润来源地表述为常设机构所在地。

    Under traditional modes of transaction , legislation of various nations or bilateral agreements have mainly formulated profit source as seat of permanent body .

  17. 目前美国总统与外国签订的多边与双边协定已经成为美国对外贸易法规的主要内容。

    At present , the signing of multi-agreements or bilateral agreements by American presidents has become main points in America 's foreign trade law .

  18. 前三款规定依照中国同有关国家签订的有关著作权的双边协定的规定实施。

    The provisions of the preceding 3 paragraphs shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant bilateral copyright agreements between China and the relevant countries .

  19. 生物多样性保护是一项法律制度,1984年以来,仅国际条约、多边协定、双边协定就有100多个。

    The bios diversification protection is a legal system . Since 1984 , over 100 international conventions multilateral agreements , and bilateral agreements concerned have been made .

  20. 双边协定通常是两个国家在互惠基础上为加强对其各自地理标志的保护而缔结的。

    Bilateral international agreements are typically concluded between two countries on the basis of reciprocity in order to increase protection of the countries ' respective geographical indications .

  21. 我们希望通过这一准则,在签署双边协定时所有最佳实践都能够得到遵守,卫生人员的权利能够得到保护。

    This instrument will be designed to ensure that all best practices are followed and protect the rights of workers while providing a framework for bilateral cooperation .

  22. 双边协定颠倒了美国国际经济政策的优先次序,占据了远超出其实际价值的时间、精力和政治资本。

    Bilateral deals have warped the priorities of us international economic policy , sucking up time , energy and political capital vastly disproportionate to their actual impact .

  23. 欧盟应该努力摆脱对俄罗斯能源进口的依赖、发展联盟内的能源互助,并且欧盟各国应该终止同俄罗斯签订双边协定。

    The EU should work harder at reducing its dependence on Russian energy imports and improving internal energy connections-and EU countries should stop striking bilateral deals with Russia .

  24. 银行界人士说:奢侈品公司如今通过在金融市场进行对冲操作或与供货商签订双边协定,锁定贵金属价格的期限要比过去长得多。

    Bankers say companies are locking up prices for precious metals for longer periods than in the past through hedges in the financial markets or bilateral agreements with suppliers .

  25. 它指责韩国将两个国家带到了战争的边缘,并且表示,它正在撕毁双边协定,其中包括一个涉及南北韩海上界线的协定。

    It has accused Seoul of bringing the two nations to the brink of war and has said it is tearing up bilateral pacts , including one covering the North-South maritime border .

  26. 各方对气候变化谈判的期望较低,可能让一些欧洲国家满意,这些国家曾担心,中国和美国会寻求在哥本哈根把双边协定强加到其它国家头上。

    The low expectations for the climate change talks might please some European nations , which feared that China and the US would seek to impose a bilateral accord on other countries at Copenhagen .

  27. 比较了双边协定、区域协定和多边条约三种模式的优劣之后,得出了这样一个结论:要适应全球经济一体化的要求,竞争规则的国际协调不能不考虑贸易规则。

    Comparing the three coordination patterns , the author draws the conclusion : In order to meet the new needs of world economy , the coordination of competition rules must associate with trade rules .

  28. 对此,策利克先生始终拒绝承认,哪怕美国已经利用双边协定来惠顾其忠诚的盟国(如澳大利亚),同时惩罚其薄情的朋友(如新西兰)。

    Mr Zoellick has always refused to admit this , even as the US has used bilateral deals to favour loyal allies ( such as Australia ) and punish fickle friends ( such as New Zealand ) .

  29. 同时,本论文也探求关于中国与撒哈拉以南非洲国家的一些双边协定带来的机遇与挑战,以及这些协定以否是促进经济发展的最佳途径。

    At the same time , it aims to investigate and evaluate challenges and opportunities presented by bilateral agreements between China and sub-Saharan African nations and to examine the role of relations as the optimal approach to increasing economic development .

  30. 但中华人民共和国参加的国际条约或者与外国政府签订的双边协定中,规定对外国的运输工具维修用零部件予以免税的除外。

    However , the tax exemption will shall apply to those spare parts used for the maintenance and repair purpose for of foreign transportation vehicles as stated in the international treaties acceded to by PRC the people 's Republic of China or bilateral agreements signed between Chinese and foreign governments .